Title: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: CannedIce on December 17, 2009, 01:05:10 PM Went to the dentist this morning for a cleaning yay (sarcasm)! My hygienist and I got to talking about bikes and how much she wants one. Her boyfriend rides, but he tells her she can't ride one because she is too clumsy and short.
I told her everything I could about my training, the MSF course, and to not let him hold her back! I also let her know very honestly, that I am clumsy, just as tall as her, and I ride just fine!! Needless to say that sort of thing boils my blood. I say ditch the boyfriend or at least just go pursue it and tell him to deal. What about you gals? Would you put up with that? Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: duqette on December 17, 2009, 01:56:03 PM Show that twit of a so-called boyfriend the door, get a motorcycle, and go find one of the many men who ride and love women who also ride.
sheesh. Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: kp on December 17, 2009, 02:54:23 PM Show that twit of a so-called boyfriend the door, get a motorcycle, and go find one of the many men who ride and love women who also ride. sheesh. +1 Would you put up with that? not for a nano second! does he walk upright? Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: Buckethead on December 17, 2009, 03:31:50 PM <peeks head in>
Gawd, I wish I could find a woman with that much spine. <ducks back out> Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: somegirl on December 17, 2009, 05:34:44 PM Show that twit of a so-called boyfriend the door, get a motorcycle, and go find one of the many men who ride and love women who also ride. sheesh. (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-signs011.gif) Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: Stella on December 18, 2009, 05:14:30 AM Another one here who's blood boils at crap like that. There is not a chance that the girl is clumsy or too short. Maybe lacking self confidence because of everything that douche of a b/f has said to her over however long of a period of time.
Puppies, kittens and women like this. I want to save them all.... Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: azoomm on December 18, 2009, 06:20:08 AM Something to remember, each one of us have our path to take through life. And, with that path, lessons to learn along the way. I was married to THAT guy. He is [still] very macho, chest pumping, jealous, possessive, almost neanderthalic.
I have to thank him. I'm kind of joking, and kind of serious. Without living the experience of dating, loving, marrying, then waking up... I wouldn't be who I am today. He told me I couldn't do it. I was dumbfounded. There I stood, imagine a petulant child with hands balled at my sides my thoughts screaming "I CAN DO IT MYSELF!!" And, I wanted to do it MORE because he told me I can't. Not that he wouldn't let me, but that I didn't have it in me. I will say this, once upon a time I wanted EVERYONE to ride. Someone would tell me they thought about riding and I would chime in how to, where for, excited to champion anyone to the lifestyle. Now, I've come to understand this is not something for everyone. If someone can't realize it a bit for themselves, they very well might not be ready for it. Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: zooom on December 18, 2009, 09:46:17 AM I am willing and offering to be the voice of dissent with some level of reasoning...
now, I am not saying that a woman can't or shouldn't ride. my current GF, who is a member here, ridesa Monster 620 due to my influence, as well as my last GF who rides/rode a Suzuki Bandit 600, due to my influence, and my soon to be ex wife, also due to my influence, rode/rides a Honda Hawk GT/NT650.... I also know curerently of a female who wants to ride and is clumsy and has taken lessons and has ridden a dirtbike and she is VERY crash prone, due to many factors....I am quite frankly of the opinion that I hope she never gets a bike on the street, because she will potentially hurt herself seriously or someone else or both... not knowing this woman in the origional post, I don't know of any of the circumstances, if they are comparable or not....but I call em like I see em, and if I think someone is a potential danger to themselves or to me or someone else...then I am am gonna say so...but it would be after some level or method of attempt, like with a dirtbike in a field, not arbitrarily based on gender or height or some other census bureau statistic.... Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: kp on December 18, 2009, 10:09:42 AM I too have a friend, female, that would love to ride solo. She bought herself a gixxer 600
(or whatever that bike is!) and crashed it 3 times in one summer. Sold it and then rode around on level dirt on my Yamaha xt225. She couldn't handle that either, and didn't seem as if she ever would. I told her stay a backpack. BUT, I think the gist of this thread is that a man told his gf she can't ride. Based on what? perhaps his own insecurity, or his neanderthalic views? If she's never ridden solo, how would he know if she's to clumsy to do it? I say, let her take the MSF beginner class and make her own mind. I just bristle at anyone telling me I can't do something. just my .02 Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: angler on December 18, 2009, 10:50:38 AM My current GF is very interested in riding and we bought her a 1972 CB175 to learn on. She is the only one I know that has passed her MSF after dumping the bike twice during the test. That says something about her spunk (and perhaps her looks).
