Title: TPO - Emission Kit removal and Rectifier/Regulator Relocator Kits Post by: BretMorris on May 19, 2008, 06:06:03 AM Hi there,
I recall reading some discussion on TOF about emission removal and the TPO parts Rectifier/Regulator Relocator Kits. I was wondering if anyone in Australia has used either one of these products or more importantly are they relevant and useful additiions / modificiations ? I have a 2007 S4R as the point of reference. Universal Ducati Emissions Removal Kit http://www.tpoparts.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=25_28&products_id=32&osCsid=44c024a3f3bc88e591312746d11eed1f Monster Rectifier/Regulator Relocator Kit http://www.tpoparts.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=25_28&products_id=53&osCsid=44c024a3f3bc88e591312746d11eed1f This kit does look interesting.. Anyway any comments? Bret Title: Re: TPO - Emission Kit removal and Rectifier/Regulator Relocator Kits Post by: ducatiz on May 19, 2008, 06:17:39 AM i didn't use the TPO kit, but I did relocate my reg on my 900SS since it seemed to get absurdly hot. I had checked and re-checked every circuit looking for a cross wire and nothing, dealer mech said it was fine, just hot. i moved it to a place under the steering knuckle on a plate i fabricated and wiring extension I made (using molex plugs relatively easy to find and proper wire gages)
i wish i'd seen that kit, probably would work for hte SS too. I have to say it fixed the problem straight out. Does the TPO kit put the reg UNDER the bike above the rear wheel? I would just be concerned about splash. it is hard to tell from the photo where it is. mine is directly in the airflow of the front of the bike, works beautifully. EDIT: i just re-read the description, it requires you to remove the factory crankcase vent setup and use their crank vent filter kit. i say BS. removing the vacuum setup for the crankcase is a bad idea. there is nothing good to come from removing the vacuum from the crankcase -- bypass gases have to go somewhere and if you vent to atmosphere, there may not be enough flow, which means you build up pressure against the seals. plenty of professional race teams use a crankcase vacuum setup and it's there for good reason. Title: Re: TPO - Emission Kit removal and Rectifier/Regulator Relocator Kits Post by: R_usty on May 21, 2008, 04:49:32 AM Hi there, I recall reading some discussion on TOF about emission removal and the TPO parts Rectifier/Regulator Relocator Kits. I was wondering if anyone in Australia has used either one of these products or more importantly are they relevant and useful additiions / modificiations ? I have a 2007 S4R as the point of reference. Universal Ducati Emissions Removal Kit http://www.tpoparts.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=25_28&products_id=32&osCsid=44c024a3f3bc88e591312746d11eed1f Monster Rectifier/Regulator Relocator Kit http://www.tpoparts.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=25_28&products_id=53&osCsid=44c024a3f3bc88e591312746d11eed1f This kit does look interesting.. Anyway any comments? Bret Hi Bret, Don't wast your money on the emissions kit - It is for the US only, we don't have that junk on our Aus bikes. As to the rectifier kit - Yep, I have it and it works a treat. You will also need to get the sump air filter kit too as you need to get rid of the stupid airbox that the rectifier sits on. That means getting rid of the air pipes that go from your sump breather through to your stock airbox. I am sure the TPO site tells you what you need - and you do need it. The changes get rid of useless pipes, clean up the look of the bike and don't cost much. Good mod! [thumbsup] Ciao, R_usty |