Title: Ken Condon, Riding in the zone. Good book? Post by: stopintime on October 17, 2009, 08:44:32 AM Amazon was kind enough to offer me this book. How nice of them ;)
Any good? (I already have and enjoy Lee Parks' book) Title: Re: Ken Condon, Riding in the zone. Good book? Post by: Langanobob on October 19, 2009, 11:37:18 AM I've got the book but haven't started it yet. I guess I'm a member of an ever decreasing minority, but I got real disappointed and discourage over the "Printed in China" on the cover. More jobs and more money that should have stayed here and that is reason enough for me not to recommend the book.
Edit: I forgot that you're in Norway, so a Chinese book may not be an issue for you. Title: Re: Ken Condon, Riding in the zone. Good book? Post by: stopintime on October 19, 2009, 11:49:15 AM This has been a trend in Europe for a while now. Our industries suffer from the same issues, competition from low cost countries. I'm most upset that at $20 the author probably doesn't earn much.
We'll see - I'm certainly going to consider your opinon [thumbsup] |