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Local Clubs => OZ monsters => Topic started by: roy-nexus-6 on August 13, 2009, 02:25:11 PM

Title: District 9
Post by: roy-nexus-6 on August 13, 2009, 02:25:11 PM
Saw District 9 last night. Holy cow - just a brilliant movie. Cinema was pretty packed - & people were just buzzing come the finale. Word to the wise - watch out for the pig!  [thumbsup]

District 9 Trailer (HD) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSgLOvH_MMk#ws-lq-lq2-hq-vhq-hd)

Title: Re: District 9
Post by: mattyvas on August 13, 2009, 02:33:53 PM
Yeah looking forward to this one, have seen the trailers in the last week.
And if Peter Jackson is involved I can only expect good things.

Title: Re: District 9
Post by: mostro900 on August 13, 2009, 02:41:20 PM
There's some background on the movie and the director over at Wired.com... sounds like it's good!

http://www.wired.com/entertainment/hollywood/magazine/17-08/pl_screen (http://www.wired.com/entertainment/hollywood/magazine/17-08/pl_screen)

Title: Re: District 9
Post by: Spider on August 13, 2009, 06:48:40 PM
how's the movie's marketing campaign....it's full on!

you can go to human sites and non-human sites....they even ebay the guns from the movie....it's full on!!!!

Title: Re: District 9
Post by: craigo on August 13, 2009, 08:31:16 PM
http://www.d-9.com/ (http://www.d-9.com/)

Been looking forward to this for a while.

Title: Re: District 9
Post by: Spider on August 17, 2009, 08:13:22 AM
saw it tonight....got my geek friends together and me had a ball!!!

tell you what...that pig is an identifier.....if you laugh or make any noise.....busted...you are a gamer geek!

Between the pig and the mech my friends' pupils were so dilated I don't think he's sleeping tonight.  :o

Title: Re: District 9
Post by: Zee on August 18, 2009, 04:48:53 AM
Saw this today ( I love tight-arse Tuesday sessions during the day, the whole cinema to yourself), I quite enjoyed it. Well shot, and I quite liked the half doco, half cinematic production. It worked for me.

Actually, I dare say it is probably the best "Sci Fi" movie I have seen since Serenity.


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