Title: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 20, 2009, 05:54:56 PM So whaddya think? Another semi-annual LSD Muenster Run - Sunday, September 27th. Kickstands up 10 o'clock. We'll meet in the parking lot of Pass Pro Shops. Come one come all! Let's ride [moto] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: fastwin on September 20, 2009, 06:14:12 PM I'd love to but I will hopefully be in west Texas dove hunting, plowing and planting wheat at my friend's ranch. If it falls apart I will be riding with ya'll. [thumbsup] [moto] [drink]
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Jester on September 20, 2009, 07:08:30 PM Man I haven't been dove hunting in years. Have fun Brian! [thumbsup]
I should be there for this. Any interest in meeting at the starbucks instead for some pre-ride coffee? Either is cool with me. [drink] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 21, 2009, 03:15:51 AM mmmmm, coffee ;D I'll prolly go there first, 'round 9 I'd guess. Yep, camelback full of double esspressos for me, thanks - sounds like the only way I can keep you people in sight :o Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: RED on September 21, 2009, 10:23:14 AM mmmmm, coffee ;D I'll prolly go there first, 'round 9 I'd guess. Yep, camelback full of double esspressos for me, thanks - sounds like the only way I can keep you people in sight :o That coming from Ms. Draginmyknee? Yeah, more like Cya chumps see if you can catch me! [moto] [thumbsup] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 21, 2009, 01:58:32 PM Ha! Dude, all I've done is scare the crap out of my knee pucks. They've just mocked me so far, RED... But SOON, they WILL pay... [laugh] So, did you all run two groups to Hico the other day? Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Samsonite on September 21, 2009, 04:09:30 PM I wanna do this ride! But I'll be at MSR Cresson this weekend. You all be safe! And watch out for the Leo's!
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: petros2r on September 21, 2009, 06:07:07 PM [moto]I want it! No crappy restaurants dough! We must have German food... or else!!. Last time I've been there - loved it! Good twisties, awesome views, Wind Power Propellers - huge! - Something to remember. 1 group consisting of 1&0.5 or 2 groups would be nice again. I know i'm at the back - do "gas it" on straights and too scared on the turns.
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: fastwin on September 21, 2009, 06:37:23 PM Do we need a petros2r/english dictionary or what? Just kidding! Of course there is German food! It's Muenster. I have no idea of what your ride group comment is about?? I am sorry if you are at the "back"... no shame with this group. No worries. No one cares if it's your first time to ride or if you are Troy Bayliss! We accept and accomodate everyone in this DFW group, regardless of which local message board you participate with. It's all good. Good folks, good rides and good info... most of the time. [laugh]
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: TresGatos on September 21, 2009, 07:42:45 PM Ha! Dude, all I've done is scare the crap out of my knee pucks. They've just mocked me so far, RED... But SOON, they WILL pay... [laugh] CJ and I swapped riding sweep. There may haveSo, did you all run two groups to Hico the other day? been a "middle" group in between the two. It was fun riding last of all, and then last in the five trying to keep up with the 695R. Talk about a great view: five bikes ahead, leaning into 100+ sweeps, awesome!! [moto] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 22, 2009, 10:25:02 AM CJ and I swapped riding sweep. There may have been a "middle" group in between the two. It was fun riding last of all, and then last in the five trying to keep up with the 695R. Talk about a great view: five bikes ahead, leaning into 100+ sweeps, awesome!! [moto] Very cool. Thanks for the reply. Eddie, no worries on pace with this ride. It will be fun at any speed (take that, Ralph Nader, ya' big baby [evil] ). Once the roads get technical, and depending on the group size, we've often done this ride broken up into two seperate groups. The lead group is always within sight (unless Ron is along... or Jester, or Chris, or CJ... [bang] [laugh] ), so everyone can enjoy their own pace and still end up in Muenster at roughly the same time. Good compromise, IMHO. So, BE THERE y'all! Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: andym on September 22, 2009, 11:39:39 AM This trip last year was mine and Amy's first with the group.
It is a great ride and I would love to come along but I'll be in London for a mates wedding. [wine] Have fun and be safe. [moto] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: fastwin on September 22, 2009, 12:28:04 PM What's a 695R? ???
