Title: Need (want) a new TV... Post by: corey on October 01, 2009, 04:22:11 AM Currently I'm rocking a 400lb 36" "Flat Screen" (not flat PANEL) Sharp brand television. It's really nice, it has HDMI input, yatta yatta, blah blah.. It's an old HD tv, basically the precursor to the modern LCD/Plasma/DLP...
So i want a new one. It's not big enough, and doesn't satisfy me when it comes to playing xBox and watching hockey/football. I'm looking for some educated opinions on what type/brand of TV i should buy. I want something in the 46", 47" or 50" range, and my price range is between $1000 and $1200 bucks... I'm not some crazy A/V guy, i just want a nice TV for playing video games... I'm trying to avoid Plasma because of the burn-in issues when playing video games (static HUD displays that don't move for hours on end, etc.) So LCD seems like the way I'm leaning. any help is appreciated! [thumbsup] Title: Re: Need (want) a new TV... Post by: cyrus buelton on October 01, 2009, 04:33:48 AM I've got the 325lbs 32in in my basement now...........make the beast with two backs that thing is heavy.
I'd get a Vizio 1080 from Walmart. My best friend has had one for a while and beats the shit out of it with gaming and it always being on. Still is perfect clarity Title: Re: Need (want) a new TV... Post by: Gator on October 01, 2009, 04:38:56 AM There have been a few threads about this before
http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=26100.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=26100.0) http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=28191.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=28191.0) http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=19266.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=19266.0) http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=11569.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=11569.0) Title: Re: Need (want) a new TV... Post by: Mad Duc on October 01, 2009, 05:36:35 AM Well I know where my money is going... [thumbsup] Thanks again for the logos.
Title: Re: Need (want) a new TV... Post by: corey on October 01, 2009, 09:44:28 AM Well I know where my money is going... [thumbsup] Thanks again for the logos. hah. yea... i might keep that stashed away for some ceramic coating this winter ;D moto-in, moto-out i always say! Title: Re: Need (want) a new TV... Post by: CairnsDuc on October 01, 2009, 12:59:11 PM Quote I'm trying to avoid Plasma because of the burn-in issues when playing video games (static HUD displays that don't move for hours on end, etc.) So LCD seems like the way I'm leaning. I will Quote from a another Topic I wrote about Screen burn on Plasma, The old Wives tale is still out there. Enjoy. Quote Lets get the facts straight with Plasma, I have worked in the Television Industry for 7 years. (I have only just recently moved to run the photo lab in the same store, but I still get dragged down to sell TV's every now and then) And I am a qualified Tech, I used to repair this stuff for a living. * Burn in. On new Generation panels now is very difficult to do (read: almost impossible for the average home user) to burn in a panel you would have to leave a static high, contrast image on a new generation panel for days before hurting them. Older generation panels it was very easy because of the higher voltages, different gas and phosphor mix, and the panels higher operating Temps. Most people see burn in on old panels in displays, TV stations, airports and the like, These Panels have done tens of thousands of hours of work and are old generation panels and assume they are all like that. I use a Playstation 3 for Movies/games and Cable TV on my older plasma (2 Generation old Panasonic), never seen a mark, I've dozed off for hours and left a still image on the screen for hours at a time, still no problems. So what this means that for the home user, Burn in is really not worth worrying about, it is a non issue. And as a side note you can screen burn an LCD!! *Longevity Plasma's for the last 4 to 5 years are rated for 60000 hours plus of life, The new Panasonics are rated for a staggering 100000 hours of life!!, the average LCD back light is rated for 60000 hours, A older tube TV is rated for 30000 hours and a CRT rear Projection TV is rated for 15000 hours, but lets put that into perspective.. Use your TV for 8 hours a day every day of the TV's life 15000 hours = 5 years 30000 hours = 10 years 60000 hours = 20 years 100000 hours = 34 years So what does this mean for the home user? Well, your TV might have to be buried with you when you check out! I have panels I placed in a local hotel's Reception area 3 years ago, they run 24 hours a day (That means over 26000 hours non stop!!) and they still look very good, no burn in, and a nice clean bright picture. *Contrast Ratio It is a useless ratio, companies use different ways to measure it, and quite a few fudge the figures to get the figures they want, I advise customers to ignore it. Panasonic admitted this year they marked there new plasma's with the Million to one ratio just to piss off the Koreans (LG/Samsung) who always claim stupid ratio's on very average panels. *Response time Another useless figure, companies use all sorts of tricks to claim some amazing speed, if you avoid the no name brands they now are all pretty good. Point of Interest, Plasma is much faster than the fastest LCD, so if you love your sport, you will get less motion blur on a Plasma. LCD is measured in Milliseconds response time, Plasma is Tenths of a millisecond. There is a lot of Misinformation on Plasma's and most of it comes from the early lives of plasma's, and yes I love Plasma's but I do own a couple of LCD's, but for the main room, it's plasma all the way. LCD has it's place, but for Sport Movies and watching TV, Plasma is still the superior picture. Also, A lot of People also mistake Image Retention as Screen Burn, Another Post from Another topic. Quote Just make sure you are not mistaking Image retention with Screen burn, Screen burn on a Plasma now is very very difficult to achieve, The new generation of Plasma are almost as good as LCD for handling still/fixed Images, you would have to leave a high contrast image on a Plasma for days now before screen burn becomes a problem. I have a 3 CRT gun Rear Projection 51" Sony TV, the CRT Rear Projection tv's are well known to be the easiest TV's to get screen burn on, I use it with my PS3 and play games like Warhawk and GT5 prolouge and so far have not had a mark on the screen. And I am very picky about my picture quality. Image retention is just a case of a non moving Image leaves an excess charge in the Plasma pixels (And yes, you get this on LCD as well) and it leaves a shadow behind on the screen, use the TV as normal for a while or switch it off and the Image will disappear, this is normal on just about every TV design (excluding DLP) Title: Re: Need (want) a new TV... Post by: Monsterlover on October 01, 2009, 02:20:31 PM Ill comment briefly. . .
