Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => NorthWest => Topic started by: ryandalling on January 04, 2010, 05:31:27 AM

Title: Riding season seems to far away... so lets get some drinks and meet somewhere...
Post by: ryandalling on January 04, 2010, 05:31:27 AM
What say you all???   Many of us have met up and drank the beers before.... but some have yet to meet... and this board seems so bored these days.... anybody have a good idea on a day or place or time??? If not, then I will pick the place and time... cause I am like that....   votes on east side versus west side???   I like my West side... its warmer over here.

Title: Re: Riding season seems to far away... so lets get some drinks and meet somewher
Post by: INFIDEL on January 04, 2010, 06:05:37 AM
JohnnyD and I had thought we should do a Kelly's Olympian meet up.

Monday's is bike night for what that's worth.

George Clooney bartends there  8)

Title: Re: Riding season seems to far away... so lets get some drinks and meet somewhere...
Post by: ryandalling on January 04, 2010, 06:17:33 AM
Next Monday sounds good for me....  ;D

Sick today.   >:(

Title: Re: Riding season seems to far away... so lets get some drinks and meet somewhere...
Post by: scott_araujo on January 04, 2010, 06:50:28 AM
What do you mean?  I was riding yesterday.  [moto]

Whatever the date I'll try to be there.

Title: Re: Riding season seems to far away... so lets get some drinks and meet somewher
Post by: INFIDEL on January 04, 2010, 06:56:18 AM
Maybe us Westsiders could commute?  The parking is $!  ;)

Title: Re: Riding season seems to far away... so lets get some drinks and meet somewhere...
Post by: ryandalling on January 11, 2010, 04:53:54 AM
In case you were wondering... drinks would be today... at Kelly's Olympian... at 6ish.... somebody should post an address or something... woo!

Title: Re: Riding season seems to far away... so lets get some drinks and meet somewher
Post by: INFIDEL on January 11, 2010, 05:43:21 AM
426 Southwest Washington Street
Portland, OR 97204-2204
(503) 228-3669
http://www.kellysolympian.com/ (http://www.kellysolympian.com/)

Title: Re: Riding season seems to far away... so lets get some drinks and meet somewhere...
Post by: ryandalling on January 12, 2010, 07:19:58 AM
It was nice to have beers and such with the ducati infidels.... we need to do it again... maybe get even more people to show next time.  [drink]

Title: Re: Riding season seems to far away... so lets get some drinks and meet somewhere...
Post by: JBubble on January 12, 2010, 10:32:09 AM
Ryan, I wish Mother and I had the time and money to make the trek into town. Unfortunately, both are in very short supply. We'll do our best to appear at events.

Title: Re: Riding season seems to far away... so lets get some drinks and meet somewher
Post by: badgalbetty on January 12, 2010, 03:56:05 PM
dang I missed it.
What about beer tonight? Its Tuesday almost 6pm . Who's in?

Title: Re: Riding season seems to far away... so lets get some drinks and meet somewhere...
Post by: Tailgunner on January 12, 2010, 04:25:42 PM
I forgot about last nights meet up at Kelly's. Next time I'll log it in that reminder device  [bang] idiot!

Title: Re: Riding season seems to far away... so lets get some drinks and meet somewher
Post by: INFIDEL on January 12, 2010, 04:27:31 PM
It's OK.  We told them to send you the tab  :P

Title: Re: Riding season seems to far away... so lets get some drinks and meet somewhere...
Post by: Tailgunner on January 12, 2010, 04:31:03 PM
Oh phuck that would be horrible!

Title: Re: Riding season seems to far away... so lets get some drinks and meet somewher
Post by: INFIDEL on January 12, 2010, 04:32:26 PM
Dewd . . . it's spelled C-H-U-C-K.  [evil]

Title: Re: Riding season seems to far away... so lets get some drinks and meet somewhere...
Post by: Tailgunner on January 12, 2010, 04:42:26 PM
Oh yeah, well Homicide is premeditated, not a lapse in judgment. Run along now youngster!  ;)

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