Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => DFWM => Topic started by: lilmonster on May 27, 2009, 05:38:53 PM

Title: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: lilmonster on May 27, 2009, 05:38:53 PM
Posted on TOB no response. Anyone know why he quit suddenly and where he went?

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: muskrat on May 27, 2009, 06:32:36 PM
Posted on TOB no response. Anyone know why he quit suddenly and where he went?

now this is a rumor thread worth watching.  :o :o :o :o :o :o

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: fastwin on May 27, 2009, 07:54:01 PM
Huh? Scott is gone? WTF??? I just saw him on Saturday afternoon at the Streetfighter (Ugh, do I actually have to call it that? :P [puke]) demo day. He seemed pretty set to stay at AMS to me. What did I miss??? Does that leave only Rosa at the Dallas store? I just looked at their website and sure as shit Scott's name is GONE! Then again, what the hell is the difference between Mark (parts specialist) and new guy Marty (parts manager)??? No offense to Marty (who I don't know) but $20 bucks says Mark has forgotten more about Duc parts than Marty knows... and he's parts manager???? Strange things for sure at AMS.
Is this a common thread... Peter gone, Stuart leaves, Scott ???? Puzzling evidence. :P 

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: muskrat on May 27, 2009, 08:39:19 PM
if Scott was there this past Saturday it was a week past his last day Brian.  My understanding is he left Friday before last.  just saying...

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: James.M on May 28, 2009, 05:00:28 AM
seriously? wtf
Ginnias, chim in and fill us in please!

I can't believe I missed the SF party (thats right im calling the streetfighter that, you heard it first here). Anyone on the board pick one up?

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: fastwin on May 28, 2009, 05:38:44 AM
if Scott was there this past Saturday it was a week past his last day Brian.  My understanding is he left Friday before last.  just saying...

You are right and I am wrong. Got my last two visits to AMS mixed up. I stopped in a few days before the Streetfighter demo and talked to both him and Rosa. I talked to several staff members on Saturday and I guess I threw Scott into that memory. Still, he gave absolutely no indictation that he was leaving when I talked with him. Everything seemed normal. Weird. ???

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: GeorgeInDallas on May 28, 2009, 06:02:32 AM
Everything seemed normal. Weird. ???

uh, what is "normal"???

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: fastwin on May 28, 2009, 06:09:14 AM
You're asking me? [laugh] Normal as in "if he was planning on leaving soon you would think he would have mentioned it". It's not like he's my best friend but I have known Scott since day one at AMS and we have had dozens of longwinded bike/race BS talks over the last few years, talked about him getting married and the re-do on their house. Stuff like that. Just figured he would mention it. Wonder who's taking his place at AMS/Dallas?

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: Jester on May 28, 2009, 10:58:45 AM
Dude that sucks.  I really liked him up there.  It was nice to have someone know you by name when you walked through the door.  I was looked forward to doing my sbk deal with him whenever the day/year comes LOL.  Sigh, ok back to work.   >:(

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: Duc L'Smart on May 28, 2009, 03:02:49 PM
Dude that sucks.  I really liked him up there.  It was nice to have someone know you by name when you walked through the door.  I was looked forward to doing my sbk deal with him whenever the day/year comes LOL.  Sigh, ok back to work.   >:(

Hi, my name is Scott. I can make you a SBK deal ;D

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: muskrat on May 28, 2009, 03:23:20 PM
You are right and I am wrong. Got my last two visits to AMS mixed up. I stopped in a few days before the Streetfighter demo and talked to both him and Rosa. I talked to several staff members on Saturday and I guess I threw Scott into that memory. Still, he gave absolutely no indictation that he was leaving when I talked with him. Everything seemed normal. Weird. ???

I always get them mixed up until I see my receipts from that place.  [bang] [bang] [bang] [bang]

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: Jester on May 28, 2009, 09:01:07 PM
Hi, my name is Scott. I can make you a SBK deal ;D

Looking to upgrade sir? 

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: svoloch on May 29, 2009, 07:38:05 AM
Any word on what happened to Scott?  Just got off the phone with Marty, who seems reasonable, but I am curious. 

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: Cher on May 29, 2009, 07:41:21 AM

No idea what happened to Scott but all of my dealings with Marty have been positive.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: Ronr on May 29, 2009, 08:59:38 AM
+1 for Marty. Former roadracer of some sort, real good to visit with and get parts help.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: WonderBoy on May 29, 2009, 05:32:23 PM
+1 for Marty as well, he's a great guy and I've been to a few tracky day things with him (well, he was there anyway).  Really knowledgeable and friendly.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: junior varsity on May 29, 2009, 06:00:42 PM
Talked to Marty last time I was in the shop (two days ago) and thought he was very helpful.

