Title: TOB - OWWWWW, my eyezzzz!!! Post by: Jaman on May 28, 2008, 09:46:51 AM I have not been there since the demon VC seed spawned, and accidentaly typed that url when meaning to type this one...
I have been avoiding all the trash talk & such, and just thinking my happy thoughts, but Man! it has gotten even WORSE! (& that is just my experience/reaction from seeing the main page, ie tatooed Harley chicks with Paul Sr., or whatever his name is from that biker build-off show...) When the page first came up, my heart sank for a sec, and I threw up a little, before I realized my mistake. That is all. Title: Re: TOB - OWWWWW, my eyezzzz!!! Post by: techno on May 28, 2008, 10:32:18 PM I certainly is a sad site.
I dropped in today and the only active thread for the day is someone called lurkering bagging out someone for his mis-use of punctuation. Its all full of vitriole now. I'm trying not watch but its a bit like the accident you can't look away from. Title: Re: TOB - OWWWWW, my eyezzzz!!! Post by: Big Troubled Bear on May 29, 2008, 02:52:57 AM Seems a bit hostile and impersonal ???