Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Tech => Topic started by: Fruity on January 11, 2010, 05:10:52 PM

Title: using 520 sprocket on 525 chain?
Post by: Fruity on January 11, 2010, 05:10:52 PM
hi guys,

just would like to get your opinion on using 520 14t front sprocket on a 525 DID gold chain? you guys must be thinking why on earth would i want to do something like that??? can't find a 525 size sprocket, that's why. what are your takes on this?


Title: Re: using 520 sprocket on 525 chain?
Post by: rule62 on January 11, 2010, 05:16:06 PM
Don't do it.  Look harder for that 525.  They're available lots of places.  The 525 chain will walk too much on a 520 sprocket.  That spells trouble.

Title: Re: using 520 sprocket on 525 chain?
Post by: cduarte on January 11, 2010, 05:31:53 PM
https://www.ca-cycleworks.com/cart/add.php?refer=ducati/chain.html&action=add&item=JT%2014T%20525%20c%2Fs%20JTF740.14%20Monster%20S4R%2C%20S2R1000%2C%20M1000DS%2C%20SS1000%20SBK%20916%2C996%2C%20%3A1212-0195%20 (https://www.ca-cycleworks.com/cart/add.php?refer=ducati/chain.html&action=add&item=JT%2014T%20525%20c%2Fs%20JTF740.14%20Monster%20S4R%2C%20S2R1000%2C%20M1000DS%2C%20SS1000%20SBK%20916%2C996%2C%20%3A1212-0195%20)$23.00

JT 14T 525 c/s JTF740.14  Monster S4R, S2R1000, M1000DS, SS1000 SBK 916,996, 1212-0195 $23.00   

Title: Re: using 520 sprocket on 525 chain?
Post by: Fruity on January 11, 2010, 06:04:02 PM
ok point taken. will try and look harder. thanks.

Title: Re: using 520 sprocket on 525 chain?
Post by: cduarte on January 11, 2010, 06:55:37 PM
you don't need to look harder, I gave you a link to where the thing can be ordered.

http://www.ca-cycleworks.com/shop/catalog/ducati/chain.html (http://www.ca-cycleworks.com/shop/catalog/ducati/chain.html)

Title: Re: using 520 sprocket on 525 chain?
Post by: Fruity on January 11, 2010, 07:12:11 PM
thanks very much my friend. but i live in malaysia. sorry if i didn't mention it earlier. the postage will cost more than the sprocket  ;D

i'll just have to look around where i live. sometimes i buy from ebay and online shops and get them to send to friends from the US who travel to malaysia, but currently none. thanks for the link buddy. cheers.

Title: Re: using 520 sprocket on 525 chain?
Post by: cduarte on January 11, 2010, 07:45:10 PM
send them an email and ask how much shipping will be. From what I've read on the forum, the guys in Australia have no problems getting stuff from the states. BTW, I've ordered multiple items from them and their customer service is top notch.

Title: Re: using 520 sprocket on 525 chain?
Post by: Fruity on January 11, 2010, 07:51:22 PM
forgot to mention the customs in malaysia  [leo]  phew...$$$$$$$$$$$

different in auz, i've sold a couple of guys bike parts as well, their customs is really ace. ours are just waiting to pounce of any bike related parts.

cheers buddy, thanks very much for your help.

Title: Re: using 520 sprocket on 525 chain?
Post by: RUFKM on January 12, 2010, 08:50:59 PM
using 520 14t front sprocket on a 525 DID gold chain

= fruity.

Title: Re: using 520 sprocket on 525 chain?
Post by: Raux on January 12, 2010, 09:09:33 PM
are you malaysian or a foreigner living there? do you have some sort of way around the local taxing?

also, can't you have it labeled as a gift or something?

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