Title: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: soundguy on August 31, 2009, 06:42:54 AM Does anyone live up in the Thornton, Westminster, or Broomfield areas and commute to downtown Denver everyday?
I am looking at a house on about 112th in Thornton, but I hear the commute down I-25 is just atrocious. Any first hand experience? Thanks! Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: Bladecutter on August 31, 2009, 10:12:01 AM My friend actually goes the opposite direction every day, from downtown to 120th and I-25.
If you can get on the road before 8:30am, the Southbound I-25 isn't too bad. Once 8:30 hits, I-25 is backed up from about 120th and 104th all the way down to at least 58th. You could always take Washington down instead, as it tends not to be as bad. Or another road like Federal Blvd. Then you would need to cross back into town. BC. Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: Bick on August 31, 2009, 03:32:08 PM How far west of I-25?
On a bike, you can use the HOV lane for free, which makes the commute very easy. [thumbsup] Tolls if you are caging alone are @ $3.00 in peak hours, but well worth it sometimes. Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: soundguy on August 31, 2009, 04:34:11 PM East of I-25 actually, about 112th and Colorado.
If they ever build the light rail out, a station would be really close to the house which would be cool. But that would be at least 10 years out. Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: Stella on September 01, 2009, 04:46:45 PM My route in the morning is from downtown to Boulder. That traffic is bad but seeing the volume headed south is 10 times worse. I leave anywhere between 7:30 and 8:30 and from what I've observed, it's madness.
Bladecutter's suggestion is a good one (taking Washington). I'd say if it doesn't interfere with work, before you buy the house, drive the route on both I25 and Washington (or another route?) DURING the time you would typically drive it. Both in the morning and in the evening. Good luck!!! Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: Fresh Pants on September 01, 2009, 05:03:24 PM East of I-25 actually, about 112th and Colorado. If they ever build the light rail out, a station would be really close to the house which would be cool. But that would be at least 10 years out. Hey man, how's it going? I'm sure we've met at the Garage a couple times. (used to work around the corner from you) Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: soundguy on September 02, 2009, 07:03:38 PM So we woke up super early and drove up to Thornton to commute down. It wasn't as bad as I expected, but did take about 20 minutes to get from 104th st to 20th st. And then the house was already under contract with someone [bang]
Oh well. The search continues... Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: Stella on September 03, 2009, 03:51:21 AM Sorry about the house. I know that feeling! Good luck with the search!
Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: Manny on October 11, 2009, 08:09:23 AM Sorry about the house. Are you still looking up in that area?
I know I'm responding late, but as far as the commute goes - I drive from Loveland (the town near Ft. Collins, not the mountain) to GOlden every day, so I get a good taste of northern I-25 every day. My personal rule is to try to get past 120th by 7am to avoid the madness. Then it's not too bad. On the way home it's pretty bad from about 3:30-7pm. It's better that DTC, by all accounts, but still not nice traffic. I sometimes take Pecos to avoid the I-25/I-76 mess. Overall, with an automatic transmission, a good stereo, and good climate control it's not a bad deal. Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: Stella on October 11, 2009, 08:10:59 PM Since when do you live in Loveland mister?! No wonder we don't see you anymore! Well, not that I see anyone else all that often. Just sayin'....
;) Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: soundguy on October 13, 2009, 11:21:34 AM Update!
We just closed on our house Friday! We ended up buying in the "Sherrelwood" neighborhood, which is unincorporated Adams Country, kind of between Denver, Westminster, and Thornton. I am only like 6 miles to downtown, which is closer than when we lived in SE denver, so its not too bad. I will get to use the HOV lane on the bike when I ride to work now so that is a plus [moto] We spent every weekend for the past 4 months doing house hunting stuff, and now that we are done the good riding weather is gone. Figures! Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: Stella on October 14, 2009, 07:12:06 AM Congratulations!! When should we expect to hear about the date for the housewarming party?! ;)
Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: soundguy on October 14, 2009, 07:30:40 PM We would love to have a party, we just need to take care of all these boxes in every room first [laugh]
Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: herm on October 14, 2009, 07:48:03 PM East of I-25 actually, about 112th and Colorado. If they ever build the light rail out, a station would be really close to the house which would be cool. But that would be at least 10 years out. classic! didnt they just finish expanding I-25 north of denver? if you havent lived in colorado since the late 90's, do a little research on I-25 and commuter rails. might find it interesting (or aggravating) Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: Fresh Pants on October 15, 2009, 05:30:18 AM [thumbsup] , enjoy the new home/area/bacon.
Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: soundguy on October 15, 2009, 06:26:00 AM @ herm: I have lived here for a little over a year, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Suggestions/links to interesting reading?
@FreshPants: We just had bacon cheeseburgers last night! Title: Re: Commute from North to Downtown Denver Post by: herm on October 15, 2009, 07:18:27 AM @ herm: I have lived here for a little over a year, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Suggestions/links to interesting reading? @FreshPants: We just had bacon cheeseburgers last night! no idea where you can find anything on the web about this... real quick and dirty. back when roy romer was gov. there was a big study about whether to widen i-25 or invest in more public transportation (light rail, commuter rail, etc...) the study took several years, and concluded that if i-25 was widened, by the time the project was done, it would be inadequate for the traffic flow. therefor, the recommendation was to invest in public transportation. of course, by that time there was a new gov. from the other side of the tracks........and he tossed the study and went ahead with increasing the lanes on i-25.....which took a bunch of years, and looks like it is insufficient for the current flow of traffic. being from the east coast originally, i am a big fan of public transportation. at the time, i lived in Ft Collins, and would have loved to see a commuter rail down the front range. not only would it have eased congestion on the i-25 corridor, but i think it would have been really good for denver as well. |