Title: Wishing Old Man Winter would go Home!! Post by: Qwack on January 03, 2010, 08:45:37 PM Snow,snow and more snow...windy, freezing, can't even go in the garage and do any winter mods...
All I can do is hope that it is not a long winter but a short one...maybe a week of 60degree in the middle would help [thumbsup] Title: Re: Wishing Old Man Winter would go Home!! Post by: Ducgirl on January 04, 2010, 03:17:29 PM I agree.... we are in snow also until April. At least we can go skiing and have some fun if not riding. We may trailer the bikes down to Utah and ride the canyonlands. Sounds good to me at this point.! [clap]
Title: Re: Wishing Old Man Winter would go Home!! Post by: badgalbetty on January 05, 2010, 02:23:48 PM at the risk of being banished from the board...............i saw a sign saying it was 57* in Vancouver Wa today at 2.00pm.
Its raining but its a warm rain..........summer has come early. hahahahahahahahhhhhahahaha BGB. Title: Re: Wishing Old Man Winter would go Home!! Post by: Qwack on January 05, 2010, 04:33:50 PM You Suck :'( just kidding, wish I lived by You [laugh] although still not weather I would ride in...if it dries out go for a ride for all of us on the East Coast.. freezing
Title: Re: Wishing Old Man Winter would go Home!! Post by: dolci on January 12, 2010, 05:35:45 AM Sometimes in DC, we get a warm snap in February where it might head up into the 60s for a couple days. I remember in college that meant breaking out the tank tops and sitting on the roof hoping to catch a couple rays before the deep freeze hit again.
Right now, 40s sounds like summer vacation to me. |