Title: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: Travman on September 05, 2009, 04:41:09 PM Does anyone here know anything about the Bimota 666 L.E.? I believe it was built in 2004. Was it ever built or was it just a concept?
(http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/Gallery/Bimota%20666%20LE%20%202.jpg) (http://www.motorbikes.be/motorbike/3871/full.jpg) Was it the basis for the NCR Millona? There appear to be a lot of similarities in the frame and swingarm. (http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/photogallerys/IMG_0846.jpg) Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: redxblack on September 05, 2009, 05:07:17 PM That Bimota would be sex on wheels if it had a different color scheme.
Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: kopfjäger on September 05, 2009, 05:10:45 PM Never seen one before. It is an NCR Millona other than the tail section.
Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: Oldfisti on September 05, 2009, 06:25:32 PM The tail sections look suprisingly similar to me.
Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: Raux on September 05, 2009, 10:21:04 PM i have no doubt they are the same
Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: m1moto on September 06, 2009, 08:38:04 AM Def the same. I wonder who made it first.
Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: kopfjäger on September 06, 2009, 08:57:54 AM I found this.
I'm writing an article about italian bike. NCR Millona seems to be the same bike than Bimota 666 LE. Does Bimota rename NCR's bike ? Thanks you. Dédélembrouille Lui : Hello, i explain you what is the Bimota 666LE: In 2002 NCR built is first motorcycle: 100ONE. Once the development of this motorcycle was completed, the all project was sold to to Bimota. Bimota used one of the first NCR 100ONE prototypes, painting them with their colors and they presented this bike with the 666 name. But after less than 1 year, Bimota failed and we took back the 100ONE project and in 2004 we presented the prototype of the 100ONE evolution: NCR MILLONA. The NCR MILLONA production started in 2005 and we are still producing only on demand and handmade this incredible motorcycle only for racing use. I hope that i have clarified this point. Thank you and let me know if you need more info. All the best, Michele Poggipolini Moi : Hello, Thank you for this elements. Do you know how many Bimota 666/NCR 100One are made ? All the Bimota 666/NCR 100One have been transformed in NCR Millona or we can already seen one of this bike ? Lui : Hello, there is only 1 NCR 100One and no Bimota 666 were produced. This bike belongs to a private customer so cannot be seen. Thank you very much, Michele Poggipolini Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: Travman on September 06, 2009, 10:06:49 AM Thanks Darryl. So it looks like the Bimota 666 L.E. wasn't put into production. It was just a show bike. Bimota should have taken the bike and run with it. IMO, the NCR Millona is a much more desirable bike than any of the 2V bikes Bimota currently sells like the DB5 or DB6.
Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: kopfjäger on September 06, 2009, 10:21:32 AM Thanks Darryl. So it looks like the Bimota 666 L.E. wasn't put into production. It was just a show bike. Bimota should have taken the bike and run with it. IMO, the NCR Millona is a much more desirable bike than any of the 2V bikes Bimota currently sells like the DB5 or DB6. Only thing is the NCR doesn't have a "street" version. Not that it couldn't be done though. [evil] Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: karrotx on September 06, 2009, 10:39:45 AM I look at that bike and see SV650.
Cheaper, probably more reliable and easier to maintain. What's this thing do in hp/torque or track laps? Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: DW on September 06, 2009, 10:47:42 AM I look at that bike and see SV650. Cheaper, probably more reliable and easier to maintain. What's this thing do in hp/torque or track laps? The newer version puts out 120HP, but only weigh about 275lbs... [bacon] SV650. No, not really in the same class. Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: supertjeduc on September 06, 2009, 11:06:55 AM Thanks Darryl. So it looks like the Bimota 666 L.E. wasn't put into production. It was just a show bike. Bimota should have taken the bike and run with it. IMO, the NCR Millona is a much more desirable bike than any of the 2V bikes Bimota currently sells like the DB5 or DB6. (http://redliners.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/07_bimota_tesi2d.jpg) I saw the Vyrus version (which is the original) for some weeks and it is [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] (http://supertjeduc.zenfolio.com/img/v1/p527738502-5.jpg) Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: Travman on September 06, 2009, 11:12:08 AM Maybe I'm too conservative in my motorcycle design tastes, but I think the Tesi is in the top 10 of my least attractive motorcycles. The Bimota Mantra is in my top 10 least attractive motorcycles also.
Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: redxblack on September 06, 2009, 12:04:22 PM I find it hard to not like Bimota designs. The Tesi is a neat bike that challenges conventions. Aesthetically the tie rods look obnoxious, but overall I like the concept.
Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: kopfjäger on September 06, 2009, 12:54:08 PM I look at that bike and see SV650. Cheaper, probably more reliable and easier to maintain. What's this thing do in hp/torque or track laps? Not even in the same ballpark. I saw one raced at Barber. He had to start in row 8 on the grid. He was in 2nd going into turn 1. He blew past several 749r Ducs and a couple of Speed Triples as well. Easy win in both of his races. [evil] Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: junior varsity on September 07, 2009, 04:41:29 AM "beers? you guys go ahead, i'm about to spend the next two weeks getting the bike dissassembled to change the belts on my Tesi...."
Title: Re: Bimota 666 L.E. & NCR Millona Post by: kingbaby on September 07, 2009, 12:31:41 PM I love it. But I do understand some folks don't like change, and I very much respect that.
Three things though: Color scheme...Seriosly? Is it not RED enough for you? Did someone really just compare that to an SV? D is the forum tech finding Guru, Period. |