Title: We'll have a new hangout soon! Post by: Randimus Maximus on November 01, 2009, 06:05:15 AM http://www.tiltedkilt.com/colorado/index.html (http://www.tiltedkilt.com/colorado/index.html)
If it is anything like their location in Tempe... [thumbsup] [thumbsup] Title: Re: We'll have a new hangout soon! Post by: psicorp on November 02, 2009, 08:35:24 AM looks good
Title: Re: We'll have a new hangout soon! Post by: ducducgooseme on November 02, 2009, 09:31:49 AM as long as they dont have guys in kilts that short [puke]
Title: Re: We'll have a new hangout soon! Post by: Randimus Maximus on November 02, 2009, 10:44:23 AM as long as they dont have guys in kilts that short [puke] At the Arizona locations, they don't. YMMV. Title: Re: We'll have a new hangout soon! Post by: bucky on November 08, 2009, 12:38:10 PM Happened to go by there last night, looked pretty open to me even though it wasn't Nov 11th yet. Don't think they have bike parking out front:)