Title: Flanman's Underseat Tray *Round Two New* Post by: flanman on August 06, 2009, 08:29:19 AM This mod pretty much hides all the wires you could possibly have under your seat. It also replaces the stock plastic piece with a nicer metal tray. Overall it is simple to make with very very basic skills needed. In the end your wires will be protected and there will be a lot of space under there. I had installed a TPO crankcase breather before this so the oil catcher thing was gone and I had made a bracket for the rectifier which is used to secure the tray. If you don’t have the same set up I am sure you can use this as a rough and come up with another solution. Sorry for the lack of pictures I didn't really take any in progress.
MATERIALS -1 piece of thin sheet metal (or anything you can find at home depot or your local -hardware store) -2 half inch nylon spacers -2 Bolts/Nuts -Can of spray-paint TOOLS -Tin snips -Ruler -Marker -Vice -Rubber Mallet STEP ONE: Start by sorting out the wires that are already there. I cut off the stock tubing that surrounds them so I could see each wire. I cut out the license plate light because the tail light unit I have has one. I made sure I taped up any connections so they did not touch. To get the thinnest line possible I twisted the wires somewhat like a rope while taping them around with electrical tape. STEP TWO: Take off the stock plastic piece make sure to keep the two bolts and washers for the tail end handy because they will be used later. If you have the stock black plastic tank there and the rectifier in a different location take a look at possible ways to alter this design to work for you. (http://inlinethumb47.webshots.com/44974/2897616530102750601S500x500Q85.jpg) (http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2897616530102750601DFcHJt) STEP THREE: Here is where the actual tray comes in. Take the metal and mark out the lines then carefully cut out with tin snips or any other metal chopping device. The metal I used was thin enough that it could be cut with household scissors. After your tray is cut you will need to find a vice to bend up the sides. This is the most difficult part out of the whole process. I assure you do not need a whole workshop for this. I used primitive ways to get it to how I wanted. Here is roughly the tactic I found that worked for me. I line up the edge I am folding in the vice. For longer edges and smaller vices you will need something that has a straight edge that goes the length of the piece. This helps support the piece as you begin by pushing the edge down with your hand uniformly. Slowly work it until you feel it is ready to be hit with the rubber mallet or whatever you want to hit it with. I used a scrap piece of wood between the metal and hammer as to protect it a bit. Work the folds until they are close to a 90 degree angle. The tunnel where the wires slide under is some what time consuming because the way it has to be folded. Just take your time and you will end up with a perfectly fine tray. I used body filler (Bondo) to smooth out any small imperfections. I used a metal rust preventative spray paint to give it a nice finish. (http://inlinethumb47.webshots.com/35630/2877255600102750601S425x425Q85.jpg) (http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2877255600102750601pscZfS) (http://inlinethumb12.webshots.com/41035/2907612050102750601S425x425Q85.jpg) (http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2907612050102750601EVQPzO) (http://inlinethumb53.webshots.com/43828/2473569660102750601S425x425Q85.jpg) (http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2473569660102750601ypsBkB) Hopefully this was helpful. I posted up a template for do it yourself modders so please do not try and sell these. If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a pm or ask. Title: Re: Flanman's Underseat Tray Post by: filter on August 07, 2009, 09:56:04 PM Beauty.
I am adding this to my list of improvements. :) Title: Re: Flanman's Underseat Tray Post by: Celli on August 10, 2009, 11:22:01 PM Great job! Superclean!!! [thumbsup]
I'm still busy with mine. Celli (http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll286/StradaleNuda/Cover1.jpg) Title: Re: Flanman's Underseat Tray Post by: headingtonb on August 18, 2009, 04:48:02 PM Thanks for the instruction. It's on the list.....
Title: Re: Flanman's Underseat Tray Post by: flanman on August 25, 2009, 01:05:07 PM http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=14114.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=14114.0) a great link for more info on the crancase breather...
Title: Re: Flanman's Underseat Tray Post by: Bellagio on March 01, 2010, 06:57:32 AM I'm planning on doing the crankcase breather mod as well. If I want my underseat to look like this do I have to purchase the Monster Rectifier/Regulator Relocator Kit from TPO or is there a stencil out there somewhere?
Title: Re: Flanman's Underseat Tray Post by: corey on March 02, 2010, 06:12:03 PM I'm planning on doing the crankcase breather mod as well. If I want my underseat to look like this do I have to purchase the Monster Rectifier/Regulator Relocator Kit from TPO or is there a stencil out there somewhere? I made one a while back. Sent a PDF of the template to your email. Should work well, has been doing quite nicely on my bike for 2 years now [thumbsup] Title: Re: Flanman's Underseat Tray Post by: Bellagio on March 03, 2010, 10:09:23 AM Got the template, super awesome. That'll save me some dollars.
Title: Re: Flanman's Underseat Tray Post by: Nel of Bklyn on December 25, 2010, 08:20:01 PM This is something I'm looking to do. Do you completely remove the plastic tray under the seat? or is it still there?
Title: Re: Flanman's Underseat Tray Post by: flanman on December 27, 2010, 12:30:55 PM The plastic tray is completely gone. good luck [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Flanman's Underseat Tray Post by: flanman on July 11, 2011, 04:35:23 PM Just an update for anyone who might be interested. I took off the old tray and re did the piece. The biggest problem i had was accessing the wires in the folded "tunnel" so this new one uses an aluminum C channel bolted down (fully removable). The tray itself is of a thinner aluminum as well and the bracket is changed to accommodate the coil.
(http://inlinethumb43.webshots.com/49194/2818458870102750601S425x425Q85.jpg) (http://entertainment.webshots.com/photo/2818458870102750601XmSmTp) |