Title: Foul word of the day.... Post by: ryandalling on May 29, 2008, 07:13:48 AM Anybody want to share their favorite words... and definitions....
"Making the beast with two backs" - My favorite definition for this... "A bad word for a really good thing." Title: Re: Foul word of the day.... Post by: bnbmike on May 29, 2008, 07:20:20 AM "Mother bear with cubs"
Nothing tougher or meaner than a mother bear with cubs, not something you want to experience. This term is used when working on something not easy. Changing the spark plugs on my Lambo is a Mother bear with cubs! Title: Re: Foul word of the day.... Post by: scott_araujo on May 29, 2008, 07:37:11 PM "Full of more s**t than a Christmas turkey!" It was always one of my dad's favorites and it's certainly one of mine too.
Scott Title: Re: Foul word of the day.... Post by: Doctor Woodrow on May 30, 2008, 05:34:41 AM "So full of crap your eyes are turning brown."
The Doc Title: Re: Foul word of the day.... Post by: mossimo on May 30, 2008, 06:28:26 AM "It is what it is"
Mantra of life. "Its the cost of doing business." The term usually following an accident or upset at work. Title: Re: Foul word of the day.... Post by: NEIKOS on May 30, 2008, 08:28:09 AM "I haven't had sex in so long my nose is running."
After . . . well lengthy forced abstinance. [cheeky] Title: Re: Foul word of the day.... Post by: ryandalling on May 30, 2008, 08:52:05 AM "I haven't had sex in so long my nose is running." After . . . well lengthy forced abstinance. [cheeky] never heard that one... are you making that one up from personal experience? [laugh] From an Aussie chick... "She'll have my guts for garters." Title: Re: Foul word of the day.... Post by: JohnnyDucati on May 30, 2008, 04:42:03 PM Hey, Ryan, since you started down the international route . . .
In Germany they like to say: "Zieh mir keine Wuerme aus der Nase!" Literal translation: "Please, stop pulling worms out of my nose!" Meaning: stop grossing me out, stop torturing me, aggravating me, etc. It's kind of similar to the other original German saying made famous in Wayne's World: "When monkeys fly out of my butt!!!". Or in German: "Wenn Affen aus meine Arsch fliegen!" I got lots of these sayings but have to keep it reasonably clean here for the kids sake. ;D PS Veektor - come on, I know them Rooskies are foul mouthed little buggers! Whaddya got? Title: Re: Foul word of the day.... Post by: NEIKOS on May 30, 2008, 05:08:23 PM never heard that one... are you making that one up from personal experience? [laugh] From an Aussie chick... "She'll have my guts for garters." Dude . . . NICE avatar! [clap] Oh, and a friend dated a Jamaican chic for a while. He said once in awhile she'd scratch her nether region and say "My friend, she itches." Was a short romance. He was afraid of his friend catching the itch. :o Title: Re: Foul word of the day.... Post by: ducatiz on May 30, 2008, 05:10:49 PM "madder than a wet hen"
i always imagine a wet chicken rolling up her "sleeves" comin' to get me. mom used to say that all the time, RIP. Title: Re: Foul word of the day.... Post by: herm on May 30, 2008, 11:32:17 PM dumber than a bag of pebbles.....
not foul, but gets the point across Title: Re: Foul word of the day.... Post by: NEIKOS on May 31, 2008, 07:19:03 AM "make the beast with two backss like a rabbit" - referring to Sheri in HS. Also "Dumb as a box rocks" - referring to Sheri in HS.
"Hotter than a witches tit in August." Conversely - "Colder than a witches tit in a brass bra in December." "Slower than molasses in winter" "Stuck between a rock and a hard on." = Thank you Michael Keaton and "Gung Ho" "Paper or plastic?" - Referencing an ugly girl you'd make the beast with two backs. Paper indicates a paper grocery bag you'd use to cover her face if you might want a second date and didn't care if she told anyone you'd make the beast with two backsed her. Plastic well . . . you get the idea. "Fuctard" - Combined usage of make the beast with two backs head and retard. See also Miss Tracy :P "The Lee twins" - referencing the sisters "Homely and Ugly". "Pocahontas" (SP) - Slanderous term for some jackass you want to throw down with. "Sacagewa' (SP) - Alternative to any cuss word you would use when children or woman you want to make the beast with two backs later is around. "Cinderella" - Derogatory term for some jackass you want to dance AKS throw down with. |