Title: Motorcycle transport to Los Angeles Post by: Labbedds on May 26, 2008, 09:07:49 PM Sooo, I only have the car now and want to have transportation when I get down to LA for a week and a half. Anyone know of anyone who makes trips in a truck or how I can get cheap transportation for the bike down to LA. I'd probably fly there then pick up the bike, or I don't even mind riding with the transport and splitting the gas??? I'll be leaving for LA around June 16th ish.
Title: Re: Motorcycle transport to Los Angeles Post by: Popeye the Sailor on May 26, 2008, 09:35:42 PM Can't ride the bike down?
Title: Re: Motorcycle transport to Los Angeles Post by: Labbedds on May 26, 2008, 09:55:07 PM I did the same ride in sept. on my 99m750, wow looooongggg. Maybe it won't be so bad on the s2r. I just need to leave a heck of a lot earlier. When I was about 80 miles into the ride I hit some freakin' scary wind on the 5, thought I was going to get blown off the road. That was a little sketchy, haven't experienced anything like that before. I guess if I leave early enough in the morning I can make it in decent time. Anyone suggest a good windscreen add on to the existing windscreen to make the touring more feasable?
Title: Re: Motorcycle transport to Los Angeles Post by: Popeye the Sailor on May 26, 2008, 10:13:35 PM No windscreen comes to mind but avoiding the 5 would be a good plan.
Title: Re: Motorcycle transport to Los Angeles Post by: Labbedds on May 26, 2008, 10:30:28 PM Just google mapped it, if I take the 101, 460 miles :o
Title: Re: Motorcycle transport to Los Angeles Post by: sonofabike on May 26, 2008, 10:57:16 PM Just last weekend, I went to LA on my 99m750 to see a friend in the hospital. Coastal route most of the way, some 101, and a LOT of spontaneous detours. Clocked 600 miles on Friday. 550 miles on Sunday. Installed a Dart flyscreen newly purchased from Monsterparts specifically for this trip and another I'm taking all next week, and I'd say that really helped.
;D [moto] ;D Title: Re: Motorcycle transport to Los Angeles Post by: Labbedds on May 26, 2008, 11:11:46 PM What about this one? Fits on the stock windshield fairing? http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/23-708/Comfort-Touring/23-708.html
What route did you take? Title: Re: Motorcycle transport to Los Angeles Post by: cloudseeker on May 27, 2008, 10:48:03 AM Ah...you can do it! If you take the generally coastal route with some detours it'll be 500 or 600 miles, but worth it. http://www.ducatimonster.org/forums/ducati-mob/184879-jimbo-dan-s-3-day-road-trip.html Title: Re: Motorcycle transport to Los Angeles Post by: Labbedds on May 27, 2008, 03:50:54 PM I'll most likely do the trek, pics will follow.
Title: Re: Motorcycle transport to Los Angeles Post by: sonofabike on May 27, 2008, 05:40:46 PM My route was predominantly Hwy 1. Other jaunts: 41, 46, Santa Rosa Creek (all Central Coast); 33, Pine Mountain (Frazier Mtn), 58, 229 in SoCal. A lot of the same roads mentioned in cloudseeker's thread.