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Samsonite on September 22, 2009, 12:45:04 PM What's a 695R? ??? A 695 with (mopar ;) ) exhaust tips for silencers..... [laugh]Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: webspoke on September 22, 2009, 01:09:12 PM I'd like to, but it's the same weekend as an autocross on the TMS infield road course - decisions decisions [bang]
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Ronr on September 22, 2009, 03:31:53 PM What's a 695R? ??? That's what calscrazy seems to be riding these days [bacon] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: dallas2r on September 22, 2009, 06:20:50 PM What's a 695R? ??? maybe your supposed to say it like "695'er" Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Jester on September 22, 2009, 08:04:21 PM So 9am starbucks, 10am Bass Pro Shop parking lot right? Lisa do you have a link to a printable map for the route we're taking?
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 23, 2009, 03:00:32 AM Jester, 9am at the Starbucks then corral the folks over at BPS 'round 10. I do not have a map, unfortunately, because I'm lame when it comes to computer related things. Would it help if I described the route with highway numbers, cities, and towns so anyone can plot it out ahead of time? It will be an all day ride; 2 1/2 hours to Muenster and lunch, then roughly two hours back. It's a great ride and I think the weather looks like it will cooperate as well on Sunday. I'm looking forward to it [moto] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: fastwin on September 23, 2009, 04:25:30 AM Just saw the weather forecast. Pretty much the same as last Sunday, maybe a few degrees cooler. Ninety to ninety one for a high, sunny, light winds, low should be upper 60s. Too bad these low to mid 70s high temps didn't stick around for the weekend. They will soon enough.
Hope Doc's isn't too crowded by the time you get there. It's worth the wait. The sausage sampler plate is worth the ride. [bow_down] All the roads are A-OK, no issues. There were a ton of scooters out last Sunday, probably more of the same this weekend. Everyone is sick of the recent rain and the summer heat. Interesting note, on my ride last Sunday I think there was a 98% "wave rate". I think damn near every bike I passed, even every Harley and metric cruiser, waved at me or responded when I waved. [clap] Everyone must have been in a happy, accepting mood. All those Harley riders waving back was starting to freak me out a little. [laugh] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: muskrat on September 23, 2009, 06:16:24 AM the reason most Harley riders don't wave at you is because you're clipping at a pace of 150 or so [laugh]
I wave at EVERYONE, even those on scooters. Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Jester on September 23, 2009, 04:29:15 PM Weather is holding. Looks to be a beautiful day Sunday.
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Samsonite on September 23, 2009, 05:15:19 PM Lisa do you have a link to a printable map for the route we're taking? It could have changed, but this is the route I made with the group the 3 previous runs.....Muenster (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=International+Pkwy&daddr=Long+Prairie+Rd+to:Cross+Timbers+Rd%2FFM-1171+to:Hwy-377+S%2FUS-377+to:FM-407+to:FM-407%2FIllinois+St+to:N+FM-730+to:FM+Rd+730+to:33.532953,-97.557006+to:Gainsville+St+to:W+FM-922+to:N+FM-373%2FN+Main+St&geocode=FQgi9wEdVlU3-g%3BFSgG-AEd0NE2-g%3BFa1d-AEdldQ0-g%3BFWAU-QEd0P00-g%3BFarx-AEdfD4y-g%3BFeIQ-QEdcbww-g%3BFeTH-AEdbGMv-g%3BFdpc_gEdcGww-g%3B%3BFSKl_wEd-ncv-g%3BFUw__wEd2A8y-g%3BFRZyAQIdlCcy-g&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrcr=4&mrsp=8&sz=15&via=1,4,7,8,9&sll=33.533167,-97.564816&sspn=0.016277,0.042186&ie=UTF8&ll=33.291508,-97.47345&spn=0.522298,1.349945&z=10) Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: RED on September 24, 2009, 03:03:07 AM Got no link with that last post Sam. :P
This weekend will be a gametime decision. Boy kid coming home and might want to hang close. we'll see. Who all is going on this ride? Post up! Rule number 1 applies on this ride for sure. Thanks to CJ and all last week for supplying the pics. Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Samsonite on September 24, 2009, 03:32:48 AM Got no link with that last post Sam. :P click on Muenster..... [roll] [roll]Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Jester on September 24, 2009, 07:19:45 AM I'm in.
