Title: Roadside assistance with Progressive? Post by: Mike Qube on September 03, 2009, 08:37:32 AM Does anyone have the Progressive Roadside Assistance plan? I just found out that it existed and it's only $12 a year to add to my policy.
Title: Re: Roadside assistance with Progressive? Post by: TightLines on September 05, 2009, 02:48:05 AM I do, never used it though...
Title: Re: Roadside assistance with Progressive? Post by: ItsaDuc on September 05, 2009, 04:53:48 AM Ditto (as I'm knocking on wood)
Title: Re: Roadside assistance with Progressive? Post by: Gator on September 05, 2009, 08:55:19 AM I had it, and I used it twice. I ran out of gas.
My fuel light doesnt work. For $1 a month its better to have and not need it, then need it and not have it. Title: Re: Roadside assistance with Progressive? Post by: Bick on September 05, 2009, 11:43:37 AM For $1 a month its better to have and not need it, then need it and not have it. [thumbsup] Got it... Never had to use it... Good to know I have it. Still paying $135/yr for AAA RV+ for the same thing. Title: Re: Roadside assistance with Progressive? Post by: DoubleEagle on September 05, 2009, 07:37:48 PM One of my bikes is out of Factory warranty and I have Progressive Insurance so I had the RA put on it.
No FHE w, it as of this posting. Dolph :) Title: Re: Roadside assistance with Progressive? Post by: Mike Qube on September 07, 2009, 12:06:52 PM [thumbsup] Got it... Never had to use it... Good to know I have it. Still paying $135/yr for AAA RV+ for the same thing. I orignally called AAA about getting the bike on my coverage and they said they dont do it in MA. I got the Prograssive one, for $12 a year I cant go wrong. Title: Re: Roadside assistance with Progressive? Post by: somegirl on September 07, 2009, 04:21:01 PM I have AMA roadside assistance. [thumbsup]