Title: Joe Karati is "In Style"! Post by: GregP on November 15, 2009, 06:07:47 AM Not that I read In Style magazine but. . . [cheeky]
JC is in the holiday gift guide on p. 314 Here's a link to the web site for those of you that want to drop Joe's name as one of your celebrity "friends". http://www.instyle.com/instyle/package/general/photos/0,,20317220_20317622_20696127,00.html (http://www.instyle.com/instyle/package/general/photos/0,,20317220_20317622_20696127,00.html) We need an air kiss smiley! [laugh] Title: Re: Joe Karati is "In Style"! Post by: Gus Duc on November 15, 2009, 12:57:49 PM Nice work JC [thumbsup]
Greg........ I'll drop anyone's name......... especially when their speciality is " Hand Blown" objects [cheeky] Title: Re: Joe Karati is "In Style"! Post by: gm2 on November 18, 2009, 09:20:13 AM he's also in the martha stewart magazine/gift guide thing. December issue. in your local grocery checkout line now.. page 54 if i remember correctly.
...he was also just featured on an NBC tv show: http://lxtv.com/openhouse-national/video/10293 (http://lxtv.com/openhouse-national/video/10293) ...AND the nytimes gift guide: http://www.nytimes.com/gift-guide/holiday-2009/homeguide-100to499/slide-show.html?page=6#curr_item_4489 (http://www.nytimes.com/gift-guide/holiday-2009/homeguide-100to499/slide-show.html?page=6#curr_item_4489) ...and some ebay promo photo; piece of his was used as a prop. forget where the link is. dude's famous 'n shit. ;) Title: Re: Joe Karati is "In Style"! Post by: madmatt on November 18, 2009, 11:31:23 AM Has GM been moonlighting as JC's publicist?
Title: Re: Joe Karati is "In Style"! Post by: GregP on November 18, 2009, 12:56:32 PM Pump it up brother!! I'm counting on my authentic JC glass pieces to pay for my kid's college education! [drink]
Title: Re: Joe Karati is "In Style"! Post by: Grampa on November 19, 2009, 04:35:11 AM Has GM been moonlighting as JC's publicist? he's got extra mouths to fill these days.... and posting in the race and track section does not pay all that well [cheeky] Title: Re: Joe Karati is "In Style"! Post by: gm2 on November 19, 2009, 06:14:46 AM [laugh]... armchair publicist
Title: Re: Joe Karati is "In Style"! Post by: Wang on December 19, 2009, 10:29:03 PM Wow, these are beautiful pieces. Best wishes