Title: Bleach in gas Post by: DesmoDiva on May 19, 2008, 07:52:57 AM So B ran out of gas this weekend, and a good sumaritan went and got gas for him.
But the needed gas was delivered in a bleach bottle. He rode the bike the rest of the way home, about 3 miles with no issues. Last night he started it up to move it and he complained it smelled of bleach. How much should he worry about contamination? Dilute what is in the tank or get it out and start fresh? Title: Re: Bleach in gas Post by: Juan on May 19, 2008, 07:58:49 AM Get it out and start fresh...!!
Title: Re: Bleach in gas Post by: red baron on May 19, 2008, 10:23:05 AM Title: Re: Bleach in gas Post by: ducatiz on May 19, 2008, 10:26:11 AM It shouldn't cause any longterm damage, but I would drain the tank, flush it with about 1/4th gallon gas and then drain that.
Then put in some HEET, which is a fuel line "Drier" (it's just alcohol), and fill it with good gas. Run it hard and don't inhale the fumes. bleach (sodium hypochlorite) breaks down to salt and water in the presence of heat, you just need to make sure once it's broken down the salt is expelled. Title: Re: Bleach in gas Post by: Capo on May 19, 2008, 12:54:30 PM Its a good oxidiser
Title: Re: Bleach in gas Post by: bigiain on May 19, 2008, 06:33:08 PM Get it out and start fresh...!! How much bleach could there possibly have been? I'd just fill the tank right up, and then go for a long enough ride to get it close-ish to empty and fill it up again, then forget about it... big (If I was about to leave it sitting for a few weeks I might consider doing something more drastic...) Title: Re: Bleach in gas Post by: A.duc.H.duc. on May 20, 2008, 10:17:41 AM How much bleach could there possibly have been? I'd just fill the tank right up, and then go for a long enough ride to get it close-ish to empty and fill it up again, then forget about it... big (If I was about to leave it sitting for a few weeks I might consider doing something more drastic...) I'd do what Big says if it was me, of course draining is never a bad idea... Title: Re: Bleach in gas Post by: MendoDave on May 20, 2008, 01:29:22 PM If it runs I say take it for a long ride with at least one fill up.
Title: Re: Bleach in gas Post by: Pancake81 on May 20, 2008, 02:36:54 PM Dont want to be the jerk here, but... My shop teacher always told us if we wanted to destroy an engine to use bleach instead if sugar. I mean i am sure a bit wont do to much, but apparently its not a greath thing to have in their.
Title: Re: Bleach in gas Post by: A.duc.H.duc. on May 20, 2008, 03:01:17 PM Dont want to be the jerk here, but... My shop teacher always told us if we wanted to destroy an engine to use bleach instead if sugar. I mean i am sure a bit wont do to much, but apparently its not a greath thing to have in their. That's because bleach is an extreme oxidizer. The tiny trace bits of bleach that were in that bottle aren't going to rust the tank if dilluted with a new full tank of gas and run through quick. If you pour bleach in a mostly empty gas tank on a car, it will rust the tank pretty dramatically. Rust will clog the fuel filter, or if there isn't one, the carb/injectors. Also, you'll have a destroyed gas tank. The only way I'd be worried about this case is if the bleach bottle wasn't empty when he filled it up. Sugar won't do anything to a car unless there's so much in there it clogs the filter. If you doubt me, they did it all on mythbusters. |