Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: bmonty72 on August 07, 2009, 03:14:10 PM

Title: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: bmonty72 on August 07, 2009, 03:14:10 PM

Not the best field of vision....but really, do I care that much what's behind me???   [evil]

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: Holden on August 07, 2009, 03:19:20 PM

Try rotating it forward on the bar a little (make the mirror parallel to the end of its stalk, then adjust the entire mirror forward so you're not looking at the ground anymore). Lower profile, looks better sexier. 8)

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: BumbleB on August 07, 2009, 03:53:44 PM
Nice mirrors...I had my mind made up before on my new mirrors, but after seeing these, I'm having second thoughts...options!

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: desmoworks on August 07, 2009, 08:05:41 PM
This is my favorite mirror from Rizoma by far!

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: Grug on August 08, 2009, 01:52:54 AM
I'd also strongly recommend looking at the triumph after-market bar-end mirrors, they look pretty much identical and are less then half the price of the Rizomas.

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: Travman on August 08, 2009, 05:36:16 AM
I'd also strongly recommend looking at the triumph after-market bar-end mirrors, they look pretty much identical and are less then half the price of the Rizomas.
Do you have a link?  Thanks.

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: bmonty72 on August 08, 2009, 07:44:50 AM
Perhaps he means these...
http://www.triumph.co.uk/usa/clothingAccessoriesPopup.aspx?GID=2 (http://www.triumph.co.uk/usa/clothingAccessoriesPopup.aspx?GID=2)

Select "Street Triple"
Select "All Accessories"
Then Scroll to the item...

Part # A9638030
Price $79.99

They do look just like the Rizomas

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: Grrrly on August 08, 2009, 09:46:07 AM
wow does look like the rizoma ones!


Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: Rufus120 on August 08, 2009, 09:49:11 AM
Cycle gear also sells a mirror that looks just like that.  I think you can get them for $60 a piece. Motrax makes 'em.   I couldn't find them on the website, but they carry them is the local store.

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: BretMorris on August 08, 2009, 01:51:37 PM

The Rizomas are awesome looking but not brilliant as actual mirrors...

I had them turned outwards that made them more effective as a mirror but I have turned them back inwards for looks.  They look fantastic when combined with Rizoma grips and bar ends.


Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: desmoworks on August 08, 2009, 02:33:35 PM
I'd also strongly recommend looking at the triumph after-market bar-end mirrors, they look pretty much identical and are less then half the price of the Rizomas.

The only problem is they have Triumph printed on them. We have them in stock right now. All the stock photography from Triumph shows no logo so I was quite surprised when they arrived.

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: teddy037.2 on August 09, 2009, 01:20:44 PM
This is my favorite mirror from Rizoma by far!


Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: Grug on August 09, 2009, 03:05:50 PM
The only problem is they have Triumph printed on them. We have them in stock right now. All the stock photography from Triumph shows no logo so I was quite surprised when they arrived.

Ah, I didn't realise that (I didn't see a triumph logo on the photos I saw either). Still, nothing a little "Ducati" decal above the "Triumph" logo won't fix, then you'd have a triumph for Ducati... and everybody wins!  [laugh]

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: ungeheuer on August 09, 2009, 05:21:04 PM
The only problem is they have Triumph printed on them. We have them in stock right now. All the stock photography from Triumph shows no logo so I was quite surprised when they arrived.
um.. but they're listed at $99.99  :(  >>  http://www.store.commoto.com/triumph-street-triple-mirror-p-991.html (http://www.store.commoto.com/triumph-street-triple-mirror-p-991.html)

$20 more than Triumph is advertising  >>  http://www.triumph.co.uk/usa/clothingAccessoriesPopup.aspx?GID=2 (http://www.triumph.co.uk/usa/clothingAccessoriesPopup.aspx?GID=2)

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: redial on August 10, 2009, 05:16:30 AM
mount them upsidedown for even more  [bacon]

if only they could fit with clipons!

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: Holden on August 10, 2009, 12:12:37 PM
mount them upsidedown for even more  [bacon]

if only they could fit with clipons!

Never figured out how people get away with that—right mirror gets blocked by your wrist whenever you're on the throttle.

and why wouldn't they work with clip ons? ???

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: redial on August 10, 2009, 01:25:19 PM

and why wouldn't they work with clip ons? ???

when i was trying to figure out my setup it seemed that the extreme angle of the clipons wouldnt let the mirrors be useable,
and also i thought the mirrors would hit the tank at tight slow speed turns, making the horrid u-turn radius even worse.  (mounted upsidedown at least)
plus with clipons the handlebars are so much lower, it would make the mirrors like knee-height upsidedown :)

i opened up my clipons a bit, so maybe they could work, id love to see it, if anyone has that setup. might convince me to change mirrors

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: Holden on August 10, 2009, 02:16:50 PM
ah. upside down with clip-ons. nope, that wouldn't be pretty. [cheeky]

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: teddy037.2 on August 10, 2009, 03:36:48 PM
so why not just flip 'em right side up?

they still look the biz...

Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: jerrsun on August 12, 2009, 03:01:05 PM
Just a FYI the Triumph mirrors are not what they are shown to be in the web site pics (looks like the actually took the rizoma photos instead of real triump mirror photos). I got the pics from a SD dealer who was kind enough to send me the actual pics, I have also visited a local triumph dealer and verified that the triumph mirrors look like the pics attached.


First off the Triumph mirrors are a very glossy black and not matte like the rizoma's. Secondly the Triumph logo is etched into the metal and is on the top and bottom of the mirror. And lastly the shape is very rounded compared to the angular shape of the Rizoma's.

I originally though that I would just get a pair of the triumph mirrors and sand and repaint them to hide the logo but after seeing the mirrors in person, it looked like just too much work to sand and paint the mirror backing and the stem. Ill pay the extra $30 per mirror and just get the rizoma's.

My $0.02


Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: NorDog on August 12, 2009, 03:52:04 PM
Can you tell that I'm a fan of these?



Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: 118811 on August 13, 2009, 11:32:01 AM
Those ar Hot!! [beer]
Is the mirror "glass"?



Title: Re: Can you say..SEXY!!! Rizoma Reverse Retros
Post by: NorDog on August 13, 2009, 11:52:47 AM
The Rizoma mirrors are glass with a slight blue tinge; the stalk and mirror housing are aluminum.

Can't speak to the Triumph mirrors never having seen them personally, but I would be surprised if they were not glass.  Does anyone market "non-glass" mirrors?

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