Title: TriboSeat - how did you install/tie/secure? Post by: stopintime on June 04, 2009, 03:02:24 PM I got mine today and test fitted it, but the draw string seems to only have one place to go - around the forward seat securing plastic "thingies" which go under the metal frame brackets close to the tank. I'm imagining the strings might be cut by the metal/plastic.
How did you solve this? http://www.ekmpowershop6.com/ekmps/shops/advancedseatin/triboseatmonster-all-models-inc-s4-1993-2007-tbs-80-196-p.asp (http://www.ekmpowershop6.com/ekmps/shops/advancedseatin/triboseatmonster-all-models-inc-s4-1993-2007-tbs-80-196-p.asp) Title: Re: TriboSeat - how did you install/tie/secure? Post by: Drunken Monkey on June 05, 2009, 07:55:27 AM My advice is install it normally and periodically check for wear after rides two-up.
Trust but verify. |