Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: causeofkaos on August 27, 2009, 07:48:33 AM

Title: I could really use some advice
Post by: causeofkaos on August 27, 2009, 07:48:33 AM
Aug 1st i wrecked My M1100, the things that need to be replaced are the display, headlight assembly, the bars and plastics. I thought that my riding had improved, until the wreck which i fear might have slowed me down when i do get the bike fixed and back on the bike. (For a while at least) What sucks is the money i spend to fix, should have gone towards exhaust and other mods, this however might be an oppurtunity to do some mods.

parts that need to be replaced.
Display "instrument panel" = no choice have to go OEM. $911.99
Headlight mount = $125.99
headlight ( scratched lens ) = $336.99
handle bar = $171.99
plastics = color therapy $850 that will be the last one, ill run it ugly for a while.
above prices are OEM replacements.


Should i go HESSA FIRE headlight or OEM ? Or another option ? Some recomendations please.
Replace the bars OEM, aftermarket bars, or Clip-ons? Some recomendations please.

I know that riding style has a lot to do with Clip-ons choice this request for advice is more like "hey what would you do, and which one would you pick". I would like to be as frugal as possible. I appreciate any and all input.

Title: Re: I could really use some advice
Post by: ProTeal55 on August 27, 2009, 08:39:46 AM
V-Rod headlite [thumbsup]

Title: Re: I could really use some advice
Post by: causeofkaos on August 27, 2009, 08:46:15 AM
This is out of pocket, wreck was my fault dont want my rates to go up. I think 1st wreck wont change rate's but i can afford to do it myself save insurance payoff for something more serious.

V-ROD headlite = really like the look of Dual Lights

Title: Re: I could really use some advice
Post by: Triple J on August 27, 2009, 08:57:21 AM

Should i go HESSA FIRE headlight or OEM ? Or another option ? Some recomendations please.

I have a Hesa Fire headlight on my Multi, and I wouldn't recommend it if you ride at night. It isn't all that bright. That bike is usually a daylight bike for me, so no problem...but I wouldn't trust it if I rode at night on a regular basis.

Try Aztec for a dual light set-up. http://www.aztec8.com/id76.html (http://www.aztec8.com/id76.html)

Title: Re: I could really use some advice
Post by: caboteria on August 27, 2009, 08:58:40 AM
Replace the bars OEM, aftermarket bars, or Clip-ons? Some recomendations please.

I changed to LSL bars which are higher and have less "droop" so they're much more comfortable for long rides and I sit up straighter which is good for the city.  Sucks on the track, though.  They come in different bends.

Got 'em second-hand on TOB, I think I paid around $50.  My guess is that if you want to go OEM there will be take-offs for sale in the parts for sale board as lots of people switch to clipons.

Title: Re: I could really use some advice
Post by: causeofkaos on August 27, 2009, 12:51:05 PM
Just ordered swatt clipons exciting

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