She seriously lacks confidence (and coordination) and it scares me. I've been riding for years and just sort of have a knack for machines. I keep trying to encourage her to get out and do things in safe environment so she can get her confidence up including trucking the bike somewhere quiet. The local MSF course is permanently painted on a large parking lot and I have offered to do drills with her there. Time schedules haven't allowed for much of that yet. Any tips to help her get her confidence up? Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: kp on December 18, 2009, 11:16:52 AM Any tips to help her get her confidence up? hours in the saddle. any of her/your friends that she can ride with? you know the old saying "never take a lesson from your spouse". where do you live? Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: angler on December 18, 2009, 11:25:45 AM hours in the saddle. any of her/your friends that she can ride with? you know the old saying "never take a lesson from your spouse". ]where do you live? That's exactly what I told her, but she is SUPER intimidated by DC roads (I'm in DC). I think when it warms again, we will try trucking the bike out to some quieter country roads. I know none of her women friends have bikes and I only have a couple of guys I ride with. There are a few women on the CAM forum here that might be interested in taking her under their wing. We've tried riding around the neighborhood some and she gets really stressed. She can barely stay out of her own way...... Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: kp on December 18, 2009, 12:11:12 PM DC? I'd be intimidated as well!
Doesn't sound like she's at all ready for any street. Find a quiet large parking lot, you ride the bike there, have her follow in a car, then hours making circles and figure 8s in both directions? That's the best I can come up. Bring a book and lawn chair and for heavens sake, watch her without appearing to watch her. Don't forget: praise, compliment, tell her she's doing great! I live in Minneapolis or I'd be happy to help. Seriously, there's no better trainer than hours in the saddle. Keep us posted on her progress. Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: duccarlos on December 18, 2009, 12:16:22 PM I think the moral of the story is that it don't matter if it's male or female, if you're a cluts it would be best to stay off a bike.
Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: somegirl on December 18, 2009, 12:31:21 PM I think the moral of the story is that it don't matter if it's male or female, if you're a cluts it would be best to stay off a bike. But also don't tell your SO that they are too much of a klutz, leave that to the MSF instructors. What was that slogan again? Oh yeah: "Save a marriage, let a professional teach you to ride. MSF saving marriages since 1973." Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: Ducgirl on December 18, 2009, 05:01:20 PM That sure is the truth! ;D
Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: dolci on December 22, 2009, 04:02:55 AM ] That's exactly what I told her, but she is SUPER intimidated by DC roads (I'm in DC). I think when it warms again, we will try trucking the bike out to some quieter country roads. I know none of her women friends have bikes and I only have a couple of guys I ride with. There are a few women on the CAM forum here that might be interested in taking her under their wing. We've tried riding around the neighborhood some and she gets really stressed. She can barely stay out of her own way...... Hey! I'm in DC and I would be happy to ride with her whenever I can. I swore that it would be years before I got on either the beltway or 270 but one day I was following Zooom and off he went (and he knew I was capable of handling the road). I not only survived but I do it all the time now. Yes, it took my stepping back and getting a different bike to ride initially (Suzuki GS500) before I was really ready for my Duc. We're now talking about a cross-country trip in 2011 and I've been doing tons of volunteerism (working Moto safety crew) with Avon Walk for Breast Cancer and the Koman Foundation. Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: kp on December 22, 2009, 04:47:03 AM We're now talking about a cross-country trip in 2011 and I've been doing tons of volunteerism (working Moto safety crew) with Avon Walk for Breast Cancer and the Koman Foundation. hey! if you're anywhere near MN, hit me up! why wait until 2011? Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: angler on December 22, 2009, 04:52:28 AM Hey! I'm in DC and I would be happy to ride with her whenever I can. Thanks Dolci! I've been PM'ing with Zoom about this as well. Coming to a parking lot near you in the spring....... Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: zooom on December 22, 2009, 05:02:26 AM why wait until 2011? boils down to time allowed for other activities right now that is already alotted versus plans on how we want to accomplish the cross country tour..... Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: kp on December 22, 2009, 05:03:45 AM okay, still hit me up!
Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: hoyden on December 22, 2009, 06:57:39 AM I tend to bristle at the "got my GF/wife into riding" situation. I've seen that fail on so many levels so many times over the years.
It's not only confidence, but it's also desire and where one's priorities are. If she really, truly wants to ride for herself, then she will. And she will put the time and energy into learning. If she is doing it for you (even if she says she isn't), then it will be a constant sore point between ya'll. She will always have an excuse not to practice, some reason she doesn't feel like riding that day, etc. Maybe I'm just jaded (me? never!) but I say just let her be. Give her encouragement when she asks for it or wants advise, but don't bring it up unless she does first. I have known many woman who hear their BF/husband's 'enthusiasm' as 'pushing' and it often has the opposite desired effect. Title: Re: No man is gonna tell me what to do! Post by: dolci on December 22, 2009, 07:12:06 AM Thanks Dolci! I've been PM'ing with Zoom about this as well. Coming to a parking lot near you in the spring....... Excellent. Looking forward to riding with both of you! |