Title: New Moto Museum in Denver Post by: Randimus Maximus on June 16, 2009, 01:28:55 PM Looks like a pretty cool place to spend a few hours.
http://www.vintagemotos.com/ (http://www.vintagemotos.com/) Title: Re: New Moto Museum in Denver Post by: titty on June 16, 2009, 02:26:34 PM I was introduced to the guy a couple of weekends ago at the Automezzi Italian Car and Motorcycle Show (Which was awesome and a bunch of fun). He was incredibly nice. I asked if we could set up a private showing at the museum with him giving the tour and he said he would love to. I am supposed to e-mail him in the next couple of weeks and set it up for late July or early August. Maybe on a Thursday night or Saturday afternoon after a ride.
Anyone not on the DEMC e-mail list that would like to go with us, PM me and I will make sure you know about it. Titty Title: Re: New Moto Museum in Denver Post by: Manny on June 16, 2009, 06:39:23 PM A guy at work emailed the same link today. He says we should all take a long lunch to go down there to check it out, but I think my boss would get mad if I left for lunch and didn't come back. Looks like a cool place.