Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: WhiteStripe on May 21, 2009, 05:28:19 AM

Title: 02 Manipulator
Post by: WhiteStripe on May 21, 2009, 05:28:19 AM
I am new to my '06 S2R.  For the first 1,000 miles chalked the surging up to my inexperience on the throttle, bad roads, bad gas etc.  Having done some reading it is some releif to see i am not alone :-\

I am trying to avoid going to a full Termi system until this winter (for a variety of reasons, budget included).

Can anyone comment on the FatDuc 02 manipulator.  is that the way to go?  are there other DIY solutions or board members that have put together a fix.

Thanks for helping on a topic that i know has been discussed to death.


Title: Re: 02 Manipulator
Post by: lwszabo on May 21, 2009, 05:39:21 AM
I am new to my '06 S2R.  For the first 1,000 miles chalked the surging up to my inexperience on the throttle, bad roads, bad gas etc.  Having done some reading it is some releif to see i am not alone :-\

I am trying to avoid going to a full Termi system until this winter (for a variety of reasons, budget included).

Can anyone comment on the FatDuc 02 manipulator.  is that the way to go?  are there other DIY solutions or board members that have put together a fix.

Thanks for helping on a topic that i know has been discussed to death.


if you are planning on the full termi system this winter just live with the surging until then, no need to waste cash. Try unplugging the o2 sensor it has worked in the past.

Title: Re: 02 Manipulator
Post by: dezoe on May 21, 2009, 01:55:15 PM
'06 S2R? Is it the 800 or the 1000? I don't think the 800 have an O2 sensor..
If you have the '06 S2R 1000 I would try unplugging the sensor first, as lwszabo suggested.
If you're interested in the Fatduc maipulator there is lots of information on this board;

http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=16051.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=16051.0)   (experience with Fatduc)
http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=14129.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=14129.0)   (experience with Fatduc - mine included)
http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=655.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=655.0)   (loong thread, lots of info, lots of pages..)

for more, search the forum

Title: Re: 02 Manipulator
Post by: topangster on May 21, 2009, 02:00:31 PM
I have an 08 s2r 1K which had serious surging/lurching problems at low speed and constant throttle.  I installed a RapidBike 02 Emulator (same idea as the Manipulator, but cost 3 times as much.)  It made a VERY noticeable difference.  The bike is much smoother now, not a pregnant dog to ride around town, not so abrupt coming on and off throttle, etc.  Very worthwhile fix - finally felt like the bike rode the way a brand-new motorcycle should, and it didn't cost me $2000 to get there.

The Manipulator has gotten nothing but great reviews, only costs $90 and comes with a money-back guarantee.  What have you got to lose?  You have a whole riding season ahead of you if you're planning to do Termis in the winter, don't waste it with a crappy riding bike.  


btw - unplugging the O2 sensor does smooth out the ride, but you lose a considerable amount of punch by doing so.  Runs VERY rich, and definitely has less snappy throttle response.  The Manipulator will make the ride smoother without costing you any power.

Title: Re: 02 Manipulator
Post by: Paegelow on May 21, 2009, 03:55:00 PM
I had a FatDuc for a while, and it worked awesome.  Definitely worth the money!

Title: Re: 02 Manipulator
Post by: HeyThatsMyBike on May 22, 2009, 01:02:43 AM
+1 Using one right now on my 695. Its definitely got rid of those Ducati hiccups...

Title: Re: 02 Manipulator
Post by: ProTeal55 on May 22, 2009, 05:47:36 AM
Another happy FatDuc customer here.
Had it on for a few hundread miles and the bike is def. smoother than it was before..

Before the FatDuc I had the O2 unplugged and while it did help the bike run abit smoother, as said above
the big did loose a decent amount of power up high.

FatDuc is the way to go...

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