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 24, 2009, 08:32:39 AM Weather will be good. I'm am SOOO going on this ride. I've added a northern loop that goes over the long bridge between Texas and Oklahoma (thanks sdlrodeo [evil] ). Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: TresGatos on September 24, 2009, 09:54:02 AM I foresee no problems keeping me out.
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 24, 2009, 12:23:14 PM Very cool, very cool [thumbsup]
So we've got: pinocchio petros2R +1 dallas2r TresGatos Jester lisaboyd With "maybe" from: RED For anyone that may be undecided about this ride, here are some more details; once we're about an hour out of town and the roads open up a lot, we'll run this in two groups, a "Sport" group and a "Touring" group. I'll lead the Touring folks - my pace will be 15 to 20 mph hour over. The leader for "Sport" is YTBD. The pace of this group, let's just say, is considerably faster [evil] Everyone meets back up at a "T" about thirty minutes later. Debrief, then the two groups split again - with roughly 3 or 4 minutes between groups. Meet-up once again in a small town, have a drink, etc., then we'll all ride into Muenster together. This sounds more complicated than it is but it allows everyone a chance to ride however the hell they want without worrying about getting left behind or dropping the pack. Lunch is at Doc's Biergarten - they're running their Octoberfest specials this month so the food will be awesome (along with a very noce selection of German beer) - and weather permitting, we can eat on the patio [thumbsup] Hope you can make it [moto] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: RED on September 24, 2009, 12:27:29 PM click on Muenster..... [roll] [roll] Ah Hah! I'm no Maxwell Smart but you can't fool me... Muenster (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=International+Pkwy&daddr=Long+Prairie+Rd+to:Cross+Timbers+Rd%2FFM-1171+to:Hwy-377+S%2FUS-377+to:FM-407+to:FM-407%2FIllinois+St+to:N+FM-730+to:FM+Rd+730+to:33.532953,-97.557006+to:Gainsville+St+to:W+FM-922+to:N+FM-373%2FN+Main+St&geocode=FQgi9wEdVlU3-g%3BFSgG-AEd0NE2-g%3BFa1d-AEdldQ0-g%3BFWAU-QEd0P00-g%3BFarx-AEdfD4y-g%3BFeIQ-QEdcbww-g%3BFeTH-AEdbGMv-g%3BFdpc_gEdcGww-g%3B%3BFSKl_wEd-ncv-g%3BFUw__wEd2A8y-g%3BFRZyAQIdlCcy-g&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrcr=4&mrsp=8&sz=15&via=1,4,7,8,9&sll=33.533167,-97.564816&sspn=0.016277,0.042186&ie=UTF8&ll=33.291508,-97.47345&spn=0.522298,1.349945&z=10) It wasn't in italics like it should be! Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 24, 2009, 12:32:23 PM Got no link with that last post Sam. :P This weekend will be a gametime decision. Boy kid coming home and might want to hang close. we'll see. Who all is going on this ride? Post up! Rule number 1 applies on this ride for sure. Thanks to CJ and all last week for supplying the pics. What is "Rule number 1"? Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Jester on September 24, 2009, 01:00:14 PM Try to make this one guys! The weather is gonna be awesome after all this rain! [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: caffeinejunkee on September 24, 2009, 01:27:57 PM What is "Rule number 1"? My guess would be to take lots of pics. [thumbsup] I guess I'm gonna have to miss this one too.... :-\ I would say to have fun, but, well, how can you not on this ride? [evil] ;D [moto] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: dallas2r on September 24, 2009, 02:17:00 PM Go ahead and add me to the list. [moto] [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 24, 2009, 04:18:26 PM Cool. Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 24, 2009, 04:21:59 PM Ride recap WITH pix... Rule #1 [thumbsup] Got it [laugh] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: petros2r on September 24, 2009, 10:08:45 PM Petros2r is more likely!! and am bringing a friend! :P
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 25, 2009, 02:34:17 AM Alrighty then [moto] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: RED on September 25, 2009, 02:42:48 AM Ride recap WITH pix... Rule #1 [thumbsup] Got it [laugh] ;D Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: honda freak on September 26, 2009, 02:11:11 PM Sounds like fun. Ride safe! 8)
I have to taxi my son to soccer, sunday school, church, Chinese school, etc....... Isn't life grand with children? ;) I'm gonna have a genious when he turns ten!.....I hope. ;D Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: petros2r on September 26, 2009, 04:33:28 PM Petros2r is more likely!! and am bringing a friend! :P +1Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Pinocchio on September 26, 2009, 04:47:06 PM I'm in on the S4Rs, if I can find you people in the morning. Starbucks, Bass Pro Shop parking lot, Grapevine Mills Mall, 9 o'clock, 9:30, 10 o'clock: whur y'all go'n' be at, 'n' when?!?? I'm confused!!! ??? Could I please get a readback of the rendezvous instructions for this flustercluck!?!!??! Oooops, sorry, did I say "flustercluck" ? :o
