Title: Blessing Post by: Schwanger on May 22, 2008, 06:33:03 PM I was about to get on the bike and I did my normal prayer, "Dear God don't let me screw this up", and I thought that we should have a blessing for the season. This might be a little late being that riding season is in full swing, but if the good Reverend Millertime might lend us a few words?
Title: Re: Blessing Post by: herm on May 22, 2008, 07:34:57 PM THE DUCATI PRAYER
Our father,Who art in Bologna, Taglioni Be thy name. Thy Victory come , Thy Race be won On the street as it is in Imola Give us this day ,Our daily Ride And forgive us our summonses As we forgive those who ride Hondas against us Lead us not into transgressions And deliver us from speedtraps For thine is the Power Of SS and the Paso The Bevel and Desmo Amen Title: Re: Blessing Post by: herm on May 22, 2008, 07:42:02 PM oh lord, grant me the courage to make the mods i want, the serenity to accept the outcome, and the wisdom to know when to stop. And god, grant me the courage to not give up when i cant find the part i need, even though I think it is hopeless.
Title: Re: Blessing Post by: desmoquattro on May 22, 2008, 09:29:54 PM En el nome del patris, el fili, y il desmosedici...
Lord, save me from your followers ;D Title: Re: Blessing Post by: IZ on May 22, 2008, 10:07:29 PM but if the good Reverend Millertime might lend us a few words? From Millertime?! WTF! That would be more of a curse than a blessing!! [cheeky] Title: Re: Blessing Post by: Schwanger on May 23, 2008, 03:21:32 AM THE DUCATI PRAYER Our father,Who art in Bologna, Taglioni Be thy name. Thy Victory come , Thy Race be won On the street as it is in Imola Give us this day ,Our daily Ride And forgive us our summonses As we forgive those who ride Hondas against us Lead us not into transgressions And deliver us from speedtraps For thine is the Power Of SS and the Paso The Bevel and Desmo Amen AMEN! Title: Re: Blessing Post by: Big Troubled Bear on May 23, 2008, 03:40:20 AM +1 [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Blessing Post by: roy-nexus-6 on May 25, 2008, 06:37:36 AM I just normally get on my bike, and repeat "you are not Casey Stoner" three times. [moto]