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Local Clubs => OZ monsters => Topic started by: speedevil on October 28, 2009, 10:47:10 AM

Title: Relocate to Australia for 1-2 years - part 2
Post by: speedevil on October 28, 2009, 10:47:10 AM
I met with Wayne, a principal of the company that would employ me in Australia, and it is still looking good.  Now I need some help with details.  We (my wife and 2 kids, 18 and 13 years old) will be living and working in Brisbane.

Renting a furnished house seems to make the most sense, can anyone help with some ballpark $ numbers?  What about utilities?  We'll need a car, so buying a used car may be the smart choice.  What about insurance?  I'm 52, my wife is 39, no accidents or tickets between us.

The timeframe looks like a move in March/April of next year, by the time the negotiations are done and the 457 visa can be issued.  Also, my wife works at a veterinary clinic and would like to do that in Brisbane too.

To keep this motorcycle-related, I will need to buy a bike when I get there, it looks like way too much trouble and expense to bring either of my bikes with us.

Any information will be sincerely appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Relocate to Australia for 1-2 years - part 2
Post by: Two dogs on October 28, 2009, 11:39:57 AM
Hi mate re post in OZMONSTER'S there are a few from Queensland that should be able to give you a heads up.

Title: Re: Relocate to Australia for 1-2 years - part 2
Post by: speedevil on October 28, 2009, 11:58:19 AM
Moved - thanks.

Title: Re: Relocate to Australia for 1-2 years - part 2
Post by: NFG on October 28, 2009, 12:33:24 PM
Depending on where you're moving from, you might be in for a bit of a shock.  Prices in Australia are wicked expensive, pretty much across the board.  I spent most of my life in Canada, and five years in Japan, near Tokyo where the prices are high, and it took me four years to get used to how much things cost in Australia.  The rationalization is generally 'it's a paradise tax'.  Australians don't realize how pricey things are, but people who travel and can accept the costs write it off as the price of living in such a great country.

It is a pretty nice place, most things considered. 

Now, actual prices:

I live about 30 minutes drive, 40 minutes train from the heart of Brisbane's CBD (central business district), towards Ipswich.  Rent here is $250/week and up, but it's a very cheap area.  Rent is, like everywhere else, rising steadily.  Every time our lease is renewed we pay another $10-20/week.  Prices are likely higher in other suburbs, perhaps others can confirm.

Bike prices are VERY steep.  If it costs you about a grand each to ship your bikes, you're going to be well ahead of the game, assuming they can be ridden here.  Talking to international Monster owners, my recent purchase of a 1994 M900 was about double what you'd expect to pay in the UK, and prices in North America seem to be much cheaper than here as well.  You can see the new prices for Ducati bikes on Ducati Brisbane's site (http://www.ducatibrisbane.com.au/prices.html).

Kitchen ware, food, cars, petrol, all very very expensive.  Unless you're moving from the UK or Norway, in which case it's not so bad.  Also, the quality here is low - you pay more and get a lot less for it, which makes it sting all the more.

Note to Australians: My dad's Australian, I have an Australian passport, and I chose to live here.  I'm not slagging the place off, but you're getting screwed.  Please keep the "if you don't like it, leave" to another thread, or PMs.  ;)

Title: Re: Relocate to Australia for 1-2 years - part 2
Post by: Super T.I.B on October 28, 2009, 12:48:44 PM
^^^^If you don't like it, LEAVE!^^^^^

Nah, I have to concur with the previous post. It is expensive to live in Australia. One comparison for me is the price of a cup of coffee. A decent cup in Oz would be around $4 and when I am in Canada, I'm spending around $1-$2.

Petrol $1.20/litre, it did get up to $1.60.  :o

Title: Re: Relocate to Australia for 1-2 years - part 2
Post by: CairnsDuc on October 28, 2009, 01:20:40 PM
But at least our Politicians are a more caring bunch of Overlords!  [roll]

We are becoming the nanny state in Queensland, learn to watch your Speedo in Australia, The Guvments here are fanatical about speed enforcement, to the detriment of just about every other road rule and regulation.
Also the quality of our roads are almost 3rd world quality.
And the driving skills of the average Australian driver will scare you like nothing else.

^^^^If you don't like it, LEAVE!^^^^^

Considering it  ;D

Title: Re: Relocate to Australia for 1-2 years - part 2
Post by: Super T.I.B on October 28, 2009, 01:33:59 PM
Considering it  ;D

Saying that made me feel that I had a huge Southern Cross tattoo on my back and a 'F*ck off! We're full!' sticker on my ute.  ;D

And I have considered moving also, but what we have here is pretty special. Just hope it doesn't get more screwed up than it is now.  :-\

Title: Re: Relocate to Australia for 1-2 years - part 2
Post by: NFG on October 28, 2009, 01:46:08 PM
Australia's not such a bad place.  Sure, the nanny-state pendulum's swinging a little too far t'ward the silly end, but when you get out of town and away from your horrible countrymen it's really not so bad at all.  ;)

I've heard it said more than once: Australia is wasted on Australians. 

Fact is tho there are assholes and griefers in every country, Australia's not really special in that regard.  If anyone wants to know how to fix it, put me in charge and I'll show you.  =D

Title: Re: Relocate to Australia for 1-2 years - part 2
Post by: CairnsDuc on October 29, 2009, 12:24:25 AM
If anyone wants to know how to fix it, put me in charge and I'll show you.  =D

Vote 1 NFG  ;D

Title: Re: Relocate to Australia for 1-2 years - part 2
Post by: bazz20 on October 29, 2009, 03:01:28 AM

this is why you shouldnt relocate


Title: Re: Relocate to Australia for 1-2 years - part 2
Post by: CairnsDuc on October 29, 2009, 02:41:16 PM
The really sad part is, the one on the above graphic I found most Disturbing is.....

Dani Minogue!!  :o

Title: Re: Relocate to Australia for 1-2 years - part 2
Post by: loony888 on October 30, 2009, 01:46:42 AM

this is why you shouldnt relocate

err, you're in tassie aren't you bazz, ????


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