Title: Cutting seat post for Tail Chop. Post by: kprez007 on June 02, 2009, 11:37:28 AM I did the Tail chop last night. Wow looks great. But the one thing I had to do was cut downthe seat post to make the seat lock down.
In doing so the seat sits a little bit more level and is even more of a comfortable ride. Doesn't seem to be pushing forward now. Did anyone else have to chop the seat post down? If so did you notice the change? Thanks Title: Re: Cutting seat post for Tail Chop. Post by: teddy037.2 on June 02, 2009, 01:18:36 PM was it doing that before the chop?
is there any interference w/the seat/tail after the chop? Title: Re: Cutting seat post for Tail Chop. Post by: Mike_D on June 02, 2009, 01:48:19 PM I did the Tail chop last night. Wow looks great. But the one thing I had to do was cut downthe seat post to make the seat lock down. In doing so the seat sits a little bit more level and is even more of a comfortable ride. Doesn't seem to be pushing forward now. Did anyone else have to chop the seat post down? If so did you notice the change? Thanks I recently chopped my 08 S2R1K using the CW kit. The underside of the stock seat has two large plastic posts which I had to remove so they didn't interfere with the turn signal brackets. Also, because I installed Rizoma turn signals without the extenders, I cannot put the seat cowl on. Having said that, I didn't notice much of a difference in the forward slope of the seat. I plan on converting to the DP gel seat soon as comfort on long rides with the stock seat leaves something to be desired. Hope it fits. Title: Re: Cutting seat post for Tail Chop. Post by: Scotzman on June 02, 2009, 01:55:05 PM In the tutorials, there's a How to: Tail Chop (Lots of Photo's) that shows the seat posts being cut. Pretty good pics.
Title: Re: Cutting seat post for Tail Chop. Post by: kprez007 on June 02, 2009, 01:58:38 PM was it doing that before the chop? is there any interference w/the seat/tail after the chop? Was fine before the Chop. With the signal brackets needed to remove the 2 posts. But is fine. Instructions said "Some Models may need to cut down seat." Title: Re: Cutting seat post for Tail Chop. Post by: herm on June 02, 2009, 03:31:25 PM someone should add to their HOW TO: tail chop...
washers to lift the seat latch mechanism take care of this problem. Title: Re: Cutting seat post for Tail Chop. Post by: kprez007 on June 02, 2009, 09:47:29 PM Here are the before & after pics of the Tail Chop using the Competition Werks Eliminator Kit.
(http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv36/kprez007/DSCN2505.jpg) (http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv36/kprez007/DSCN2560.jpg) Title: Re: Cutting seat post for Tail Chop. Post by: booger on July 01, 2009, 11:14:04 AM Some of the critics are the washers to lift the seat latch mechanism take care of this problem.It will takes for Tail Chop LOL - WTF Title: Re: Cutting seat post for Tail Chop. Post by: Drunken Monkey on July 01, 2009, 10:03:12 PM Spammer with a link in their post, trying to bump up their site by riding on our coattails.
Title: Re: Cutting seat post for Tail Chop. Post by: alexisonfire on July 02, 2009, 07:17:05 AM I installed the CW tail chop kit a few weeks ago. My seat didn't have posts underneath it but when connecting the seat to the bike there was some intereference between the seat's rear edge and the top of the tail light that wouldn't allow the seat to go down far enough to hook into the latching mechanism. Unscrew the two bolts holding the seat latching mechanism to the bike and place some washers between it and the frame. Problem solved, no difficulty latching and the seat is elevated enough such that the cowl doesn't rest on the turn signals (bending them downwards). I couldn't tell you if the washer method works for seats with posts.