If I was going to guess, though, I'd say if Scott did leave, it has to do with the shop in Alvarado closing and combining all the resources into the Dallas locale.

This is good for me, great really. My go-to guys to talk to (or call and question) are Corey and Jordan (and Stuart Rust). And so when I stopped by AMS-D on Wednesday, though Marty was helpful, I riddled Jordan with questions primarily.

Did like Scott a lot, would be interested in finding out what's up.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: RED on May 29, 2009, 06:20:37 PM
What? AMS-A closing? News of Scott leaving? Marty in? Wow, I gotta check the clock....someone say Marty? McFly? Next thing you know someone will say we have a black President ha ha I thought y'all were just kidding! Need a new flux capacitor.

Oooww, 1600! isn't that an address of something famous?

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: junior varsity on May 29, 2009, 06:44:33 PM
AMS-A is more like "combining" back with AMS-D so everything is under one "roof", consolidated and more efficient.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: muskrat on May 29, 2009, 06:54:54 PM
haven't met one SOB yet from AMS.  I like everyone, now whether or not they like me is a different story. [cheeky]

so, where in the hell are the putting everything in that tiny store?  I guess parts will be harder to come by since they can't stock stuff anymore.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: junior varsity on May 29, 2009, 06:57:37 PM
haven't met one SOB yet from AMS.  I like everyone, now whether or not they like me is a different story. [cheeky]

so, where in the hell are the putting everything in that tiny store?  I guess parts will be harder to come by since they can't stock stuff anymore.

They've acquired a few adjacent buildings, or nearby buildings, so they'll have plenty o' room!

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: muskrat on May 29, 2009, 06:58:32 PM
oh dear GOD the prices just SHOT UP!!!!!!!!!!  that district is costly.  :(

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: junior varsity on May 29, 2009, 07:19:03 PM
doubt it. they've had these buildings for awhile.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: Giannis on May 30, 2009, 01:05:53 AM
Scott left for personal reassons , Marty has been at AMS-A since 2008 but i guess he is going to work in Dallas now..

Also Tara left she had a baby last fall so she wants to spent more time with the baby..

Any more rumors to clear up? [laugh]

oh Ronr Marty never raced bikes... just trackdays... for the last year or so...

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: junior varsity on May 30, 2009, 05:06:33 AM
oooh, and AMS got to do the Dealer-Launch of the Streetfighter - so when i stopped in the Las Vegas Ducati shop (Pat Clark Motorsports) - they knew all the guys at AMS and were really impressed with everything. Apparently most of the shops headed down to here and AMS was essentially the host. That's the vague understanding I got.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: Cher on May 30, 2009, 05:09:00 AM
Scott left for personal reassons , Marty has been at AMS-A since 2008 but i guess he is going to work in Dallas now..

Also Tara left she had a baby last fall so she wants to spent more time with the baby..

Any more rumors to clear up? [laugh]

oh Ronr Marty never raced bikes... just trackdays... for the last year or so...

Yeah, when's the ST replacement coming?


Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: muskrat on May 30, 2009, 06:15:32 AM
every Duc dealer I've been to while traveling knows of AMS and Jeff, absolutely everyone.   [thumbsup]

Corsa in Portland, Beverly Hills and Fort Lauderdale just to name a few.  I must confess that every time I travel I make room, two hours or so, to stop by at the nearest Duc dealer....wish I had more cash  :'(

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: Giannis on May 30, 2009, 08:56:46 AM

Yeah, when's the ST replacement coming?


I'll leave this is as a rumor!  ;D  i think you will see a multi replacement sooner than an ST replacement... ;)

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: rickmillertx on May 30, 2009, 09:44:08 AM
I'll leave this is as a rumor!  ;D  i think you will see a multi replacement sooner than an ST replacement... ;)

The future of the ST is tied to OCC.  Paul Teutul Sr. becoming a Ducati dealer is not just a coincidence.  He is going to help Ducati design the new ST.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: fastwin on May 30, 2009, 11:26:23 AM
Scott left for personal reasons? Hmmm, inquiring minds want to know. [popcorn]

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: muskrat on May 30, 2009, 03:35:14 PM
OCC is a Duc dealer now?  hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......you know Jr is pretty much gone right?  I have yet to see a design that Senior, other than the green bobber, that's worth buying.  Although the show is not really about bikes I like the trinkets Jr puts on the bikes most of the time.  The fireman's bike is the bomb.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: rickmillertx on May 30, 2009, 03:40:01 PM
OCC is a Duc dealer now?  hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......you know Jr is pretty much gone right?  I have yet to see a design that Senior, other than the green bobber, that's worth buying.  Although the show is not really about bikes I like the trinkets Jr puts on the bikes most of the time.  The fireman's bike is the bomb.

