Title: Advice on some mods. Post by: ady on May 21, 2008, 02:28:14 AM O.k have just come into some money from an insurance claim (got knocked off, not too much damage) and have been thinking about a couple of mods for my otherwise immaculate 1998 900s.
First up I've been thinking about twin headlights. Have done a bit of research but can't find anything that I either like or would be legal in Australia. Aus street fighters do twins but I'm finding them too small (4"). Then found some bigger ones in the States (5 3/4") which I thought looked great - big bug eyes - but then I don't think they would be legal here. Been thinking about actually getting Triumph Speed Triple headlights and modifying the brackets somehow. Secondly I want to chop the back off so as I only have the number plate right under the light and some indicator fittings. Found a couple of carbon fibre optioons but I don't think they are short enough. Anybody got any ideas? Thanks. Ady. Title: Re: Advice on some mods. Post by: onaboat on May 21, 2008, 05:06:20 AM i was planning on getting the before i got the monster but after 7 months i wouldn't change it and as far as the tail chop i just did my competition werkes kit and it look much better :)
Title: Re: Advice on some mods. Post by: Grrrly on May 21, 2008, 05:18:40 AM what are the Aussie legal requirements for headlights?