Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: Slide Panda on July 30, 2009, 12:07:29 PM

Title: What I did this summer - or how a blown ACL leads to mods
Post by: Slide Panda on July 30, 2009, 12:07:29 PM
So at the beginning of May I popped my ACL right at the start of some of the best riding weather this region has seen in a decade >:( Surgery followed in mid June and I'm on the road to recovery, but not the road for riding.  Since I can't ride... it's been time to fuss on the ole 900.

- Dumped the crankcase breather box.
The collector box is ugly and the hoses were bulky and beginning to crack.  So I could replace the hoses.. oooor replace all that crap with a cool K&N filter attached to the breather vent - You guess what I chose

- The end of a rusty saw toothed clutch.
The 900 is close to her 30k anniversary and on the original clutch hub and basket.  He Man pointed out the *great* deals VeeTwo had/has on billet clutch parts so I knew what had to be done.  Out came the HEAVY rusty and notched stockers and in went The sexy and much lighter VeeTwo parts.  Here's a walk through tutorial of the process (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=27004.0)

- Hide those wires
If you looked at any of the clutch tute photos, you can see a black gob of wires showing above the case breather - those had to move.  With the breather collector box and hoses out of the way it was possible to re route the wiring harness from the right side of the bike, to the left.  This path does a much better job of hiding it.

- Shed the rats nest
I've got LED signals all around.  To get them to work properly, I had a set of resistors wired in parallel and a different blinker relay.  Despite my best efforts to keep it clean, this added a bunch of wires under my seat and had me tucking the resistors behind the side pods.  It just wasn't tidy, nor the greatest electrical set up.  Thanks to Industrial Grrrl documenting the next stages of her 620 to 900 conversion (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=26633.0) I came across a product that handles the function of the relay, resistors and load balance.  Out went the rats nest, in went the new box.

- Rewired the dash
The mod above requires some easy modifications to the circuit for the turn signal. The way it's set up, voltage bleeds from one side to the other. Since LEDs are very sensitive that bleed over gets them to light up, where incandescent bulbs won't - hence the need for the resistors. With a little solder work and 2 diodes you can ditch the resistors - I've detailed the changes here
http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=29134.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=29134.0)

- Repaint the dash housing
This was a bit of a pain in the ass since the original paint was this rubbery stuff that doesn't sand so well.  So in stead of just smoothing out the nicks I had to scrub it all off.  But after that a few coats from a rattle can and it looked a lot better.

'Blacked out' headlight mounts
Following my own suggestion  in a thread about being more visible at night (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=28190.0) I dug out a sheet of black reflective material and applied it to both sides of my headlight tabs. 

What's next?
It's still a while before I'll be on the bike again... so there's more time to fuss.  Anyone got suggestions?

Title: Re: What I did this summer - or how a blown ACL leads to mods
Post by: kopfjäger on July 30, 2009, 03:03:59 PM

What's next?
It's still a while before I'll be on the bike again... so there's more time to fuss.  Anyone got suggestions?

I got one.   Post some pics.  :D

Title: Re: What I did this summer - or how a blown ACL leads to mods
Post by: Slide Panda on July 30, 2009, 03:51:02 PM
One comedian in every crowd.  Here's a taste

Case breather can be seen hiding up top

New hub and basekt

Title: Re: What I did this summer - or how a blown ACL leads to mods
Post by: sfarchie on July 30, 2009, 04:11:37 PM
Did you get a cadaver ligament? I opted for that since the recovery was faster and I was too old to get one my existing good ligaments to replace it. My knee is still not 100% (surgery done in Feb), but I was able to ride 6 weeks post op. I went through extensive rehab going to a knee class 3 days a week. I'm around 80% normal now. It would be higher, but I've gotten lazy with the rehab. Good luck with your recovery. Keep doing any exercises your PT gives you. It really helps!

