Title: Handlebars;any changes or adjustments?? Post by: Ducgirl on January 02, 2010, 05:49:13 PM I was thinking about raising my bars an inch for a little bit more upright position. i am 5'7" and still feel like I am putting too much weight forward on the bars. Does anyone have experience with that issue and do you have any suggestions.? Also, has anyone changed the grips??. Thanks, ladies... :)
Title: Re: Handlebars;any changes or adjustments?? Post by: stopintime on January 03, 2010, 01:51:07 AM If you'll allow a gentleman to post.....
For the grips, if it's comfort you're after (slide them on over your stock grips with hair spray, which will "glue" them on) http://www.casporttouring.com/store/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CST&Product_Code=GPSMALL&Category_Code=GRIPPUP (http://www.casporttouring.com/store/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CST&Product_Code=GPSMALL&Category_Code=GRIPPUP) Some riders need to work on the grip-the-tank-with-your-knees routine. I don't know if you're in that category, but if you are, you will experience less weight/strain on your wrists AND have better control over the bike as well. That said, the Rizoma bars are typically about two inches higher than stock bars and feature some sweep back for better wrist angles (shouldn't really be an angle, straight wrists with loose elbows is the thing) http://www.monsterparts.com/c/Bars-Mirrors/Bars-Mirrors.html (http://www.monsterparts.com/c/Bars-Mirrors/Bars-Mirrors.html) Title: Re: Handlebars;any changes or adjustments?? Post by: Ducgirl on January 03, 2010, 07:39:22 AM Thanks for the input! I will look into both options. :)
Title: Re: Handlebars;any changes or adjustments?? Post by: cduarte on January 03, 2010, 11:36:46 AM you can also get bar risers, they are very inexpensive and easy to install...
Title: Re: Handlebars;any changes or adjustments?? Post by: rmcobb on January 04, 2010, 10:19:12 AM Another guy posting here, but we did both with my wifes 620. The GenMar risers were easy and did not require any changes to the cables. These didn't produce enough of what she was looking for, so we decided to change out the bars.
We went with what is called City Bars, from Ducati (not sure if they're even available any longer). This was a bit more work, as we had to locate and drill the holes for the controls in the bars, and then re-route the cables to provide enough play. We had to go with new brake lines for the front brakes as well. The originals were too short. Title: Re: Handlebars;any changes or adjustments?? Post by: zooom on January 05, 2010, 03:16:14 AM you have a 696, which I haven't tinkered with one of those, but for older Monsters, the afore Mentioned GenMar risers do work as well as the idea of different bars. I had a problem with my 1st Monster with vibration and I took that bar off and filled it with rubber cement and that did a huge amount of dampening...then I realized it was the wrong ergo's and just changed my bars to a set of dirtbike bars ( because there are many many variations of ergo's both forward and backward and upward and downward and everything in between for dirtbikes)....just be careful that you leave enough room for the wires and cables and lines for the controls when you move everything....so I'd find a good dirtbike shop or figure out where your ergo's need to be modified to and go from there....if you end up needing bars and fluid lines as a package, I'd reccomend spieglerusa.com for a package set-up
Title: Re: Handlebars;any changes or adjustments?? Post by: badgalbetty on January 05, 2010, 02:33:32 PM You can buy brake lines in just about any length.I would recommend if you are going to fit new bars and have to change the brake lines that you fit two brakes lines out of the master cylinder rather than one if you have dual disc brakes on your machine .Your brakes will work better, les pull more feel and less fluid being moved around.Be careful if you go this route the first time you stop as you might toss yourself over the bars!!
I used lines from BF Goodrich,don't forget to buy new copper crush washers and new banjo's (the fittings at the ends of the lines). Your local bike shop should carry all this stuff and its really easy to do. If you are experiencing vibration that you dont like, get a bar snake. That will help you out a lot. Good luck with your project! If anyone needs pic of this let me know and I'll shoot one over to your email address so you can see what I have done. BGB Title: Re: Handlebars;any changes or adjustments?? Post by: Ducgirl on January 05, 2010, 05:24:46 PM Many thanks for all the input. I am thinking I might just raise the bars about 1 inch. I am thinking that might do the trick. I'll probably to to the shop and talk it over; just get their input also. They can see how I sit on the bike too, might make a difference. :)
Title: Re: Handlebars;any changes or adjustments?? Post by: badgalbetty on January 06, 2010, 08:47:23 AM not sure what model bike you own, I have an S2R. The gen mar riser kit which is around $70.00 or so , will fit straight on and you do not have to adapt or change any cables or lines. It can be fitted in about 5 minutes after you loosen and remove the 4 bolts that hold the clamp on top of the bar.I am 5'7" and using that kit worked well for me .
Good luck! Title: Re: Handlebars;any changes or adjustments?? Post by: Ducgirl on January 06, 2010, 04:03:45 PM Hi.. i have a 696. That sounds great and I think that's going to be a better position for me. I can't imagine but my 6'3 son has been lowing his bars on his 900. Guess I'm getting old! (or smarter) [thumbsup]