Title: Just discovered how far I can lean my bike! Post by: Grug on May 22, 2009, 04:10:03 AM Was riding home from a play this evening, there's a terrific roundabout on the way, and there was no traffic about so I decided to try and push the bike a little into the corner. I had a bit of lean going on, and was feeling pretty happy with things until BAM! :o the edge of my boot hit the road.
I wasn't expecting it at all, so I jumped a little in my seat which got the bike starting to slip away underneath me. Pushed my foot down to help straighten her up, and carried on my way. Avoided doing any damage, but gave myself a proper scare. It's time to buy those frame sliders I've been thinking about methinks. And then I think it's off to an advanced riding course at a race track - learn how far I can push the bike where it's safe to do so! Title: Re: Just discovered how far I can lean my bike! Post by: the_Journeyman on May 22, 2009, 05:47:31 AM Make sure you are on the balls of your feet & keep your toes turned in a bit too ~
JM Title: Re: Just discovered how far I can lean my bike! Post by: ScottRNelson on May 22, 2009, 06:47:54 AM What JM said. If your feet are in the proper position, something else will contact the road before your feet touch down.
Title: Re: Just discovered how far I can lean my bike! Post by: swampduc on May 22, 2009, 07:04:26 AM + 1 on the foot position. Are you body positioning? If you're starting to scrape stuff, you should be hanging off.
Title: Re: Just discovered how far I can lean my bike! Post by: yotogi on May 22, 2009, 07:07:48 AM I don't know how long you have been riding, but I found out how far my bike would lean over and realized that it varies greatly depending on the road surface.
After a slide out when I had the bike way too far over, I started practicing the mantra that all surface streets have compromised traction until proven otherwise. Glad you made it through your scare safely and +1 to being up on the balls of your feet. Title: Re: Just discovered how far I can lean my bike! Post by: somegirl on May 22, 2009, 04:24:23 PM + 1 on the foot position. Are you body positioning? If you're starting to scrape stuff, you should be hanging off. +1 (btw you would learn this at a track school) Title: Re: Just discovered how far I can lean my bike! Post by: Porsche Monkey on May 28, 2009, 09:24:22 AM I started practicing the mantra that all surface streets have compromised traction until proven otherwise. +1 [thumbsup] Any high traffic street is most likely going to have slippery pavement. |