Looking forward to getting my German sausage and 'kraut on at Docs, and spilling Red's drink, and mine, too, if I can. [laugh] I've got the DVR set to Speed channel for WSBK at 4:00 for Race 1 and 5:00 PM for Race 2, so I'm bulletproof, unless I pull a whitecat. ;) Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 26, 2009, 05:15:04 PM I'm in on the S4Rs, if I can find you people in the morning. Starbucks, Bass Pro Shop parking lot, Grapevine Mills Mall, 9 o'clock, 9:30, 10 o'clock: whur y'all go'n' be at, 'n' when?!?? I'm confused!!! ??? Could I please get a readback of the rendezvous instructions for this flustercluck!?!!??! Oooops, sorry, did I say "flustercluck" ? :o Looking forward to getting my German sausage and 'kraut on at Docs, and spilling Red's drink, and mine, too, if I can. [laugh] I've got the DVR set to Speed channel for WSBK at 4:00 for Race 1 and 5:00 PM for Race 2, so I'm bulletproof, unless I pull a whitecat. ;) Awesome! Glad you can make it. Sorry for the confusion on the meeting point... Here's the semi-revised plan: Let's meet at this Starbucks (within earshot of Grapevine Mills Mall) anywhere between 9 and 10 tomorrow morning. http://www.starbucks.com/Retail/Find/storedetails.aspx?sid=95881&coords=Grapevine (http://www.starbucks.com/Retail/Find/storedetails.aspx?sid=95881&coords=Grapevine) It's got the usual patio out front and there's a gas station pretty much in the same parking lot so everyone can top off before we head out at 10. I'm going to get there at 9 or there abouts. Should be a fun day - a bit toasty but so what [evil] I can't wait! Lisa P.S. Please everyone make sure and bring your I.C.E. (in case of emergency) contact phone number ;D Little shard of paper with the info scribbled on it is just fine [thumbsup] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Pinocchio on September 26, 2009, 05:28:16 PM Lisa, the link you provided only took me to the Starbuck's store locator search engine, which I could use if you would tell me what street the Starbuck's is on.
Thx, Pinocch' Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: caffeinejunkee on September 26, 2009, 05:39:15 PM This should be it: http://tinyurl.com/y9tbjwr (http://tinyurl.com/y9tbjwr)
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Pinocchio on September 26, 2009, 05:50:35 PM This should be it: http://tinyurl.com/y9tbjwr (http://tinyurl.com/y9tbjwr) Ach, du lieber! Danke shoen! [bow_down]Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 26, 2009, 06:52:05 PM This should be it: http://tinyurl.com/y9tbjwr (http://tinyurl.com/y9tbjwr) Thanks George! Here's the physical address for the Starbucks (not sure wassup with my link :-X ) 3525 Grapevine Mills Pkwy Grapevine, Texas 76051 Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: dallas2r on September 26, 2009, 07:15:20 PM Is it morning yet. [moto] ;D
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: TresGatos on September 26, 2009, 08:59:46 PM I stared my new job this week and it has run me around
so that my new tire is in the apt managers office, not on the bike, and things have piled up that must be done on Sunday. My commute is from Burleson to Valley View Mall. I was really looking foreward to making my second Muenster run (almost one year anniversary), and riding with Lisa again. You guys have a great ride and no "White Cat down" this time! Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 27, 2009, 04:40:18 AM I stared my new job this week and it has run me around so that my new tire is in the apt managers office, not on the bike, and things have piled up that must be done on Sunday. My commute is from Burleson to Valley View Mall. I was really looking foreward to making my second Muenster run (almost one year anniversary), and riding with Lisa again. You guys have a great ride and no "White Cat down" this time! Well hell - that just sucks! Oh well, at least there's some good racing on this afternoon, and there WILL be other rides [evil] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 27, 2009, 04:40:43 AM OMW ;D Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: RED on September 27, 2009, 05:19:45 AM Hard to believe it's been a year since the first time I met the group on my first ride as TG mentioned. What a day that was. :o . In many ways it changed me and I thank all you that have been my true friends this past year. I look forward to the rides to come this fall and hope to make many of them. Unfortunately today I'm not able to ride with the group. You will all be in my prayers for a safe and enjoyable ride. I too will be watching WSK while in the garage today if anyone wants to swing by on their way to wherever. It's going to be hot so a dip in the pool seems logical at this point.
