Title: ACH- Sat, 27th anyone? Post by: ICON on June 26, 2009, 07:37:01 AM ...friend and I are riding up Ach, thought I'd post if anyone else wants to ride in a group.
Meet up at the Shell at 8am and leave shortly after that. Ach to Newcomb’s Ranch then over to Wrightwood if you're up to it. Post up brothers! I'll be on a Silver S2R1000....my name is Marc. Title: Re: ACH- Sat, 27th anyone? Post by: lawbreaker on June 26, 2009, 07:45:17 AM DAMN... [bang]
I get my Silver S2R 1K back from its 12k service in time to go.......but i'll be outta town [bang] Definitely down for the next one [thumbsup] Ride safe and have a blast |