Title: Dealing with Alzheimers Post by: MrFryMoto on September 24, 2009, 07:47:41 AM So my grandfather was diagnosed with Alzheimers about a year ago and i just got news that it's getting worse very quickly - to the point where he may have to be put in a home soon.
I haven't seen him since June, and he didn't seem that bad back then; but things are changing quickly. I'm wondering if anyone has any advice for dealing with this - or any suggestions of things to do while up in Bellingham Washington. Title: Re: Dealing with Alzheimers Post by: NAKID on September 24, 2009, 08:17:06 AM The only thing I can recommend is try not to take it personal if he doesn't remember you. Alzheimers is a horrible disease...
Title: Re: Dealing with Alzheimers Post by: herm on September 24, 2009, 08:18:03 AM pm sent
Title: Re: Dealing with Alzheimers Post by: cyrus buelton on September 24, 2009, 08:18:51 AM The only thing I can recommend is try not to take it personal if he doesn't remember you. Alzheimers is a horrible disease... That's good advice. My Grandpa didn't have that illness, but was old and just turned crazy. He died at 97. He was a mean, mean old man. However.........I keep my memories of him before he deteriorated. Title: Re: Dealing with Alzheimers Post by: Gator on September 24, 2009, 08:47:32 AM My great grandmother had Alzheimers.
It did progress quickly. She thought I was my grandfather, even at his funeral I was 15 he was 56. Mr Exact is right It is a horrible disease. Title: Re: Dealing with Alzheimers Post by: mitt on September 24, 2009, 09:14:40 AM Yep, not fun. My wife's grandmother had it and my uncle had it. I second what others have said.
mitt Title: Re: Dealing with Alzheimers Post by: Betty Rage on September 24, 2009, 09:48:16 AM I worked in a home with developmentally disabled adults for about a year when I was 20. Most of them got early Alzheimers around 35-40. There's not much you can do for him since you're not living with him but the most important thing is to keep things familiar for him. Many people in the advanced stages of it will suddenly not know where they are, who they are, or who you are and it's terrifying for them. Keeping routines and maintaining familiarity will help him a lot. As for what you can do while you visit, just be patient and understanding. It's very hard to watch someone you love go through this but just love his as much as you are able and cherish the moments of clarity while he still has them.
*hugs* Title: Re: Dealing with Alzheimers Post by: Popeye the Sailor on September 24, 2009, 10:03:20 AM That and spend time with him if you can.
You don't get another chance, and that regret doesn't go away for a long time. Title: Re: Dealing with Alzheimers Post by: hypurone on September 24, 2009, 10:12:57 AM See if he is a candidate for Aricept. I t won't stop it, but it will slow its effects and minimize the "loss"...
Title: Re: Dealing with Alzheimers Post by: angler on September 24, 2009, 10:17:36 AM Maintaining routines and mental exercise are helpful. A friend of mine owns a company call Time Timer that has developed a clock (clock, computer version, wristwatch version) that conceptualizes the passage of time visually. One of their biggest markets is adults with alzheimers and dementia. It helps folks with this disease complete tasks by giving them a visual time reference. Charlton Heston used the product to keep him on track for daily tasks where previously he would have lost track of when/where he started or where he was in the task.
Not affiliated with Time Timer, just passing this along. |