I'm sorry I missed the green bobber.  I haven't seen anything they have created that I would ride, even if given to me.   I reach for the puke bucket at the end of every build when Sr. takes it for a 45 mph spin then always declares  "You know, it rides even better than it looks!"   PUKE.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: muskrat on May 30, 2009, 08:18:31 PM
I know, every bike rides better than the last show.  you could give me one, personally, but I'd be selling to pay off part of the house mortgage that someone doesn't seem to send me a check for.  where's that Unicorn?  :-X

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: James.M on May 30, 2009, 11:55:33 PM
Scott left for personal reassons , Marty has been at AMS-A since 2008 but i guess he is going to work in Dallas now..

Also Tara left she had a baby last fall so she wants to spent more time with the baby..

Any more rumors to clear up? [laugh]

oh Ronr Marty never raced bikes... just trackdays... for the last year or so...

there he is! thanks for the update giannis, so many changes in the past 6 months with AMS its hard to keep up!
I'll be missing my tara and scott tho. =(

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: LYD on May 31, 2009, 04:02:09 AM
simply put with AMS-A closing i am done with AMS for virtually everything. i hate the dallas location with a passion. no offense to all you dallasites. i guess i am just not part of the "IN" crowd because i have yet to feel welcome over there. hello STUART if i have questions!!!!!!

calscrazy on lyd's sign in

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: rickmillertx on May 31, 2009, 05:35:20 AM
simply put with AMS-A closing i am done with AMS for virtually everything. i hate the dallas location with a passion. no offense to all you dallasites. i guess i am just not part of the "IN" crowd because i have yet to feel welcome over there. hello STUART if i have questions!!!!!!

calscrazy on lyd's sign in

I must be the mirror image.  I hated the Alvarado location (not the people, just the location).  The people have been very friendly to me at both locations.  So, does that mean I'm part of the "IN" crowd.   

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: muskrat on May 31, 2009, 08:02:36 AM
Chris, could this be the source of your refusal to go to the Dallas store? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090530/ap_on_re_us/us_border_crossing_rules (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090530/ap_on_re_us/us_border_crossing_rules)
 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: NorDog on May 31, 2009, 08:37:30 AM
Scott will be missed.  He was always great to me, and help steer me to the S4RS I bought at the Dallas shop.  I wish him well in all things.

Never made it down to the Alvarado shop; sorry for it.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: muskrat on May 31, 2009, 08:49:11 AM
I hope all the collectibles make it to Dallas.  nice bikes.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: junior varsity on May 31, 2009, 09:50:51 AM
As I understand it, everything is set to go to Dallas (unobtainable parts and all), but this keeps them from the having the difficulties relating to trucking a bike back and forth for work. Put all the minds under one roof so things are done faster, more efficiently, and really, at less cost to us consumers.

location-wise, the dallas site is close to the interstate which should make it nice and easy for all to get to. I hate the store-front / street situation personally - its nearly identical to Corse Motorsports in Nashville (except 4th Ave So. is a one-way) - too many idiots driving too fast and not a lot of parking off the road. So that's really the only negative BUT perhaps with the add'l buildings this will be less of a problem.

The wife and I helped volunteer with the Dallas Contemporary's art exhibition which is located in a building that's nearly across the street (on Glass). The people led me to believe that the area was under revitalization (ha, really?) and that hopefully the traffic, or at least class of drivers will improve.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: fastwin on May 31, 2009, 12:41:14 PM
I agree with the Dallas parking situation. Not a lot out front and we have seen what can happen when idiots drive by... they tend to meet other idiots and mayhem results. I long ago started parking across Industrial Blvd in the parking lot of the abandoned building where the big demo truck parks when it's in town. I also park on the side street right past AMS next to the floral business to get off of Industrial. The abandoned building parking lot is a godsend when you are loading/unloading a bike on a trailer.