Title: Re: What I did this summer - or how a blown ACL leads to mods
Post by: kopfjäger on July 30, 2009, 06:46:16 PM
One comedian in every crowd.  Here's a taste

Case breather can be seen hiding up top

New hub and basekt


Title: Re: What I did this summer - or how a blown ACL leads to mods
Post by: Slide Panda on July 31, 2009, 02:03:23 AM
Did you get a cadaver ligament? I opted for that since the recovery was faster and I was too old to get one my existing good ligaments to replace it. My knee is still not 100% (surgery done in Feb), but I was able to ride 6 weeks post op. I went through extensive rehab going to a knee class 3 days a week. I'm around 80% normal now. It would be higher, but I've gotten lazy with the rehab. Good luck with your recovery. Keep doing any exercises your PT gives you. It really helps!

Mines an auto graft- so it's got some pros for it.  But the con is more healing time since they cut one up more. 

Title: Re: What I did this summer - or how a blown ACL leads to mods
Post by: weemonster on July 31, 2009, 02:28:22 AM
whats an ACL? anterior cruciate ligament?

i "tweeked" (the doctors word ) medial ligamnet in November and was out of action till after new year.  No surgery needed  just "rest" So can only imagine how sore you must have been or indeed be.

I found it very difficult to "rest"  Thats about the same time my Monster got its new brakes. lol

hope you heal quick

and did anyone else go eeeew
Did you get a cadaver ligament? !
at this bit shudder

Title: Re: What I did this summer - or how a blown ACL leads to mods
Post by: Slide Panda on July 31, 2009, 04:35:02 AM
whats an ACL? anterior cruciate ligament?

I found it very difficult to "rest"  Thats about the same time my Monster got its new brakes. lol

and did anyone else go eeeewat this bit shudder
Yep that's the ACL.  I didn't tweak mine at all, as so much a rending it asunder.  I'm getting better, but there's still swelling and lack of strength that's keeping off the bike for now.  I'm try to be good about 'resting' be it's tought - but if I over do it I get punished with pain, flop sweats and an upset tummy... it's awsome.

No cadaver bits for me - though I do no sport some permanent Titanium!  [thumbsup]

I've already got 999 brakes on the 900.. so that's handled.  Ceramic coatings next?  hmmmm

Title: Re: What I did this summer - or how a blown ACL leads to mods
Post by: needtorque on August 02, 2009, 05:53:13 PM
One suggestion.  I mounted the K&N in the same way as you originally until I noticed that it was beginning to melt due to the proximity of the vertical exhaust header.  I used some rubber hose from the original breather to make an extension that goes up about an inch and then does a 90 degree bend and places the filter through the side of the frame.  (right beside your right leg)  I get no oil splash and the filter does not melt.  Kinda looks better too.

Title: Re: What I did this summer - or how a blown ACL leads to mods
Post by: rockaduc on August 03, 2009, 12:29:00 AM
One suggestion.  I mounted the K&N in the same way as you originally until I noticed that it was beginning to melt due to the proximity of the vertical exhaust header.  I used some rubber hose from the original breather to make an extension that goes up about an inch and then does a 90 degree bend and places the filter through the side of the frame.  (right beside your right leg)  I get no oil splash and the filter does not melt.  Kinda looks better too.

I'd like to see a pic of this for the visual please.   [thumbsup]

Title: Re: What I did this summer - or how a blown ACL leads to mods
Post by: needtorque on August 03, 2009, 02:09:25 AM
I'd like to see a pic of this for the visual please.   [thumbsup]

have to wait til I get back from charleston.  End of the week

Title: Re: What I did this summer - or how a blown ACL leads to mods
Post by: ducrider45 on August 03, 2009, 07:31:22 AM
Where did you get the oil cap? What brand is it? I may need one  ;D

Title: Re: What I did this summer - or how a blown ACL leads to mods
Post by: Slide Panda on August 03, 2009, 07:40:40 AM
It's an STM goodie

Title: Re: What I did this summer - or how a blown ACL leads to mods
Post by: rockaduc on August 03, 2009, 03:56:35 PM
have to wait til I get back from charleston.  End of the week

cool, thanks.

Title: Re: What I did this summer - or how a blown ACL leads to mods
Post by: Slide Panda on September 07, 2009, 06:12:11 AM
Added a couple mods to the list and I'm working up from a ride around the hood..  Knees still not 100%, but on the way!

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