Be safe. RED And with that post I'm 2000 posts old now! I'm feeling it too :'( [thumbsup] [thumbsup] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 27, 2009, 03:12:35 PM Alrighty then! Great riding day - what a blast. It was great to meet Mike (Eddie's friend), and Greg. Greg turns out to be one of my neighbors so that 's cool. And thanks to The Usual Suspects who were able to play hooky today; Will, Jacob, Eddie. Randy, and John. Great company, great day. Nothing like strafing the countryside with friends, startling grazing herds of livestock with the beautiful, harmonious sounds of Italian machinery... Termis at full song... Sa-weet-ness. I've often speculated that there is surely no better mod than termis for your Duc. I mean they sound awesome, they're beautifully made, wonderfully proportioned...every minute detail executed with precision. Stainless steel headers forward, carbon fiber cans aft... Damn, Termis are just so cool you're kind of... well, surprised when you discover something they don't do well. Today, for example, we were disappointed to learn that Termis on a Monster do NOT fly. In fact, the aerodynamic properties of the stacked cans on a Monster are so woefully inadequate that once loosened into the airstream behind the bike, they just kind of lazily spin towards the pavement, cartwheel in a shower of sparks down the road, then shamefully slither off into the high grass along the side of the highway. Fortunately, the wretched piece was dutifully retrieved by the rider following at the time. No ransom was required to eventually reclaim the piece either (always nice to ride with friends [evil] ). So, yes indeed, people, rest assured a good time was had by all today. We'll just log this Munester Run as "Epic." Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: dallas2r on September 27, 2009, 03:38:22 PM Alrighty then! Great riding day - what a blast. It was great to meet Mike (Eddie's friend), and Greg. Greg turns out to be one of my neighbors so that 's cool. And thanks to The Usual Suspects who were able to play hooky today; Will, Jacob, Eddie. Randy, and John. Great company, great day. Nothing like strafing the countryside with friends, startling grazing herds of livestock with the beautiful, harmonious sounds of Italian machinery... Termis at full song... Sa-weet-ness. I've often speculated that there is surely no better mod than termis for your Duc. I mean they sound awesome, they're beautifully made, wonderfully proportioned...every minute detail executed with precision. Stainless steel headers forward, carbon fiber cans aft... Damn, Termis are just so cool you're kind of... well, surprised when you discover something they don't do well. Today, for example, we were disappointed to learn that Termis on a Monster do NOT fly. In fact, the aerodynamic properties of the stacked cans on a Monster are so woefully inadequate that once loosened into the airstream behind the bike, they just kind of lazily spin towards the pavement, cartwheel in a shower of sparks down the road, then shamefully slither off into the high grass along the side of the highway. Fortunately, the wretched piece was dutifully retrieved by the rider following at the time. No ransom was required to eventually reclaim the piece either (always nice to ride with friends [evil] ). So, yes indeed, people, rest assured a good time was had by all today. We'll just log this Munester Run as "Epic." Well said Lisa... much better than my quip I was going to post about no White-Cat down, but we did have a Black-Termi down. ;D Hit a new top speed on the Blue-Streak today; 170 indicated, 157 on the GPS. Next time I'll start further back on that bridge instead of from where we parked. I'd post more, but today was a blast and I'm freakin' tired! Here's my pics: http://pixl8.smugmug.com/Motorcycles/Muenster-Run/9777416_yEvhR#662994260_3bKSN (http://pixl8.smugmug.com/Motorcycles/Muenster-Run/9777416_yEvhR#662994260_3bKSN) Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: RED on September 27, 2009, 04:12:29 PM ok, who's Termi's had the incident? Did someone's cans come off? What's up?
