Title: Paint, PC, speedo, etc. Post by: jfisher2 on June 08, 2009, 05:50:00 PM Complete teardown this winter, got the frame powdercoated, tank and fender painted, trailtech vapor speedo, dual headlights, painted cans black, SSR PP and Cover, rerouted some wires, painted belt covers and sprocket cover, new chain and sprockets...
(http://i446.photobucket.com/albums/qq186/justinfisher2/CIMG1409.jpg) 97 M900 Title: Re: Finally finished winter mods, new colors, clutch, etc...PIC (more to come so Post by: jfisher2 on June 08, 2009, 06:10:14 PM i think up next is lowering the dual lights, and some black PC (footpeg assemblies, suspension hoop, etc.) Probably PC the wheels black next winter, as the finish on them isn't in the best shape.
Title: Re: Finally finished winter mods, new colors, clutch, etc...PIC (more to come soon) Post by: DucHead on June 08, 2009, 06:17:25 PM That black/red combo looks fantastic!! [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Finally finished winter mods, new colors, clutch, etc...PIC (more to come soon) Post by: Pedro-bot on June 08, 2009, 08:17:03 PM Nice job man. Looks good. [thumbsup]
What? No before photos? :-X Title: Re: Finally finished winter mods, new colors, clutch, etc...PIC (more to come soon) Post by: jfisher2 on June 09, 2009, 06:14:07 AM Thanks a lot, I'll post up some befores and take some more of it now soon.
Title: Re: Finally finished winter mods, new colors, clutch, etc...PIC (more to come so Post by: jfisher2 on June 09, 2009, 03:45:49 PM Here's a 'before' photo:
(http://inlinethumb17.webshots.com/18960/2570458510060770372S600x600Q85.jpg) and here's one of it before and my last monster (750) I sold to a friend to buy the 900: (http://inlinethumb16.webshots.com/42639/2790251610060770372S600x600Q85.jpg) |