Title: Are torn jeans still fashionable? Post by: Holden on November 19, 2009, 05:19:34 PM Don't even think about dragging your knee while wearing jeans [roll]
Road rash is nickle-sized and not photo worthy, but then I can't imagine this level of instantaneous damage all over my butt, hips and knees from an actual get-off... I'm going to feel like such a squid until I get some some decent lederhosen. :-\ Title: Re: Are torn jeans still fashionable? Post by: Scotzman on November 19, 2009, 07:13:19 PM So, was it worth it? Sometimes when I ride, I have a tendency to start putting me knee out( I don't know why-I'm not riding in a matter to constitute it). Then imagine something like you've explained, but much worse.
Title: Re: Are torn jeans still fashionable? Post by: Holden on November 20, 2009, 02:35:50 AM Same here. I'm not going that fast, and there's just one particular corner where I have even tried—the problem is that I was sticking my neck (knee) out for it. Gone through over a hundred times with plenty of room, so I decided to try with both cheeks off and... knee made more of a collision with the ground than a slide. [bang]
Title: Re: Are torn jeans still fashionable? Post by: teddy037.2 on November 20, 2009, 08:01:55 AM at least the road didn't grab your jeans and pull you off the bike :)
otherwise... why were you trying that in the first place? Title: Re: Are torn jeans still fashionable? Post by: grandpa nate on December 26, 2009, 08:59:56 PM (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2597/4217552229_cb202a0152_o.jpg)
(http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4025/4217552195_6eeb057ddc_o.jpg) road rash sucks.... no more wearing dickies on a ride Title: Re: Are torn jeans still fashionable? Post by: DarkStaR on December 27, 2009, 08:55:23 AM [puke]
Title: Re: Are torn jeans still fashionable? Post by: Raux on December 27, 2009, 09:46:42 AM when wearing jeans i wore icon armor underneath.
hell put your jeans on ebay for 200 dollars... genuine Ducati-torn jeans. Title: Re: Are torn jeans still fashionable? Post by: Scotzman on December 27, 2009, 12:34:55 PM When you post the jeans on ebay, just mention that your blood formed the image of the easter bunny or something, they'll sell with no problem.