Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: MotoCreations on October 14, 2009, 09:26:33 AM

Title: HD video for motorcycle use?
Post by: MotoCreations on October 14, 2009, 09:26:33 AM
I'm looking for a HD video camera that can be mounted on a motorcycle tank/bar or a helmet.  Budget is @$500.  Use: documentation of MotoCreations projects being built in the shop and then riding / roadtesting video thereof on the road and racetrack.

What has anyone seen that has good HD video (preferably wide or normal lens) and good sound recording capability that fits the above requirements?

Title: Re: HD video for motorcycle use?
Post by: He Man on October 14, 2009, 09:35:57 AM
Right Now, If i were you, id look into waiting until GoPro HD and Contour HD1080p comes out.

Ive never laid hands on either of them (I dont recall any of them actually being released yet. GoPro HD should be out very soon though). But juding from the videos of them all, Contour HD is the easiest to use due to the massive slide bar button (and i think the only button on the thing).

My primary complaint about GoPro (HD and SD look to be the same design) is that the button doesnt give you a solid feel for when its on and recording. You have to just believe in your self to have pressed it hard enough.

One big plus that Gopro has over Contour HD is the photo every 2 second mode.

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