Once again, the internet has offered up its bounty.
The Rape Tunnel, an "art installation." (http://www.yesbutnobutyes.com/archives/2009/09/the_rape_tunnel.html)
So... thoughts? [coffee]
how much NEA money payed his Home Depot bill?
What a shame when someone tazes his balls by accident.
What a douche.
Not a topic to treat so lightly IMO.
Not art, but seems like a good opportunity to knife him in the liver which'll have an impact on his life two years from now, because not too many people can have that kind of lasting affect on someone. [roll]
+1 to all the above posts?
Sounds like a great reason to go get a CC permit and defend myself.
Is it rape when the person enters of free will, knowing what may happen? Could be the technical definition of consensual.
Is it murder if someone carries into that room, knowing what might happen, and this make the beast with two backser get's off'd? Could be the technical definition of self defense.
From the link-
"As it turns out, I ended up breaking the nose of the third person to crawl through the tunnel, an aspiring model. She went to the hospital and eventually sued me. Her modeling career was put on hold. The civil case was long and drawn out and the matter still hasn’t been resolved. To this day she still has unpaid medical bills. The point of this long aside is that all this took place two years ago, and I’m still having an impact on this young lady’s life, something not many other artists could claim about their work"
This is like serial killer mentality. This guy needs to have his nuts tased off.
We've secretly replace a pedestrian entering the tunnel with a Grizzly. Let's see if the artist notices.
That's a great idea :D
Quote from: Monsterlover on October 04, 2009, 08:29:00 AM
Is it rape when the person enters of free will, knowing what may happen? Could be the technical definition of consensual.
That's a good point. Let's say you and this girl are having consensual sex, then halfway through she says she wants to stop. Is it rape if you continue?
Quote from: Mr. Exact on October 04, 2009, 01:56:24 PM
That's a good point. Let's say you and this girl are having consensual sex, then halfway through she says she wants to stop. Is it rape if you continue?
that depends... with her or without her? ;D
Quote from: Mr. Exact on October 04, 2009, 01:56:24 PM
That's a good point. Let's say you and this girl are having consensual sex, then halfway through she says she wants to stop. Is it rape if you continue?
absolutely. not even a shadow of a doubt. does anyone even have a question in the back of their head about this? Is anyone so sick that they want to continue with someone who doesn't? If anyone ever wants a person to stop what that person is doing to their body it should cease immediately.
I should probably bow out of this thread as I am not likely to play nice with others and stay civil on this one. (the tangent is a threadjack anyway).
That was my point Chris. Even if someone goes into the tunnel knowing the intention of the person on the other end, if they say stop, and he doesn't, it's a crime...
sorry, Chris...wasn't assuming you were leaning one way with that hypothetical. Too much DV with work so it's a hot button 'round here.
Quote from: Mr. Exact on October 04, 2009, 02:54:09 PM
That was my point Chris. Even if someone goes into the tunnel knowing the intention of the person on the other end, if they say stop, and he doesn't, it's a crime...
Im in agreement 100% with Mr E.
Im wondering more about what happens when someone goes in there and shoots this guy when things get out of hand.
What will they be responsible for?
Let's say the artist is killed during this altercation.
What happens then?
Prior to going in, if you knew that saying no is not an option, but you still go in, does it still make it rape?
Likewise, what if there was a suicide booth (as depicted in futurama). However, once you step into it, there is no turning back. the momment you step in, the doors automatically close and it kills you. Is it still suicide if you step in and have a change of heart and try to fight your way out?
NOw what would be funny is, if some sick girl goes in there with an anti rape condom. Would that be considered assault on her behalf?
o m g its being discussed. [coffee]
artist, 1 point.
nauseated audience, 0
well good for him. The rape question seems like chicken/egg; or when is sperm life, or what eve.
What if someone says yesnoyesnoyesnoyes...? moments of rape? Seems like the vocabulary of this subject needs to be expanded a bit?
Not trying to make light of something horrible. Just the beaten-to-death discussion.
Quote from: He Man on October 04, 2009, 03:29:21 PM
Prior to going in, if you knew that saying no is not an option, but you still go in, does it still make it rape?
Likewise, what if there was a suicide booth (as depicted in futurama). However, once you step into it, there is no turning back. the momment you step in, the doors automatically close and it kills you. Is it still suicide if you step in and have a change of heart and try to fight your way out?