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: fastwin on September 27, 2009, 04:34:59 PM Well said Lisa... much better than my quip I was going to post about no White-Cat down, but we did have a Black-Termi down. ;D Hit a new top speed on the Blue-Streak today; 170 indicated, 157 on the GPS. Next time I'll start further back on that bridge instead of from where we parked. I'd post more, but today was a blast and I'm freakin' tired! Here's my pics: http://pixl8.smugmug.com/Motorcycles/Muenster-Run/9777416_yEvhR#662994260_3bKSN (http://pixl8.smugmug.com/Motorcycles/Muenster-Run/9777416_yEvhR#662994260_3bKSN) I can relate, the last time I did that ride with Lisa and Alan I made sure to go 125mph over the speed limit. But in reality I think it was only 120 or so. :P My dumbass squid move for the year... but at least it was in a "safe" section of the ride. I have a friend's brother who is now hooked on Bonnieville car speed records who says "the older I get the faster I go". He took the words right out of my mouth. [evil] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: petros2r on September 27, 2009, 04:36:17 PM I've got one word - FRESCO! [coffee]
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: RED on September 27, 2009, 04:41:40 PM Would someone please be so kind as to let me know what happened today? No code talk or Russian [laugh]
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: fastwin on September 27, 2009, 04:45:17 PM Sounds like someone lost some Termi mufflers off a Monster. But they were retrieved. Those Italian bikes do vibrate stuff loose but nothing like a Motor Company bike! [moto]
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: dallas2r on September 27, 2009, 04:54:02 PM I've got one word - FRESCO! [coffee] Renaissance paintings. ??? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fresco (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fresco) Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: fastwin on September 27, 2009, 04:59:19 PM Fresco, Termi... whatever. They were painted by the same guy right? [laugh]
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: petros2r on September 27, 2009, 05:52:30 PM Actually I meant Fresco exhaust (2005 S2R 800 Fresco Exhaust (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AudJg58LbVA&feature=player_embedded#normal)) Oh, yes, that's my baby - before I had a chance to cure her... But, Dallas2r, I guess you are right - one can only pray that those Termis don't fly your direction [moto] - So thanks for the link 8)
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: RED on September 27, 2009, 06:45:49 PM Well said Lisa... much better than my quip I was going to post about no White-Cat down, but we did have a Black-Termi down. ;D Hit a new top speed on the Blue-Streak today; 170 indicated, 157 on the GPS. Next time I'll start further back on that bridge instead of from where we parked. I'd post more, but today was a blast and I'm freakin' tired! Here's my pics: http://pixl8.smugmug.com/Motorcycles/Muenster-Run/9777416_yEvhR#662994260_3bKSN (http://pixl8.smugmug.com/Motorcycles/Muenster-Run/9777416_yEvhR#662994260_3bKSN) 160-170 what's the dif? That's just insane! (now be truthful was it fun? :)) Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Pinocchio on September 27, 2009, 07:06:09 PM ok, who's Termi's had the incident? Did someone's cans come off? What's up? Would someone please be so kind as to let me know what happened today? No code talk or Russian [laugh] OK, ok, if you must know.First, I passed Eddie doing about 150 mph in 4th gear. Then, to reduce back pressure as I was reaching 10,000 RPM, I pulled the exhaust canister jettison lever under the seat and laid two deadly Termi eggs. All Monsters have exhaust canister jettison levers, and their use is typically restricted to getting rid of the stock exhaust, but this was a special occasion. I pointed her nose to the sky, and got the hell outa Dodge (or was that Boyd?), leaving Ed to marvel at my cavalier disdain for expensive Ducati Performance accessories, and to wonder how he might avoid running them over. Did anyone take a picture of me busily at work with my claw hammer during the refitting process? I was wanting to post a thread on Roadside Exhaust Repair Tips & Tricks. ;D Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Samsonite on September 27, 2009, 07:24:02 PM I gotta see that Monster do 150 in 4th..... Well, I probably wont be able to, my bike tops out at 130, lol
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: svoloch on September 27, 2009, 07:39:51 PM (http://pixl8.smugmug.com/photos/662985746_WDoGk-M.jpg)
