Title: LET'S GO TO BARBER! Ducati Only Trackday for us! Post by: junior varsity on January 29, 2010, 02:25:39 PM Looks like there is a Ducati / Italian Bikes only day coming up at Barber. Can you say "FIELD TRIP?!?!?!" [laugh]
That's the weekend of Miller in Utah and it looks like the goal is for all Ducatisti to have something rockin' and track-related to do that weekend. The west coast has their fun, the south will have its! Its in the planning stages, and I might... just be throwin' in my 2cents where I can (I'm trying to get more involved in our community!). I'm looking to make it a huge success and to incorporate some of my Nashville/Atlanta ties as well as bring a ton of Texas Ducatisti. Spread the word! Barber's track is phenomenal and when I went a few years ago with Alain and crew I had a blast. Tell all the Duc riders you know! More info will come, don't you worry. I know there's a few trackdays a little closer around here around that time, but with the extended weekend it would be an awesome opportunity to see the museum, ride the track, see the enormous spider sculptures, and 'get out of town'. And being an Italian-only event, there should be significantly less squids! Let's get a show of hands, purty please. Title: Re: LET'S GO TO BARBER! Ducati Only Trackday for us! Post by: fouramdesigns on February 10, 2010, 07:01:50 AM It's dead in here.