NOw what would be funny is, if some sick girl goes in there with an anti rape condom. Would that be considered assault on her behalf?
No, that would be awesome
I doubt this thing is real. the whole point is to make people talk about it.
but if it were, the anti rape condom would make things REALLY interesting.
It could be real.
Or not.
I think I would go in. . .
and absolutely wreck this guy.
what if he had a stun gun and stunned you, and drugged you and filmed you while he was butt nailing you?
id wear an antirape condom in my butt too.
I'd just set the stupid tunnel on fire
Thank you
CAJUN STYLE!!! smoke em out...then rape him. good call.
The tunnel is constructed in such a way that it gets smaller the closer you get to the project room. The bigger you are, the more difficult it is to comfortably crawl out. And trust me, I have a lot of secrets up my sleeve to ensure that I can overpower anyone that comes through the tunnel.
People tempted to crawl in here should be very,
very careful... he seems to have thought about this pretty obsessively.... and might have spent a LOT of time considering "how can I overpower and rape someone who is bigger/stronger/armed."
Hindsight is 20/20... not much comfort when you are taking your meals standing for a month.
Wouldn't building this installation and announcing that you'll rape anyone who tries to enter be considered conspiracy? Or do you need two people to make a conspiracy charge stick?
At what point does it stop being art and crosses over into a crime? I noticed that his legal troubles were civil not criminal.
It will be in Ohio on 30 Oct. Who's going?
http://www.artlurker.com/2009/09/the-rape-tunnel-by-sheila-zareno/ (http://www.artlurker.com/2009/09/the-rape-tunnel-by-sheila-zareno/)
Quote from: krolik on October 04, 2009, 05:39:51 PM
Wouldn't building this installation and announcing that you'll rape anyone who tries to enter be considered conspiracy? Or do you need two people to make a conspiracy charge stick?
I'm pretty sure you need at least two people for a conspiracy to exist.
Though perhaps you could consider the proprietor or the gallery to be a conspirator?
Quote from: roy-nexus-6 on October 04, 2009, 04:22:19 PM
People tempted to crawl in here should be very, very careful... he seems to have thought about this pretty obsessively.... and might have spent a LOT of time considering "how can I overpower and rape someone who is bigger/stronger/armed."
Hindsight is 20/20... not much comfort when you are taking your meals standing for a month.
True, but he also acknowledges that he may not have a 100% success rate.
"First of all, I want to make it clear that I plan to make the experience as unpleasant as I possibly can to anyone who dares to crawl through the tunnel. I will try to the best of my ability to make them regret their decision."
What if a police officer crawls through the tunnel?Then I will probably go to jail. But before that I’ll try my very best to sexually assault him or her. The tunnel is constructed in such a way that it gets smaller the closer you get to the project room. The bigger you are, the more difficult it is to comfortably crawl out. And trust me, I have a lot of secrets up my sleeve to ensure that I can overpower anyone that comes through the tunnel."
Im sure he's thought about this a lot. But he's only one man.
What happens when 3 or 4 or 5 guys show up in there? I didn't see anything mentioning they were limiting it to one at a time.
Quote from: Monsterlover on October 04, 2009, 06:34:20 PM
Im sure he's thought about this a lot. But he's only one man.
What happens when 3 or 4 or 5 guys show up in there? I didn't see anything mentioning they were limiting it to one at a time.
I don't want this degenerate into a 'how would
I build a rape tunnel thread', but
(1) the tunnel narrows down, so the group would get strung out.
(2) narcoleptic gas can take out 6 people as easily as one.
Re; the art itself. Maybe the artist is specifically attempting to illicit responses from the audience.... (see poster above).
Also, think about this. You attend the opening. You stand before the tunnel. It is no longer a hypothetical situation, but a hard reality. Now I am pretty well built, can handle myself,... but would I have the balls to enter in the 'world' of what may well be a madman?
It is like every horror movie ever made: 'Oh, what is that strange sound. You guys stay here, I'll go check it out by myself." How often does
that sort of decision making work out for the best?
Now maybe he is in there waiting for you with a flower, gives you a hug and says "Congratulations, you have faced and overcome your fears... you now know what it is to be truly human." Or maybe not. The only way you find out is if you go in that tunnel.
he fell on my spoon officer.
he fell on it 75 times?