I like the shot of Edik pissing over the bridge while Lisa tactfully averts her eyes... Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: RED on September 27, 2009, 07:53:28 PM (http://pixl8.smugmug.com/photos/662985746_WDoGk-M.jpg) I like the shot of Edik pissing over the bridge while Lisa tactfully averts her eyes... She's laughing so she must have seen something! :o but is happily amused at what John has got going on too sooo.. [bacon]. Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: petros2r on September 27, 2009, 08:53:48 PM I wish I was left-haded... I'd might have been an artist [laugh]
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: svoloch on September 28, 2009, 04:20:29 AM Ты левший на интернете? [laugh]
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 28, 2009, 05:28:43 AM Yes but what is totally obscured by my helmet in that shot is what I'm holding in my right hand; Eddie was kind enough to have poured me one of his all time favorite beverages - a sparkling glass of white Zinfindel *with* ice... He's such a nice boy [evil] Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: petros2r on September 28, 2009, 06:38:24 AM Ты левший на интернете? [laugh] Oh yeah, I forgot, must be careful around people [clap]Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Jester on September 28, 2009, 11:58:53 AM Fun riding and good food yesterday! I'll get pictures posted at some point. That was the first chance this year I've been able to ride my bike in any spirited manner. I hope you all didn't mind me looking ridiculous, but I always find it a good opportunity to crawl around on the bike and work on form for future trackdays. If you did think I looked ridiculous, well then too bad! I don't care! 8) It may not be necessary for street riding, but out in the country is the best time to hang around on the bike and get comfortable. [laugh]
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: fastwin on September 28, 2009, 01:41:31 PM I like this ride, wish I could have made it with the gang. Next time. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Cher on September 28, 2009, 03:05:57 PM Fun riding and good food yesterday! I'll get pictures posted at some point. That was the first chance this year I've been able to ride my bike in any spirited manner. I hope you all didn't mind me looking ridiculous, but I always find it a good opportunity to crawl around on the bike and work on form for future trackdays. If you did think I looked ridiculous, well then too bad! I don't care! 8) It may not be necessary for street riding, but out in the country is the best time to hang around on the bike and get comfortable. [laugh] It's hard to critique a friggin' bullet vanishing off into the distance [thumbsup] Glad you could make the ride! Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: fastwin on September 28, 2009, 03:29:19 PM That man needs a superbike. Anyone want to argue with that? Didn't think so. [moto] [laugh]
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: Jester on September 28, 2009, 05:29:45 PM That man needs a superbike. Anyone want to argue with that? Didn't think so. [moto] [laugh] Yeah it was difficult to keep up with the BMW and Yamaha missiles I was behind. I think the Beemer is a great bike for those rides. Plenty sport, but plenty comfy too. Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: TresGatos on September 28, 2009, 07:12:27 PM I like this ride, wish I could have made it with the gang. Next time. [thumbsup] Maybe if we sweet talk... ;DTitle: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: fastwin on September 28, 2009, 07:18:46 PM I was in another part of the state. Sweet talk is nice and all but it wouldn't have helped. [laugh] Catch ya'll next time. [moto]
Title: Re: Muenster Run - Sunday. September 27th - Leave from Grapevine Mills Mall Post by: dallas2r on September 30, 2009, 05:18:22 AM Fun riding and good food yesterday! I'll get pictures posted at some point. That was the first chance this year I've been able to ride my bike in any spirited manner. I hope you all didn't mind me looking ridiculous, but I always find it a good opportunity to crawl around on the bike and work on form for future trackdays. If you did think I looked ridiculous, well then too bad! I don't care! 8) It may not be necessary for street riding, but out in the country is the best time to hang around on the bike and get comfortable. [laugh] It's my opinion that when you're screaming through the countryside at insane speeds, you ought to be doing what feels right. You didn't look ridiculous... on the bike that is. [laugh] |