Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => General Monster Forum => Topic started by: He Man on September 20, 2009, 04:08:53 PM

Title: I bit the pavement too
Post by: He Man on September 20, 2009, 04:08:53 PM
It seems like an unfortunte year for a lot of people, seeing how many guys went down...including myself.
I posted up a crash report here, http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=119.msg515559#msg515559 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=119.msg515559#msg515559)

Remember guys to be aware of your surroundings.

Thanks to CDawg, Evil Steve, and Bones for a great ride. Especially to Evil Steve for setting my head straight riding on the streets, something I really need to work on. Chosing a SAFER line, a SADER distance to the rider ahead of you, and lane dicipline. All things that I've neglected.

ride safer guys.

Title: Re: 10th TICKET!!!
Post by: Slide Panda on September 21, 2009, 02:03:58 AM
I'm a bit confused here - What happened man?

Title: Re: 10th TICKET!!!
Post by: He Man on September 21, 2009, 04:07:54 AM
I guess it doenst make sense does it ?

http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=119.msg515559#msg515559 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=119.msg515559#msg515559)

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: swampduc on September 21, 2009, 04:19:07 AM
What the hell, mang?!
It has been a rough, rough year.
Hope you feel better soon.

Oh, and "one of my better crashes"?

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: Slide Panda on September 21, 2009, 04:36:27 AM
Oh boooooo!

Well, glad that you're fine - but booo on the crash.  It's been a crappy year it seems. Lots of wrecks in my local area too.

Help quick - though I'm not so near by, let me knwo if you need a hand.

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: ducatiz on September 21, 2009, 04:39:23 AM
between those grooves and the astrolube-shit they use for road patching, i'd rather not ride in PA ever again!

glad you're ok!  good thing you're getting a new tank..   ;D

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: He Man on September 21, 2009, 04:46:24 AM
between those grooves and the astrolube-shit they use for road patching, i'd rather not ride in PA ever again!

glad you're ok!  good thing you're getting a new tank..   ;D

The tank isnt scratched at all. How that happened? Im not sure. I havent heard back from the dealer either. :(

That shit they use for road patching is complete bull shit. The local guys said the same thing. A crew came on friday and laid gravel everywhere. No one held up signs or posted anything. A few of them barely escaped crashing.

I wonder if PA has something like NYC where you can file a claim with them and get them to pay for your damages. WHo the hell uses loose gravel to fill potholes anyway????

What the hell, mang?!
It has been a rough, rough year.
Hope you feel better soon.

Oh, and "one of my better crashes"?

The last 2 times i crashed the bike was out for 2 months, then the other crash, i couldn't walk for 3 months because of a very very bad exhaust burn right where the ankle pivots.

I forgot who said this, but someone posted that maybe Karma is taking a HUGE shit on me for something good in the long run... god damn it. I hope your right. But i rather not since my jaw, head,neck and hip is too sore to deal with Karma's BS.

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: ducatiz on September 21, 2009, 04:50:20 AM
The tank isnt scratched at all. How that happened? Im not sure. I havent heard back from the dealer either. :(

That shit they use for road patching is complete bull shit. The local guys said the same thing. A crew came on friday and laid gravel everywhere. No one held up signs or posted anything. A few of them barely escaped crashing.

I wonder if PA has something like NYC where you can file a claim with them and get them to pay for your damages. WHo the hell uses loose gravel to fill potholes anyway????

you would be SHOCKED how many places do this.  usually it is loose gravel and then they come by with a little asphalt to cover it and pound it down.  near me they do the same thing and forgot to do the asphalt and the county got tons of calls after ppl had windshields broken from it flying up.. whoops..

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: Slide Panda on September 21, 2009, 04:54:00 AM
Around here, those are referred to as 'Chip and Tar' roads... Which are fine after a couple months - but yeah, when they have been freshly done they are real problems.  I was on a freshy re-chipped road last year and got the rear end shimmy goning - not fun.

Contact PennDOT see if you can make a claim. Won't cost you anything to call

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: He Man on September 21, 2009, 05:00:08 AM
Ill write them an email. I'm probably not the friendliest person to talk to right now if I don't know you. lol

Wish i had my go pro mounted and recording.  :P

I dont have any evidence of the crash, other then the damage to the bike and myself. And since I only have liability, my insurance doesnt cover any of this stuff. Added ontop that theres no phone service up there, Its not like i could of dialed 911 and filed a police report. still doable?

