Title: Yoshimura Japan to move from All Japan SBK to WSBK? Post by: Speeddog on November 23, 2009, 10:20:15 AM Interesting turn of events:
http://www.motomatters.com/news/2009/11/22/yoshimura_to_enter_world_superbikes_seri.html (http://www.motomatters.com/news/2009/11/22/yoshimura_to_enter_world_superbikes_seri.html) Interesting as well, pointing out that the WSBK grid has thinned out quite a lot. Also seems to be bad news for the Alstare team.... Title: Re: Yoshimura Japan to move from All Japan SBK to WSBK? Post by: zooom on November 23, 2009, 10:50:44 AM interesting....and I also had not pondered or heard of the attricion #'s for the WSBK championship...
Title: Re: Yoshimura Japan to move from All Japan SBK to WSBK? Post by: gm2 on November 23, 2009, 11:50:59 AM 14 seat attrition?! wow.
the japanese version moving to wsbk has come up several times lately. sorta bad news for american suzuki, but that bad news has already been cooked. i think that mladin retiring + DMG destroying the series = take the japanese and american money, combine it, go to wsbk. blake young and tommy hayden were just testing tho. maybe it's shoestring time here. Title: Re: Yoshimura Japan to move from All Japan SBK to WSBK? Post by: EvilSteve on November 23, 2009, 12:25:30 PM I'm not sure why any factory would invest in AMA racing unless they somehow value dominating in the absence of every other manufacturer.
Title: Re: Yoshimura Japan to move from All Japan SBK to WSBK? Post by: Jester on November 23, 2009, 01:09:29 PM I'm not sure why any factory would invest in AMA racing unless they somehow value dominating in the absence of every other manufacturer. Maybe Kawasaki can win a championship in this fashion. ;D Title: Re: Yoshimura Japan to move from All Japan SBK to WSBK? Post by: desmoquattro on November 23, 2009, 05:06:38 PM Maybe Kawasaki can win a championship in this fashion. ;D [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] The Buell model of racing...if it's a spec series, you can't help but win! Title: Re: Yoshimura Japan to move from All Japan SBK to WSBK? Post by: EvilSteve on November 23, 2009, 07:08:27 PM From the "we're all winners!" school of thought… :P
Title: Re: Yoshimura Japan to move from All Japan SBK to WSBK? Post by: Speeddog on November 23, 2009, 07:51:32 PM And a little more info, specifically *why* they're leaving....
http://roadracingworld.com/news/article/?article=38785 (http://roadracingworld.com/news/article/?article=38785) Title: Re: Yoshimura Japan to move from All Japan SBK to WSBK? Post by: EvilSteve on November 24, 2009, 05:01:46 AM Quote Fujio Yoshimura said that he made the decision to abandon the MFJ Series because he is dissatisfied with an MFJ plan to move toward AMA Pro Racing American Superbike rules (versus World Superbike rules) and because of problems with officiating. Yoshimura favors World Superbike rules “so the rider and the entrant have a future” and can progress into the Superbike World Championship. MFJ officials, meanwhile, want to move toward American Superbike rules to reduce the cost of building and maintaining racebikes. Oh, what a make the beast with two backsing stellar idea that is.Title: Re: Yoshimura Japan to move from All Japan SBK to WSBK? Post by: Spidey on November 29, 2009, 08:16:12 PM I'm really interested to see if Yosh can help out the zuke in WSBK. I just don't get how the Suzuki can suck so much in WSBK and kick ass left and right in AMA. Everyone keeps saying that the difference is Yosh. We'll see. Then again, they're starting pretty far behind. They haven't had the opportunity to really develop of the '09/'10 GSXR in the US because of AMA rules. Dunno how well they've done with it in Japan. But if they're only running some round and are already behind the curve on development, are they gonna be able to put together anything better than Alstare? Cuz that Alstare bike is fickle as hell -- totally dependent on temperature and only capable at certain circuits.
Title: Re: Yoshimura Japan to move from All Japan SBK to WSBK? Post by: gm2 on November 30, 2009, 04:22:01 AM I'm really interested to see if Yosh can help out the zuke in WSBK. I just don't get how the Suzuki can suck so much in WSBK and kick ass left and right in AMA. Everyone keeps saying that the difference is Yosh. it is - yoshimura here, in the US. but you have to remember that they were the only team that kept steadily developing throughout the first OEM exodus from the AMA. by the time the other manus started coming back in '06-ish, they were waaaay behind. the yosh that is moving to wsbk aint that yosh (as you know). i mean, they're related obviously, but it's not the same crew or history of development. the japanese team has only been competing there. so maybe this will be an iterative improvement over alstare or maybe it'll be ama-'06-'08-come-to-wsbk. i dunno. i've never followed the japanese series. can't read the websites. =) Title: Re: Yoshimura Japan to move from All Japan SBK to WSBK? Post by: gm2 on December 01, 2009, 03:14:00 AM http://www.superbikeplanet.com/2009/Nov/091130b.htm (http://www.superbikeplanet.com/2009/Nov/091130b.htm)
"Now Team Yoshimura has decided to embark on a new challenge; to enter selective WSBK races in 2010 as a wild-card entrant." Title: Re: Yoshimura Japan to move from All Japan SBK to WSBK? Post by: EvilSteve on December 01, 2009, 04:50:17 AM Just as a side point, there are no 2010 Suzukis. Suzuki has said that they're not importing any into the US because the '09 leftovers should suffice. IIRC the rest of the world might get 2010 bikes but other than BNG I don't think there are changes. Kawasaki is the same AFAIK.
Title: Re: Yoshimura Japan to move from All Japan SBK to WSBK? Post by: Jester on December 01, 2009, 10:12:26 AM Just as a side point, there are no 2010 Suzukis. Suzuki has said that they're not importing any into the US because the '09 leftovers should suffice. IIRC the rest of the world might get 2010 bikes but other than BNG I don't think there are changes. Kawasaki is the same AFAIK. On that note, and another sidetrack... There are some great deals to be had on leftover dirtbikes. Lots of 09's and even some 08's I've seen wasting away in showrooms for slashed prices. |