Title: My Speedo Went Crazy! Post by: metallimonster on June 12, 2009, 04:18:29 AM 02 620- Did a search and didn't come up with anything.
So on the way to work today I looked down and my speedo needle was going crazy. It would sweep all the way down and up and then go back to where I thought it should be (around 75) any throttle movement would make it go crazy again. Seems to quit at slower speeds (around 45 or so) but I don't know for sure because I was in traffic and had to pay attention to other cars. Please tell me someone else has had this problem. I haven't had any work done for a couple of months (new tires and rear sprocket/chain put on in April). I did get caught in the rain couple of weeks ago but have ridden multiple times without it doing this. I know for sure that it wasn't doing two days ago when I rode it last. I think that covers it. Any help is appreciated. Title: Re: My Speedo Went Crazy! Post by: Bones on June 12, 2009, 04:51:37 AM I would check the connectors at the gauge pod and at the rear wheel sensor to make sure they're clean. If they're dirty and cause resistance, that will likely make the speedo go screwy.
Title: Re: My Speedo Went Crazy! Post by: metallimonster on June 12, 2009, 07:35:14 AM So I'm a dumb ass and didn't reroute the harness for the speed sensor far enough away from my new high mounts and it burnt through to the wire. Just wrapped it in electrical tape and zipped tied it farther away to get home. [bang] [bang] [bang]