Title: 14/40 gearing Post by: lilmonster on June 01, 2009, 06:22:17 PM Recenctly replaced chain and sprockets with AFAM setup. I got a 15/40 set because they had no 41 steel sprockets in stock with 4weeks plus wait so I got what they had. The 15/40 wasn't bad but I could feel the difference in gearing. I got a DP 14 tooth just to try it out. I would say it is pretty good combo. RPM at 70mph is around 43 to 4400 roll on is pretty good and smooth in 6th. Doesn't pull as hard as I thought, not as big a change as I thought because of the 40 rear sprocket. Overall I think it is good.
Title: Re: 14/40 gearing Post by: erkishhorde on June 01, 2009, 09:48:59 PM What bike? Was it the stock setup before?
Title: Re: 14/40 gearing Post by: lilmonster on June 02, 2009, 01:08:11 PM Oops, 08 S2R 1000. Yes it was stock before.