Title: Aluminum vs Carbon Fiber Post by: wmacinty on May 23, 2009, 07:15:30 PM I've made my choice and I'm going with the Leo Vince EVOII slip ons. Just wondering what the drawbacks are to going with the aluminum over the carbon fibre? Does anyone know if the aluminum tend to discolour or oxidize over time?
Title: Re: Aluminum vs Carbon Fiber Post by: psycledelic on May 24, 2009, 05:34:23 AM I don't know about the discolorization, but I would imagine that the aluminum canisters would be much hotter to the touch then the carbon. Not that it would really matter, unless you lean against it.
Title: Re: Aluminum vs Carbon Fiber Post by: weemonster on May 24, 2009, 05:42:24 AM aluminium ones will need polished eventually. But it takes years of neglect for them to get really grotty.
They will get hotter quicker because alumnium is an awesome conductor of heat which is why the make pots and pants out of it. But it will cool down quickly aswell so theres no real drawback. Title: Re: Aluminum vs Carbon Fiber Post by: DarkStaR on May 24, 2009, 10:55:25 AM They will get hotter quicker because alumnium is an awesome conductor of heat which is why the make pots and pants out of it. They make "pants" out of aluminum? Doesn't seem comfortable. [laugh] I've noticed that aluminum and most metal after market pipes seem to dent pretty easily. Like lets say you accidently kick it while throwing your leg over. The carbon ones don't dent. On the flip side, the metal pipes will hold up to *moderate* impacts a bit better (e.g. getting scraped and mangled), where as the carbon ones usually don't (e.g. crack and fall apart). YMMV Title: Re: Aluminum vs Carbon Fiber Post by: lwszabo on May 24, 2009, 01:49:42 PM i have heard aluminum sound a little better, but I do not believe it. I think Carbon Fiber is the way to go!
Title: Re: Aluminum vs Carbon Fiber Post by: wmacinty on May 24, 2009, 04:06:16 PM Thanks for the feedback. I'm not really partial to the carbon fibre look anyway so I think I will go for the aluminum ones.
Title: Re: Aluminum vs Carbon Fiber Post by: DarkStaR on May 24, 2009, 05:46:55 PM Thanks for the feedback. I'm not really partial to the carbon fibre look anyway so I think I will go for the aluminum ones. Then why'd you ask if you already made up your mind? ??? Title: Re: Aluminum vs Carbon Fiber Post by: weemonster on May 25, 2009, 03:31:17 AM lol
aluminium pants god knows where my head was lol Title: Re: Aluminum vs Carbon Fiber Post by: A.duc.H.duc. on May 26, 2009, 09:32:24 AM lol aluminium pants god knows where my head was lol I'd like to get some aluminium pants, where do I get those? ;D Title: Re: Aluminum vs Carbon Fiber Post by: Fresh Pants on May 26, 2009, 10:01:29 AM I'd like to get some aluminium pants, where do I get those? ;D +1 on aluminum pants. :D Title: Re: Aluminum vs Carbon Fiber Post by: Capt baz on May 27, 2009, 01:36:39 PM i wear alcoa restaurant grade aluminum pants. my meat stays warm for a" long" time. as for the exhaust, carbon fiber is cooler, faster & the pattern hypnotizes chicks. [coffee]
Title: Re: Aluminum vs Carbon Fiber Post by: DrDesmo on May 27, 2009, 01:40:28 PM On the plus side, you can usually get replacement sleeves for whichever (or heck, to switch from one to tho the other) for $100 or so. Bang out a few rivets and you're good to go!
Adam |