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: ducatiz on September 21, 2009, 05:02:35 AM
Ill write them an email. I'm probably not the friendliest person to talk to right now if I don't know you. lol

Wish i had my go pro mounted and recording.  :P

I dont have any evidence of the crash, other then the damage to the bike and myself. And since I only have liability, my insurance doesnt cover any of this stuff. Added ontop that theres no phone service up there, Its not like i could of dialed 911 and filed a police report. still doable?

you have plenty of witnesses and i bet someone nearby can go take pics

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: He Man on September 21, 2009, 05:06:05 AM
That makes sense. Ill give it a try. I'll just call them. I forgot that most people are nice outside of NYC. But...i have to go to school first. :( So ill ring them up when i get home.
Thanks for the advice ductiz. Ill update this thread if anything happens.

On another note...since i crashed out 3 times, does that mean i wont crash again? 3rd times a charm! lol

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: ducatiz on September 21, 2009, 05:20:01 AM
That makes sense. Ill give it a try. I'll just call them. I forgot that most people are nice outside of NYC. But...i have to go to school first. :( So ill ring them up when i get home.
Thanks for the advice ductiz. Ill update this thread if anything happens.

On another note...since i crashed out 3 times, does that mean i wont crash again? 3rd times a charm! lol

i think it means you need to take the MSF again...  [evil]

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: He Man on September 21, 2009, 05:28:16 AM
your killing my ego. :( can't I atleast subsitute Lee Parks ARC? or MRC-Experienced? How about a track day? i think i owe it to myself!

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: Mad Duc on September 21, 2009, 06:46:11 AM
sorry to hear about the accident - glad you didn't get seriously hurt.

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: EvilSteve on September 21, 2009, 07:03:28 AM
The awesome thing about the gravel was that it was only one side of the road and was similarly colored to the road. Basically booby trapped road. I watched He Man go down behind me after I'd been frantically pointing out the gravel. Sucks He Man. :(

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: Slide Panda on September 21, 2009, 07:06:11 AM
Those tar and chip roads are booby traps. Until all the chips get pushed off by car traffic, they just get pushed right into the lines where motorcycles tread.

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: Raux on September 21, 2009, 08:20:50 AM
holy chit bat man i mean he man...

are you ok?

did i read you hurt your jaw? how'd you do that?

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: Goat_Herder on September 21, 2009, 08:54:34 AM
It's certain been a year full of crashes...  Hope you and your ego heal up soon.   [thumbsup]

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: He Man on September 21, 2009, 10:27:11 AM
holy chit bat man i mean he man...

are you ok?

did i read you hurt your jaw? how'd you do that?

i guess i dont have the right fitting helmet? i can bite my own cheek with the helmet on and the front of hte helmet doenst slam into my teeth, but either way when i fell, the helmet twisted when i fell on the top left side and my jaw moved. It was swollen enough that i couldn't bite down till this morning. Im good now minus some sore spots. Half of which confuses me because i went down on my left side, not my right. but my right side hurts.... it may have been me pushing the bike up two hills lol.

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: EvilSteve on September 21, 2009, 11:18:57 AM
You need a new helmet now anyway.

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: He Man on September 21, 2009, 03:29:57 PM
Defintely. You were talking about the AGV, my friend has one and its MIGHTY soft inside... and its not too expensive for the middle end models. Im going to find a place and try one of those on.

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: Chchadder on September 21, 2009, 03:54:17 PM
Don't we all wear a medium? You should try on Rudel's.  I haven't seen a local dealer for those too many places.  Actually, I think Cycle Therapy has them.  The only thing I don't like about the AGV is the chin comes up a bit high for me.  I'm sure it's more perception than anything, but I feel a bit exposed there.

"One of my better crashes..." 

That'd be good comedy if it weren't so true...lol!

Feel better bro.

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: LA on September 21, 2009, 04:43:42 PM
Sorry Pal.

Tar and gravel's what we call it in the Blue Ridge. Chip seal when I was out in Az. - all the same. The state may as well pay somebody to sit out by the road and take pot shots at you with a 22, as put that shit down on the hwy.

You learned something. 

It's a jungle out there.   [drink]


Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: Raux on September 21, 2009, 07:17:31 PM
Defintely. You were talking about the AGV, my friend has one and its MIGHTY soft inside... and its not too expensive for the middle end models. Im going to find a place and try one of those on.
when you try it on.. if it's tight... get the next size smaller. that's what i saw one time about selecting helmets.

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: somegirl on September 21, 2009, 08:49:25 PM
Sorry to hear that He Man. :(  Glad you didn't have any serious injuries though.

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: EvilSteve on September 22, 2009, 03:30:06 AM
My TiTech (from a couple of years ago) was ECE & DOT certified, not SNELL. Happy coincidence with the whole "helmets are too stiff" arguments that have since prompted SNELL to soften their tests (SNELL2010). The helmet is very comfortable and while visibility is a little reduced compared to the RF1000 I have, I'd say the TiTech wins just about everywhere else. Obviously IMO.

Title: Re: I bit the pavement too
Post by: KEH on September 23, 2009, 04:27:35 AM
Sorry to hear about yet another crash. Glad you're still in one piece though.

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