Sounds like maybe the parts and service will be at the buildings on the side street which should help reduce the previously mentioned mayhem. :P

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: lilmonster on May 31, 2009, 02:34:12 PM
Scott is who sold me my Monster. After talking to him a few times he was one of the reasons I went to AMS. Mostly everyone there was nice but he was the one I talked to most. I have never really talked to Jeff, only talked to Toni a couple times. Jeff and Toni don't have much to say to me when I would stop by. Granted I don't go there very often, it is 72 miles away for one, plus I'm not much into "posing" at the dealer. I have taken a few friends down to show them the bikes or to get a part or accessorie. Mostly I don't go there unless I need something. They peformed the first two services on my bike. Jordan made a mess of my bike, scratched the tank and frame a bit. I polished the scratches out pretty well and Scott comped me some stuff so I was OK with it. Later when doing the next service myself, I found a nut from a battery cable hiding inside one vertical cylinder spark plug hole. That could have caused a problem if it would have gotten into the belt.

I went there for the DOC meeting and joined, haven't heard anything else about that. What gets me about Jeff and Toni is that at the Christmas Party last year and at the Fashion Show/Streetfighter thing, is that my Wife and I both tried to greet them, they walked toward us, made eye contact, then looked away and walked right by and never said a word. They have done me/us that way several times. I still plan on doing some track time with them but I don't understand why they act that way.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: RED on May 31, 2009, 03:27:51 PM
The future of the ST is tied to OCC.  Paul Teutul Sr. becoming a Ducati dealer is not just a coincidence.  He is going to help Ducati design the new ST.

Damn, now I've heard it all!!!!! The OCC guys with Ducati? I know Ducati's stronghold is in NJ where Paul is but him buying a dealership for Ducati? Designing a new ST?  Where did this come from? I don't want to see another 1960 Harley inspired/look-a-like with sweep back bars and a cup holder! Please, Americans need more sportbike influenece.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: RED on May 31, 2009, 03:30:19 PM
I know, every bike rides better than the last show.  you could give me one, personally, but I'd be selling to pay off part of the house mortgage that someone doesn't seem to send me a check for.  where's that Unicorn?  :-X

Watching Kumar and Harold again?  [laugh]

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: daddy Duc on June 04, 2009, 12:59:51 PM
I was at AMS-A yesterday. Stuart was there, but I missed him by minutes. I got a tour of the place with all the cool bike on display. They mentioned some reorganization but nothing about closing. In fact, I was told they do a lot of work out of that building and were still quite busy with out of state customers. It was mentioned that most of the parts sales were moving to the Dallas store. They are closed on weekends, but I think they will remain open to do repairs, assembly and custom work.

One thing caught my eye, one of their customers bike had some really great paint work. I asked and was told he has a shop in Dallas and his work is very reasonable. I think I will take my yellow bike to him for some work.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: junior varsity on June 04, 2009, 01:06:19 PM
Elaborate, please. (on the paint shop).

And that's similar to what I heard about the shop closing - too busy to do any kind of move right now.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: rickmillertx on June 04, 2009, 02:10:51 PM
I talked to Tony while at the Motogp watching party.  She said that they would be moving the Alvarado operation to Dallas across the street from the current Industrial location.  They would be expanding the existing showroom on Industrial.  Good moves in my book since I live in northeast Dallas.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: dallas2r on June 04, 2009, 06:15:28 PM
I spoke with Marty today about their plan and he told me that they'll be removing the garage from the current store and expanding the sales floor all the way back. They have two building across the street. One will house the service department and the other will be for parts and bike storage. I didn't ask specifically, but I got the distinct impression that the Alvarado shop will be closing. He mentioned that some of the local Alvarado customers are a little pissed. Initially they had planned the move to happen right about now, but with the personnel changes and the back-log of service requests lately, they're pushing it back a few months.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: RED on June 05, 2009, 12:05:36 PM
Personally, because of my last experience with AMS' service work it doesn't make much difference if it's relocated to Veracruz, Mexico.   :-\

I am though going to do a track day with Jeff soon.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: Moto-Lux on September 13, 2009, 11:38:51 AM
The future of the ST is tied to OCC.  Paul Teutul Sr. becoming a Ducati dealer is not just a coincidence.  He is going to help Ducati design the new ST.
WOW!  Roland Sands would have been the right choice.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: dhc8guru on September 15, 2009, 08:23:31 AM
AMS-A is a kooky location...middle of nowhere. How many cowboys ride Ducati's? Even for me in Fort Worth, its still a 40 minute drive. Atleast Eurocycle Fort Worth is close and can get you in with not much wait if you ever need it. I like Eurosports, they people who work their will hang out and shoot the bull with you while enjoying a nice cup-o-joe.  :)