We bought a Samsung PN58B550 58" plasma a month ago. We like movies, and xbox 360. After a combined play time of 75 hours, we started to get some burn in from Oblivion. Maybe this was just image retention, as it is going away but neither of us has played for almost 2 weeks. I run the pixel shift (4V and 4H, 2 minute interval) and lately have been using the anti burn function (basically a black to white full screen scrolling image) Things seem to be improving. The picture is great (especially after I ran a setup DVD that came with a red-blue-green filter for making adjustments. That being said, we're looking on CL for a lower cost, lightly used LCD specifically to use with the xbox. My understanding of burn (we'll use me as an example)- We got burn (or retention) after 75 hours of combined time (a lot of this was 5 hr blocks of time) I've been told that I would also get it playing Oblivion 1 hour a day for 75 days straight. So, I see that as there's no escape ;D Title: Re: Need (want) a new TV... Post by: cokey on October 01, 2009, 06:37:23 PM vizio... take it from the cable guy.. >;]
Title: Re: Need (want) a new TV... Post by: CairnsDuc on October 01, 2009, 07:12:49 PM Screen Burn and Image Retention are totally different from each other.
Image retention after playing games is quite normal, If you have a bright fixed part of the screen (A life meter or Ammo counter or the like) this may show up for a few mins or a few hours after the game has finished. (Samsung's plasma's are well known for Image retention, I had one for a couple of week's and I found it so distracting, I returned it) But the image does disappear after a period of time. The Panel is just retaining an excess charge in that area of the panel, it will dissipate with time and affects all TV types excluding DLP. Screen burn is a permanent mark or burn (hence the name) that will never disappear from the Screen, part of the Phosphor is marked/damaged and it can not be repaired, Some Panels claim to have screen burn repair modes, but the success of these systems are sketchy at best. When you have a screen burn it leaves a shadow of the burned image behind For example: (http://cupojoe.files.wordpress.com/2007/09/burn-in.jpg) Also if you own a plasma panel it is strongly suggested a period of 100 hours is allowed as a run in period for your new panel (or Burn in time as a lot of guys on the AVSforum refer to it) prior to hitting it with high contrast fixed images (Such as Games or Cable news channels) I used to use a childrens animation movie, such as finding Nemo (lots of bright colours and lot's of constant movement) hook up a cheap DVD player I used to keep for this kind of thing, leave on a loop (Repeat mode) and made sure the entire image filled the screen. run that for a day of 2, and then use the TV as I would normally and enjoy. ;D Title: Re: Need (want) a new TV... Post by: redxblack on October 01, 2009, 07:24:27 PM You probably shouldn't watch pens games on a new tv. Crosby's tears might cause screen burn with their persistence.
;) Title: Re: Need (want) a new TV... Post by: Mad Duc on October 02, 2009, 03:24:01 AM Were do you live? (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_TDjKlf8nn6Y/SdUKGqdNCLI/AAAAAAAACOw/xNjVHr5qbws/s320/frankenstein_villagers488.jpg)
[laugh] At least he has the Stanley Cup to cry in... ;D Title: Re: Need (want) a new TV... Post by: corey on October 02, 2009, 05:09:18 AM YESSSSSS i'm so glad hockey season is back!
let the games begin! ;D ;D Title: Re: Need (want) a new TV... Post by: Mike Qube on October 02, 2009, 06:26:32 AM Currently I'm rocking a 400lb 36" "Flat Screen" (not flat PANEL) Sharp brand television. It's really nice, it has HDMI input, yatta yatta, blah blah.. It's an old HD tv, basically the precursor to the modern LCD/Plasma/DLP... So i want a new one. It's not big enough, and doesn't satisfy me when it comes to playing xBox and watching hockey/football. I'm looking for some educated opinions on what type/brand of TV i should buy. I want something in the 46", 47" or 50" range, and my price range is between $1000 and $1200 bucks... I'm not some crazy A/V guy, i just want a nice TV for playing video games... I'm trying to avoid Plasma because of the burn-in issues when playing video games (static HUD displays that don't move for hours on end, etc.) So LCD seems like the way I'm leaning. any help is appreciated! [thumbsup] I have a Phillips plasma that I got from their online outlet and never had any burn-in issues. I've played games that have HUD's for 6-8 hours at a time and it's not an issue as it once was with the older sets. Title: Re: Need (want) a new TV... Post by: He Man on October 02, 2009, 04:03:40 PM Whats your budget?
check out madden 10 on this HDTV. (http://trends.coolerchoice.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-o-matic/cache/6b999_cowboys.jpg) |