What if your a really large dude that could make the beast with two backs someone up pretty badly and your also homosexual.... and your into this kind of stuff. It woudnt be rape, but free sex to you. In that case what then. Would you make the artist feel like he just make sweet love to a guy? Would it be rape if you returned the love?
Quote from: He Man on October 04, 2009, 07:25:20 PM
What if your a really large dude that could make the beast with two backs someone up pretty badly and your also homosexual.... and your into this kind of stuff. It woudnt be rape, but free sex to you. In that case what then. Would you make the artist feel like he just make sweet love to a guy? Would it be rape if you returned the love?
...only if he said no.
Many possibilities.
I'm not sure it's for real. I bet there are a bunch of threads like this elsewhere on the net.
I suspect one of the intentions of the "artist" is speculation/conversation about this.
He wants to effect people outside his art circle.
I'm sure he is.
I'd still kick his ass.
Quote from: Monsterlover on October 04, 2009, 07:37:37 PM
Many possibilities.
I'm not sure it's for real. I bet there are a bunch of threads like this elsewhere on the net.
I suspect one of the intentions of the "artist" is speculation/conversation about this.
He wants to effect people outside his art circle.
I'm sure he is.
I'd still kick his ass.
I think you should go crawl in his tunnel. Let us know how it works out ;)
Quote from: MrIncredible on October 04, 2009, 07:56:28 PM
I think you should go crawl in his tunnel. Let us know how it works out ;)
Take a webcam too. We could all log on, and whisper advice. [thumbsup]
Quote from: MrIncredible on October 04, 2009, 07:56:28 PM
I think you should go crawl in his tunnel. Let us know how it works out ;)
if I had was already in Columbus I'd consider it.
I'd report back too.
I'd either have his teeth stuck in my knuckles or a band-aid on my bunger.
Quote from: Monsterlover on October 05, 2009, 06:21:54 AM
I'd either have his teeth stuck in my knuckles or a band-aid on my bunger.
lmao ! [clap]
I would also take either a base ball bat or a crowbar ! [evil]
Quote from: zarn02 on October 03, 2009, 07:51:53 PM
Once again, the internet has offered up its bounty.
The Rape Tunnel, an "art installation." (http://www.yesbutnobutyes.com/archives/2009/09/the_rape_tunnel.html)
So... thoughts? [coffee]
i hope Ralphie May makes the trip
"artist" is an idiot. End of story. Who would put on this show? Also an idiot. End of story. Who would actually attend this show and enter the Rape Tunnel? Also an idiot, also end of story.
I hate this kind of people, usually over indulged as children and raised with a silver spoon. I could be wrong but I bet not.
Lastly, WTF is an anti-rape comdom?
NM, I'm gonna google that shit.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-rape_device (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-rape_device)
Quote from: Mr. Exact on October 05, 2009, 11:49:02 AM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-rape_device (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-rape_device)
Oh yeah, found the rape-aXe. Pretty scary looking devise, thankfully nothing I'll never have reason to come across.
One question though.... it would have to be a pretty fearfull or paranoid woman to, er... insert that whenever she goes anywhere. Much like a fire-arm it's only usefull if you have it when you need it.
Wonder how that is hygenically?
Wonder what that says about our society that someone would feel the need for that device?
Quote from: Scottish on October 05, 2009, 12:56:24 PM
Wonder what that says about our society that someone would feel the need for that device?
It was developed by and for South Africaners..
As for the greater world society, it says the same thing it's always said since rape is nothing new. It is probably far less common in most western countries than it used to be.
WOW, lots of interesting rethorical scenarios heres. Got me thinking too, and would still be driving me crazy if I hadn't found out this link:
The real "rape" tunnel (http://www.geversaircraft.com/wt/wt5x7.htm)
I guess we've all been dupped?
Quote from: Javi on October 08, 2009, 11:48:05 AM
WOW, lots of interesting rethorical scenarios heres. Got me thinking too, and would still be driving me crazy if I hadn't found out this link:
The real "rape" tunnel (http://www.geversaircraft.com/wt/wt5x7.htm)
I guess we've all been dupped?
Well then.
I guess we've been had?
I knew it
i read this for the first time today and was almost moved by some peoples input and how they felt on the subject
awesome wind tunnel though