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: fastwin on September 15, 2009, 10:07:45 AM
AMS used to be more that way. I think having to support two operations has added some stress. How could it not in this economy? The run from my place to AMS-A is 46+ miles one way. So if you had to drop off a scooter for work it was damn near a 200 mile trailering adventure. Trailer it there, leave it, go home, then go back and get it when it's done and go home again. When Stuart Rust was a tech there I know folks trailered their bikes from all over the region just to have them worked on. Their old ex-employee, Peter Gould, used to live in Houston and would trailer up his Tamburini Bayliss Rep for work all the time. It was worth it for the great service work. That's how he ended up getting the AMS-D job.

The opening of the Dallas shop in June 2006 was a Godsend for the east metro crowd. The free shuttle service they provide to the Alvarado shop for major service work is awesome! Especially since I only live 10 minutes from the Dallas shop. There is supposed to be a consolidation of the two shops into the Dallas location in the future but have no idea of a time frame. I believe that may spell the end of the Alvarado shop down the road but I am not sure of that. Rumors and speculation... I have never heard those words from Jeff or Toni.

I have heard good things about Eurosport from the west metro crowd. Got one shitty story from a ST riding customer at a AMS-D event a year or two ago. Never met him before but the story wasn't good. Then again, there is always someone, somewhere that has a shitty story about every shop. That's a constant. Can't ever make everyone happy. Kinda like being married!! [laugh] [bang] ;D

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: muskrat on September 15, 2009, 03:24:31 PM
WOW!  Roland Sands would have been the right choice.

I was hooked on the show at one time but got tired of Sr pissing on his kids all the time.  IMO Sr is going to ruin the business once TLC/Discovery or anyone's funding dries up.  Jr, no matter what you think of him was the designer who put them on the map.  I'm glad Jr and Mickey are moving on......no amount of money is worth that shit. 

Of course OCC will never match Roland Sands designs, his Motard was exceptional and his bikes, for me at least, are worth every penny.....just aint got'em yet.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: Pinocchio on September 15, 2009, 04:26:39 PM
AMS-A is a kooky location...middle of nowhere.
Nice area for test rides, though. Bought my multi from there in 2006 solely on that basis. [moto]

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: svoloch on September 15, 2009, 05:24:13 PM
What happened to Scott @ AMS?

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: Ronr on September 15, 2009, 05:28:35 PM
What happened to Scott @ AMS?


Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: fastwin on September 15, 2009, 05:35:44 PM
He got fired and no one will say why. :P Kind of a repeat performance of Peter's firing. There... I said it. [evil]

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: junior varsity on September 15, 2009, 06:13:24 PM
why did peter get fired?

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: fastwin on September 15, 2009, 06:41:24 PM
He was an awesome employee and is a hell of a great guy. He lives at Moto Liberty and is doing very well there. Very knowledgeable and a very personable employee. An asset beyond belief. I have no idea why he was discharged from AMS. Nor does he.

He helped me build the #2 2006 Sports 1000 "Back in Black" full Ohlins special from my hospital bed in 2007. I never even got to handle that bike until later that year. I like to think Peter and his wife Susan are the best thing that has happened to North TX motorcycling in my 45 years of riding. There... I have said my peace. Knowing Peter, I am sure he would down play everything I have said. That's just the kind of guy he is. We are all so much the better for him being here. End of story. [thumbsup] Peter rocks, that's all there is to it. Go see him at Moto Liberty... you'll see. [clap]

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: muskrat on September 15, 2009, 07:46:56 PM

Us magazine would like to do an Expose on this.........get cracking people, we need some rumors here.

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: rickmillertx on September 16, 2009, 07:22:34 AM
I heard they were caught on sites like this during working hours.  http://www.japanesemotorcyclesworld.com/ (http://www.japanesemotorcyclesworld.com/)

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: fastwin on September 16, 2009, 07:47:35 AM
Good one! [laugh]

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: RED on September 16, 2009, 09:59:19 AM
Come on, you can't figure this out? Peter and Mrs. Nash got caught! Huh? come on, has to be! That's what rumors are all about now a days... Is that good enough for the tabloids?  [laugh]

Title: Re: What happened to Scott @ AMS?
Post by: junior varsity on September 16, 2009, 10:47:39 AM
"i wish the Enquirer would start a rumor...that I was gay."
     - Charlie Robison

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