Title: The Flounders Say Hi Post by: Duck-Stew on January 26, 2008, 11:28:05 AM Hahahaha...... I feel so good right now! The DMF's first post!
Monster750 Cafe-Racer 1999 SuperSport 1000 i.e. w/GSXR parts "Betty". My $2,100 beater! 2004 749R Land-Speed Racing bike w/Nitrous Oxide. My new Wallet-Hole. My handle has been 'Duck-Stew' since 2000 because I take different Ducatis', mix & match parts, and cook on high for however long. --Stuart New Mexico Welcome all who enter here. A peaceful (mostly) ad-free zone of motorcycle lovins. Title: The Flounders Say Hi Post by: Statler on January 26, 2008, 12:36:27 PM Chris
Baltimore S4RS riding since 1990 'Statler' because my personality resembles the grumpy muppet in the balcony. I blame the hand up my ass that makes me talk. Title: The Flounders Say Hi Post by: Drunken Monkey on January 26, 2008, 12:42:14 PM John
San Francisco M944, M750 and a Vespa ;) Riding since 1983 (holy crap) Drunken Monkey has been my handle since I first started using the internet (Since around 1983 back at Bell Labs. Holy Crap) Title: The Flounders Say Hi Post by: mitt on January 26, 2008, 01:05:23 PM Chad - one of the board enginerds.
Bike - 2003 M1000s w/ a few mods Located in flat lonely Iowa, but have lived in some other great places (Grenoble France) Been riding motos since my 1992 trip to Sturgis SD as an 18 year old, what a ride. mitt Title: The Flounders Say Hi Post by: ducpainter on January 26, 2008, 01:17:49 PM Hey all..
My name is Nate I live in the Lakes Region of NH I currently have a 96 M900 and a 750 SS trackbike Started riding in the early seventies and got out until Y2K I'm a painter...of motorcycles....hence the screen name. Title: The Flounders Say Hi Post by: bigiain on January 26, 2008, 08:02:06 PM Iain from Sydney Australia here.
I've been riding since 1998, I've got a 1999 Monster 750 that I bought new in Dec '99, and I'm onto my second Honda VT250L Spada - the first one got killed by a numpty in a white van while it was parked outside a local bar (and I was sleeping it off at the girlfiends place nearby). I got another one to replace it though... I do geek stuff for work, but I try not to talk about it too much. I have a habit of turning up in San Francisco every August/September and dragging the local Monster crew along to Zeitgeist a few extra times while I'm in town ;D big Title: Greetings fellow ducatisti! Post by: Speeddog on January 27, 2008, 08:44:04 PM Name: Nick
Location : Riverside, CA Bike(s) : '02 Monster S4, '99 Cagiva Gran Canyon How long you've been riding: Since 1974, so Ducpainter and I will have to compare notes to see who started first. ;D Anything else you'd like to share : I'll fill this in later.... Title: Re: The Flounders Say Hi Post by: Ducatiloo on August 14, 2009, 11:42:49 AM Welcome new Flounder 968ducsearch! [evil]