Title: Kudos for T-Rex Racing (Stands) Post by: corey on June 03, 2009, 10:01:42 AM A while back i ordered a front fork stand and single sided rear stand for my S2R 800.
These are top notch, and you can't beat the price. I love them. Earlier this week i ordered up the triple tree adapter for my front stand, as well as rear spool stand for my lady's GSXR 600. I figure the front stands are pretty much universal, so everything should be copasetic there. Apparently i was wrong. Oscar down at T-Rex took the time to give me a call and ask if the triple tree stand was for the GSXR, like the rear stand. I told him it was for my Monster S2R as well, and he kindly informed me I would need a different sized pin for each bike. He set me up with extra pin for $8 and helped me avoid an annoying catastrophe. Just wanted to give some well deserved props to uncommonly attentive and polite customer service. If anyone is considering picking up some stands from t-rex-racing.com don't hesitate. Title: Re: Kudos for T-Rex Racing (Stands) Post by: psycledelic on June 03, 2009, 11:31:34 AM Agreed. Their SSS rear stand rocks and is priced great compared to others. Unfortunately, I don't need it anymore because I installed a set of T-Rex Sliders and rear spools. I am waiting on my new spool stand to arrive. They are great to deal with and their product quality and fitment is great. If it isn't obvious, I am a fan.
Title: Re: Kudos for T-Rex Racing (Stands) Post by: Desert Dust on July 25, 2010, 09:53:13 AM + 2 on T-Rex SSS rear stand. Considerably less expensive than Pit-Bull. Pit-Bull might be stronger, but for most of us who just wrench on our bikes in the garage, the T-Rex works great. For racers, well, they might want to invest a bit more and buy the Pit-Bull.
Title: Re: Kudos for T-Rex Racing (Stands) Post by: ducamonsta on July 27, 2010, 06:11:15 PM Tube seems solid welded! Except the very first time I used it one wheel pop off the Stand, Just snap it back, on!
I guess with that warranty you cant go wrong! I also have the T-rex frame sliders! ++ Title: Re: Kudos for T-Rex Racing (Stands) Post by: Meerkat on July 27, 2010, 11:45:27 PM Just got my rear stand for the 620 yesterday. Great piece of equipment. Easy assembly and solid construction. Looks great under the bike!
Title: Re: Kudos for T-Rex Racing (Stands) Post by: OldDuckRider on August 30, 2010, 02:20:23 PM +3 on T-Rex. [clap]
Got the front & rear about a week ago. Not real heavy-duty tubing, but for the price they work great! |