Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => AZDRA => Topic started by: Michael on July 13, 2009, 05:29:33 PM

Title: "Escape the Heat" - Group Ride from IHOP at ASU to Mogollon Rim (Payson)
Post by: Michael on July 13, 2009, 05:29:33 PM
Group Ride

Start: IHOP at ASU (Tempe, Arizona)
Route: google map (http://www.sokiveta.com/blog_images/map-icon-87.gif) (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=E+Apache+Blvd&daddr=34.335206,-110.946411&geocode=Febd_QEdrvpT-Q%3B&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=17&sll=34.334869,-110.945681&sspn=0.006317,0.009645&ie=UTF8&ll=33.67864,-110.904236&spn=1.629579,2.469177&t=p&z=9)
Destination: Woods Canyon Lake (outside of Payson, Arizona)

Distance: 116 miles from ASU to Woods Canyon Lake

However, we could return a different route that goes by Roosevelt Lake --
google map (http://www.sokiveta.com/blog_images/map-icon-60.gif) (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=FS+Rd+105&daddr=33.416326,-110.828458+to:E+Apache+Blvd&geocode=FenpCwIdlhdj-Q%3B%3BFebd_QEdrvpT-Q&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=18&via=1&sll=33.416062,-110.829011&sspn=0.002772,0.003701&ie=UTF8&ll=33.799691,-111.08551&spn=1.412752,1.895142&t=p&z=9)

Photo: The road from Payson to Woods Canyon Lake (up on the rim)

Photo: The view from the shore of the lake

Photos: Views from atop the Mogollon Rim (along the road to the lake)




Photo: Roosevelt Lake

Title: Re: "Escape the Heat" - Group Ride from IHOP at ASU to Mogollon Rim (Payson)
Post by: Dietrich on July 13, 2009, 05:46:46 PM
I'm out of commission both of those weekends (heading to Santa Cruz, 6 days on the bike! :) ).  Maybe next time!

Title: Re: "Escape the Heat" - Group Ride from IHOP at ASU to Mogollon Rim (Payson)
Post by: Michael on July 14, 2009, 08:20:18 AM
I'm out of commission both of those weekends (heading to Santa Cruz, 6 days on the bike! :) ).  Maybe next time!

Dude. This is a ride thread, not a "why I can't ride" thread.

Hey! This is a ride thread, not a "why I can't ride" thread.


Title: Re: "Escape the Heat" - Group Ride from IHOP at ASU to Mogollon Rim (Payson)
Post by: Dietrich on July 14, 2009, 08:56:54 AM
touche!   [clap]   8)

Title: Re: "Escape the Heat" - Group Ride from IHOP at ASU to Mogollon Rim (Payson)
Post by: Monster Dave on July 14, 2009, 11:20:37 AM
Dude. This is a ride thread, not a "why I can't ride" thread.


Ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!    [laugh]


We're going to be in Tucson this weekend heading up Mt. Lemmon to really get out of the heat. Sorry we can't make it. It's just tooo hot in Phx.

Title: Re: "Escape the Heat" - Group Ride from IHOP at ASU to Mogollon Rim (Payson)
Post by: Michael on July 14, 2009, 02:24:45 PM

We're going to be in Tucson this weekend heading up Mt. Lemmon to really get out of the heat. Sorry we can't make it. It's just tooo hot in Phx.

You'd give up beautiful-and-cool-forest ride for hot-and-dusty-desert ride?

1) On the road to Payson, you'll be out of the heat within 30 minutes and then the rest of the ride is cool.
2) On the road to Mt. Lemon, you'll be in the heat for over 2 hours before you even reach Tucson.

Either way, why not just vote for next weekend instead of this weekend? This thread is a Poll.


Title: Re: "Escape the Heat" - Group Ride from IHOP at ASU to Mogollon Rim (Payson)
Post by: Monster Dave on July 15, 2009, 08:18:38 AM
You'd give up beautiful-and-cool-forest ride for hot-and-dusty-desert ride?


We actually have a residence in Tucson too. However, we're not going riding, we're planning on a good day of hiking. We're about 15minutes from Mt. Lemmon and it's a much higher rise in elevation so it's usually about 30 degrees cooler up there.


Title: Re: "Escape the Heat" - Group Ride from IHOP at ASU to Mogollon Rim (Payson)
Post by: Michael on July 15, 2009, 09:39:06 AM
So ... next weekend then?

July 25th, 2009?

Title: Re: "Escape the Heat" - Group Ride from IHOP at ASU to Mogollon Rim (Payson)
Post by: Monster Dave on July 15, 2009, 11:11:32 AM
So ... next weekend then?

July 25th, 2009?

Can't say right now. I'll let you know!

Title: Re: "Escape the Heat" - Group Ride from IHOP at ASU to Mogollon Rim (Payson)
Post by: Michael on July 16, 2009, 06:20:50 AM
I'm out of commission both of those weekends (heading to Santa Cruz, 6 days on the bike! :) ).  Maybe next time!

I added a few more dates to the poll.


Title: Re: "Escape the Heat" - Group Ride from IHOP at ASU to Mogollon Rim (Payson)
Post by: Michael on July 24, 2009, 01:14:13 PM
Come on ... only two votes?


Title: Re: "Escape the Heat" - Group Ride from IHOP at ASU to Mogollon Rim (Payson)
Post by: Monster Dave on July 29, 2009, 06:23:06 AM
I know what you're going to say, but man, it's just too freak'n hot. Once I start to reach critical mass on heat I stop having fun.

Only a few more weeks and hopefully the heat will start to back down and we can start doing fun rides like this!  [thumbsup]

In my own defense, I ride everyday and commute in the heat. So when the weekend comes and I get a chance to keep off my bike, sometimes I just have to drive the car (I love AC)!!!

Title: Re: "Escape the Heat" - Group Ride from IHOP at ASU to Mogollon Rim (Payson)
Post by: Michael on July 29, 2009, 10:26:22 AM
I know what you're going to say, but man, it's just too freak'n hot. Once I start to reach critical mass on heat I stop having fun.

Only a few more weeks and hopefully the heat will start to back down and we can start doing fun rides like this!  [thumbsup]

In my own defense, I ride everyday and commute in the heat. So when the weekend comes and I get a chance to keep off my bike, sometimes I just have to drive the car (I love AC)!!!

My response ...


Title: Re: "Escape the Heat" - Group Ride from IHOP at ASU to Mogollon Rim (Payson)
Post by: Dietrich on July 29, 2009, 11:26:01 AM
I like to think of the heat as "free energy from the sun".  That's seriously what I think in my helmet while riding when it's 115.  Absorb as much as you can flower people!

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