Title: San Diego Sunday morn ride the GP's grand opening Post by: red baron on August 28, 2009, 12:53:27 PM Who's in?
Title: Re: San Diego Sunday morn ride the GP's grand opening Post by: Scotzman on August 30, 2009, 02:16:27 PM Did you go? If so, how was it? I went when they first opened and was kind of disappointed for their cool new location, so curious if they've rearranged things.
Title: Re: San Diego Sunday morn ride the GP's grand opening Post by: red baron on August 31, 2009, 06:39:44 PM I went both days.
Good times and well planned out. Dyno runs Sunday were a big draw. [thumbsup] Title: Re: San Diego Sunday morn ride the GP's grand opening Post by: Scotzman on August 31, 2009, 07:07:02 PM Damn, I should have gone.
Title: Re: San Diego Sunday morn ride the GP's grand opening Post by: abby normal on September 10, 2009, 04:50:00 AM new shop doesn't have the funky character of the old place, but for practicality, its
gonna be way better. parking is actually available, you don't have to thread the needle to get your bike to the service bay. i saw way more people there than ever before. wonder how many were posers, and how many had actually spent money with GP in the past. Title: Re: San Diego Sunday morn ride the GP's grand opening Post by: Scotzman on September 11, 2009, 05:03:00 PM I haven't spent any money with GP because moto forza is cheaper-atleast for everything I've needed (parts and service).
Title: Re: San Diego Sunday morn ride the GP's grand opening Post by: red baron on September 12, 2009, 06:27:40 AM I haven't spent any money with GP because moto forza is cheaper-atleast for everything I've needed (parts and service). GP does really good on pricing but you have to ask. [thumbsup] I like doing business there, Paul and his crew treat me well and I have no problem giving them my money for their effort. Title: Re: San Diego Sunday morn ride the GP's grand opening Post by: Scotzman on September 12, 2009, 08:00:08 AM When I had my 600 mile service done, I just called both places and asked how much it would be out the door and then how much their labor rates were and there was a pretty big difference. So I went with the cheaper, I had no ties with either yet, so...
Title: Re: San Diego Sunday morn ride the GP's grand opening Post by: hbliam on September 12, 2009, 07:53:41 PM i saw way more people there than ever before. wonder how many were posers, and how many had actually spent money with GP in the past. I thought the point of a grand opening was to get new clients in. |