Title: Installation of Termi High mounts on S2R...help!! Post by: rockaduc on May 29, 2008, 03:14:29 AM I am in the middle of installing Part # 96446205B. It didn't come w/ any instructions. I have the brackets to hang the cans figured out, but I have a couple of spacers and clips that I can't figure where they go. I know a couple of guys did this mod on TOB, hopefully someone sees this and can help out. Sorry for the lack of pics, I was in a rush to leave for work as I was typing this.
Thanks in advance. Title: Re: Installation of Termi High mounts on S2R...help!! Post by: psycledelic on May 29, 2008, 04:55:07 AM I am not sure how much help I can be, but if you snap a couple of shots of the spacers and clips I will look on mine and try to match up where they go. Are you still using the stock midpipes (utter)?
Title: Re: Installation of Termi High mounts on S2R...help!! Post by: uclabiker06 on May 29, 2008, 07:56:51 AM They might be extras. My exhaust system (not Termi) came with a bunch of extra spacers/screws/washers.
Title: Re: Installation of Termi High mounts on S2R...help!! Post by: rockaduc on May 30, 2008, 02:23:43 AM Thanks for the offers guys, I had a friend come over yesterday and between the two of us we figured everything out. The clips were for the heel guards and yes, some of the spacers were extra. BTW, I am using the DP midpipe (2nd generation), I had to get rid of the udder!!!!!!! I am taking the bike in tomorrow to have the TPS reset. I will try to post pics when all is said and done.
Title: Re: Installation of Termi High mounts on S2R...help!! Post by: psycledelic on May 31, 2008, 01:15:56 AM I think that is the same midpipes I have. If so, they replace the headers and look a heck of a lot better.