Title: DC area rider in town for the night. Post by: ducrider45 on June 03, 2009, 07:55:33 AM Hello ATL. I will be in Alpharetta today. Im in town doing a job for Etrade. They are taking me out tonight as well. Cool town so far. Any good places to go for a drink or two after my meeting?
Title: Re: DC area rider in town for the night. Post by: duccarlos on June 04, 2009, 06:13:36 AM I saw this kinda late. Where are you staying in ALpharetta?
Title: Re: DC area rider in town for the night. Post by: ducrider45 on June 05, 2009, 08:55:43 AM I saw this kinda late. Where are you staying in ALpharetta? I was at the Marriott on Winward Pkwy. I had some bad food and got sick. I just went to bed. I will be back down again in the future and will think to ask in advance.Title: Re: DC area rider in town for the night. Post by: duccarlos on June 05, 2009, 09:38:36 AM My offcie is around te corner. They have good right on Windward, but you can run into really bad real quick. I'll be back up there in 2 weeks. They have some good thai places and mexican. I can give you a list of places I frequent for next time, just let me know what you're interested in.